Masters Running


Thursday, January 5 Daily runs and such (Read 460 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Good morning!


    I decided to get a little extra sleep rest this morning, plus my body is saying too much too soon, so tomorrow I'll get back out there.    I can start off the day with a puppy picture though.   This is Belvidere from the last litter and his half-brother Kugel.   Born a year a part.





    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



      I wish I could see the pictures. Most of them come across as boxed X's and I have to wait until I get home.


      7 brisk miles this morning. We'll see a 30 deg temp change today. Or low; 23degs or projected high; 53degs...Crazy.


      I'm hungry.


      Oh, Our youngest turns 14 today. Man o Man where does it go.



        Great shot of the pups, Mary!


        I've been away from the forum for a few days, and haven't had time to catch up - my apologies.


        3 slow and easy miles this morning, followed by lots of stretching. My hamstring and butt are achy, and I'm just trying to get them to calm down again. I'm supposed to race on Sunday, and it is probably a stupid thing to do. But I'm going to give it another day or two before I decide how stupid I'm going to be. 


        Enjoy the day! 



        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

        King of PhotoShop

          Day off from running because of my race on Saturday, but I wanted to stop in to post my Dallas Morning News blog, since many of you were kind enough to tell your stories about getting lost or misdirected on a race course.  I can't remember all the names of the contributors but I know I took from tomwhite, tselbs, Leslie and SLO.  You can sort it out.  I didn't use anyone's names and in some cases I edited for brevity.  I think Audrey P. gave me the last story about the chalk wearing off the course and causing her to lose her way, which was pretty funny.



          Thanks again.  You made this post easy for me.  Spareribs


            Boy am I tired.  I am an early to bed, early to rise person, but I got mesmerized by the Orange Bowl and stayed up until 12:30 to see how many points WVU would score.  I was hoping for 80-90, but they started substituting their starters halfway through the 3rd quarter so they only ended up with 70.  I lived in WV for 18 years and have a lot of friends who are Mountaineer fans, so I cheer for them too (on my friend's behalf.)


            I will force myself out the door for a short RAL in the hopes that it will get some blood flowing to my brain.




              Oops, forgot to post this morning...

              Easy 12 (8:23).

              Be safe. Be kind.

                15min xbike,,,,,,,double weight sessions



                it's boring

                but it seems to help



                .......................good running guys

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                  roch, sorry to hear about the scrapes on your car.  Dave, happy birthday.  Also, I'm glad to hear you're still employed and that your new shoes are keeping your feet warm.  Mike, good luck on the job interview tomorrow.  OM, wishing you the best in your first marathon.  wild, I'm envious about your trip to Costa Rica.  Slo, happy birthday to your youngest.  ribs, I shocked my wife by telling her I was quoted in the Dallas Daily News. 


                  Nice long runs for breger, Mike, and Tramps.  Good job on the speedwork for evan


                  This morning, it was in the mid to high 20s and there was a light wind.  I got in 5 miles in just under 52 minutes for a 10:23 pace.


                  A good day and good runs for all.




                    Happy birthday to your DD Slo. Those years pass by quickly. Even though she's a teenager, enjoy her while she's still around.


                    Thanks for the puppy picture Mary. Kugel is a cool name for a dog.


                    Dave - sports talk radio had a segment this morning on all of the records that have been broken at the bowl games this week. Sounds like a NAL would suite you better today (that's nap at lunch).


                    TomS, you are just Mr. Dependable getting out there every day and always with a kind remark for everyone else. Thank you!


                    One of my goals for this year is to do more cross training. Today was a good workout day - 3 miles on the eliptical, 3 miles on the treadmill, 3 miles on the bike and 20 minutes of weights. Followed that up with a 1/2 hour of pool running and a 1l2 hour of lap swimming. Really got my money's worth out of my Y membership this morning Big grin 

                      Yep, Ribs, that is my story.   Being at the back has many adventures.  A lot of people are there for interesting reasons.  The stolen water bottle story ended with me being 1/1, and winning the most fantastic pumpkin cheese cake ever.  I always enjoy your column.  Thanks.


                      I'm going to town for a 2 mile jog, and then lunch with my DH.  I am hoping for a crab salad.


                        Ran 4 at lunch, with a super negative split, which had nothing to do with my speed, but rather the winds! 20 degrees warmer then yesterday Smile



                          Wow, slow day today here.  I ran 6 miles at lunch on the treadmill at the gym and likely will have to do the same tomorrow morning, as much as I dislike the thought of 9 miles on the treadmill.  It's my turn to bring in the office breakfast (which someone is assigned to each friday) so I have to get up and get to somewhere to buy it and bring it to work early before I run. 


                          Happy birthday to your dd Slo.  The time certainly does fly.  My oldest is turning 14 this year. 

                          Once a runner . . .


                            What a slow day today.

                            Great MLR, tramps. What is next in your racing agenda?

                            happy birhday to dd-slow-hand.

                            Tselbs, thanks for always giving such wonderful kuddos!


                            I got up early to go for a run, but I had no desire whatsoever to run, which is unusual for me, I have a scratchy throat and I feel like I am coming down with a cold, so I just went back to bed. A good day for a rest.

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                              Office breakfast?  Can I come work for you?  I'm a whiz bang at estate planning, trust admin, probates.  Well, for California, that is. Wink


                              JLynne - Yeah, it sounds like you got your money's worth!


                              Great article, Ribs.  It was a fun read.


                              Nice cruisin' there, TSelbs.


                              Love the pic, Mary.


                              1 hr of core/strength training this morning, and will do 3 EZ tonight after work.  I kinda shorted myself on the core workout as I was running late, so may add a bit of that, as well.

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance


                                No running for me today so this will be the "such" from the title.  I'm very frustrated with my family again.  I get a call this morning from my brother Steve who's mad at Dad because he called Steve this morning to say he's going in to see a cardiologist for a full workup tomorrow morning and Steve can't make it.  I told him I would try.  I call and ask Dad why he's going in and he says he doesn't know why.  He can't hear half of what I say anyway so maybe he doesn't understand the question.  I get the doc's name and ask if Betty, his wife, is coming, and he says no.  Keep in mind they have been married 33 years, after my mother passed away.  I'm taking off work and going, and I told Dad I love him.  What else can you do?


                                On the other hand, I also applied today for a promotion here that's opened up.  I've been more productive as a result, I think.

                                "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me
