Masters Running

Two's-Day Nov. 25th Runs and Rests (Read 794 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Unscheduled rest day for me. Feeling pretty tired and have a bit of an upset stomach. Might be the new meds the Dr. put me on yesterday. I guess on the bright side they will help my diet battle. Undecided Maybe I can get some treadmill miles in this evening. While checking out at the grocery store the other day I impulsively bought the Prevention magazine. There is an article in there about how to increase your workout to burn 60% more calories. One of the things in this workout is turning the belt down to 2.5 or 3.0 mph, incline at 15% and do lunges for 2 minutes!!! Good grief!! I can hardley do them on the floor - but I had to give it a try. I think it will take some practice to say the least. Happy 2s'Day.


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


    Renee the dog

      Mary, That sounds like an accident waiting to happen! Let us know how it goes. I'm up and I'm going to wait to run. My knee hurts! Has been recently -- left knee. Going to do some yoga and stretches before going out in the rain.


      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

        Hope you feel better soon, Mary -- yikes, those lunges sound painful. It was wet here, but not raining, a bit warmer at about 40°F. I did 10 x 20 second striders in a general aerobic run of about 8 miles. Grr - my garmin got restarted after the run but I think I figured out the right timing. 8.2 miles, 1:05, 8:00/mi, AHR 154 Have a great day!

        Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

          Lunges are a four letter word ... of course some people (non-runners) would consider my workouts to be four-letter words too I suppose. 9 miles altogether at 8:28 pace with the 5 miles in the middle at tempo pace - 8:01, 8:04, 7:58, 7:56, and 7:43. It's hard for me to believe that I basically ran 13.1 miles at the pace of the 1st four of those tempos a little over 2 weeks ago. That seems impossible today. Tongue Bill

          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


            I wimped out again this morning because of the cold temps and "brisk" winds and went to the Y. I HATE TREADMILLS! 5.0 miles, 9:41 pace, then 5 miles on the bike as a cool down and some core work. Mary, those lunges sound brutal. Hope your stomach calms down - you've got a big eating event coming up in a few days! Nono - take good care of that knee. Has the pain just flared up recently, or has this been going on for a while? Nice job this morning, Lou and Bill. Lou - how's that Irish Red coming along? How long does it take to complete the whole fermenting/brewing process? The Y is having a weight contest from now until the first of the year. If you weigh in this week and maintain or lose a few pounds by January 1st, you win a prize. I'm sure it's not a new car or anything substantial, but maybe it will help me stay motivated. Official start: 124 (yikes Shocked). There's a lot of room for improvement! Have a great day, everyone.
              Lou - how's that Irish Red coming along? How long does it take to complete the whole fermenting/brewing process?
              The Irish Red is fermenting nicely, thanks. Ales ferment faster than lagers. Irish Red is an ale. Ales take about a week to ferment, and another week to "finish". Then I force carbonate in a few days. So 2.5 weeks from grain to glass. This can go just a bit faster for low gravity beers -- e.g., bitters, milds, etc. Lagers take about a month or six weeks, due to fermenting at a lower temperatures and "lagering" which essentially means letting the flavors clean up in very cold temperature.

              Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


                Easy 5.2 @ 8:22 today. In the 40s, IRC.

                Be safe. Be kind.


                  good morning! sneaking in a post before the thread gets too long... Nono, I hope your knee feels better. any idea why it hurts? as long as you're at it... could you fix mine too? Left as well. how convenient is that?? Mary, get better. I hope the meds will be ok for you. those lunges sound scary. nice runs, Lou, byll, Jeanne. brave girl on the TM. all this diet stuff. i'm starting to try to reduce my body fat percentage. any ideas on that? another sleepy morning, I haven't been sleeping well in a week or so. went to the gym, 4.55 miles at 9:57. it felt faster! but wasn't. 8:59 max pace. a slow one. then 3 sets on the weight machines, & my stability ball routine. I usually only do 2 sets of the weights.. now my hammies are sore. hope it's just temporary. But I made a smart choice (i think) All By Myself! which would be, the intervals planned for tomorrow, which I have been looking forward to so much, i'll do Friday instead. I'm a slow learner, but maybe I'm starting to get the idea. probably not, Roll eyes eek. gotta run.

                  Hill Runner

                    Good morning everyone, No run for me today, I'm running every other day right now. How many here are doing a Turkey Trot for Thanksgiving Day? I was thinking of doing one this year but I'm not a fast short distance runner and I'll probably just get injured trying to go too fast...I don't really warm up until mile 5 or 6 anyway. Good runs to all today.

                    Upcoming Races:

                    Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                    Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                    Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                      all this diet stuff. i'm starting to try to reduce my body fat percentage. any ideas on that?
                      I think body fat percentage will follow weight. I think weight loss is a simple calculation calories in minus calories out. If that calculation is positive, then weight will be gained. If negative, weight will be lost. Calories out depends on a lot of factors, of course, and due to metabolism changes unfortunately gets harder as we get older. Simple calculation, but not easy to do. I lost 25 lbs back in 2001 by counting calories. It was hard, but doable. I'd recommend a lifestyle change as opposed to a "diet". MTA: Peter - PDR and I will be running on Thursday -- I don't have high hopes for the result though.

                      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


                        A college student in southern China was bitten by a panda after he broke into the animal's enclosure hoping to get a hug, state media and a park employee said last week. The student was visiting Qixing Park with classmates when he jumped the 6.5-foot-high fence around the panda's habitat. When questioned as to why he bit the student, Yang Yang the panda stated "the kid brought no food, no beer, and had a bad case of B.O.". Tet: Wait a "taper" for an entire month, then you go out and run 14 miles? I wanna be like Tet when I grow up... Tammy:
                        Or if I host hottubs parties, will that suffice?
               long as you invite the right people. Hope your injury is very minor. Leslie: The car-deer-jogger story....yep...those deer really need to look both ways before crossing a busy intersection... Like Mary, I don't feel so hot today...taking the morning off..gulping Zycams 99 at a time...I might try to run a few easy miles later this afternoon. Getting the hang of using the Garmin and transferring the data. Unfortunately, my computer is very old...still uses Windows 98...on the other hand, Queen Pam has 2 laptops with XP. So I had to download the software onto one of hers...also upload my runs on hers...then I can use mine to access the web site and play around with the info. As Twocat suggested, I'll also download Sportracks. I'm going back to sleep...instead of sheep, I can count deer crossing the road... SleepyG

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          Dicky.. I guess that was a "bear hug" Smile is amazing how you think you can't do a pace prolonged but when you set your mind to it like in a race, it just happens. Tempo runs and intervals are like that. 2 mi with Tory at 9:42 pace then 4 miles with strides at 8:15 avg Total 6 mi in 51:56 (8:39 pace, AHR 155). Legs felt like lead at start and lively at the end.

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            One of the things in this workout is turning the belt down to 2.5 or 3.0 mph, incline at 15% and do lunges for 2 minutes!!!
                            Oh, a new torture technique - I have to go home and try that tonight! Except that I have a race Thursday, and the DOMS from this might be detrimental to my already not-very-race-ready state. Okay, remind me Friday and I’ll try that then. Peter - I'm doing a Turkey Trot (5 miles). I don't even have to drive there, as the start is about 2.25 miles from my house - the perfect WU and CD. 5 easy-paced miles for me today with 10 x 100M striders in a windy 34 degrees. This temperature felt quite comfortable to me today. Either I’m getting acclimated to the cold or I got the layering thing right this time. Whatever it was, I’ll take it.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              I think body fat percentage will follow weight. I think weight loss is a simple calculation calories in minus calories out. If that calculation is positive, then weight will be gained. If negative, weight will be lost.
                              Lou, exactly. There is a huge weight-loss industry only because millions of people refuse to recognize or accept or understand this simple fact. As you also point out, it becomes harder to lose weight as metabolism slows down, but the method remains the same. However, most people lack the self-discipline to eat less as their metabolism slows, and to compound the problem, they often tend to get physically lazier as they get older. The lack of self-discipline in eating is so pervasive, that people will assume anyone who is actually thin must not have to make any effort to be that way. I can't count the number of times people have commented to me, "Of course it's easy for you," or "I wish I had your metabolism." In fact my metabolism is just like anyone else's. I can easily gain 5 pounds in a weekend if I don't watch my weight like a hawk. My weight has gone up 10 pounds in the last two weeks, because I have been lax after my Army fitness test (and a bit depressed because I expected to do rather better than 12:50 for 2 miles). I will never forget a conversation I had once with a very obese woman. She was telling me earnestly that it was impossible for her lose weight because her thyroid was under-active or some other B.S. excuse. I told her, "If I lock you in a room and you are only allowed to eat what I give you, you will lose weight." She got very upset and attacked me with an angry irrational outburst, not omitting the standard accusation, "you couldn't possibly understand because it's easy for you." This annoyed but did not surprise me because many people are incapable of discussing their weight rationally. Dark Horse
                              I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                              flatland mountaineer

                                Regular rest day for me but might have to sneak in a run this afternoon as we are having totally gorgeous weather. On the weight front looks like I am up 5+ from summer races. Not rocket science for me, too much "seat time" during harvest not enuff runs.

                                The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

                                Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

                                Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III