Masters Running


Monday, Monday .... April 11th Daily (Read 545 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo



    This is a rest day for me.   We avoided the severe thunderstorms last night, but the warm temps and high winds made sleeping difficult.    Very tempted to turn the AC on, but by the time it would have cooled down the house, the cold front would be through.     I hope everyone else avoided severe weather too!!


    Happy Monday!


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


    Marathon Maniac #957


      Life isn't always about Plan A. It's how we handle Plan B that matters.


      I really like this…..


      Mike E. – tough day at the races.  That’s the thing about a marathon, you train for months for this one event, and yet so many factors beyond your control can really screw up race day.  Still, you got some hardware, even with all the difficulties.  Maybe find another race, say, 5 weeks out?  Three weeks to recover, another big LR, then two weeks to taper…..


      Mary - those storms are hitting here right now.  Yesterday we turned our air conditioning for the first time, it worked all afternoon then stopped working in the evening.  A little hard to sleep when the house is 78 degrees.  Roll eyes   Repair man is coming out tomorrow afternoon.  At least with the cool front we won't need it again for a while, so this was a good time for it to break down....


      Rest day for me today.  A few stability ball crunches before work, that’s all….

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


        Hit the gym for an hour: elliptical, weights, treadmill.  Good enough.




          Morning all!  Three miles with Miss Rosie this morning.  I struggle with what to wear this time of year.  Weather in low 40s with wind -- usually shorts.  However, just rolling out of bed, that feels COLD!!!!

          And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx




            Ed Whitlock is a god.  Is he still doing his training in a cemetery? 

            Tammy—congrats on the 10M race Saturday; great execution with those splits!

            OM—congrats on the 5K PR! 

            Mike—that’s awful.  I’d be angry, too.  It’s not the volunteers’ fault, of course, (except for the one who failed to show up at the turn) but the RD who let this happen should hear from you.  Stuff happens that you can’t anticipate but organizers need to have the basics covered: a clearly marked course and accurate mile markers are pretty basic.  Tell them to stop spending money on celebrities (I assume Jeff Galloway got a fee) and use it to cover the basics. 

                   On the other hand, if you can win the masters category with a 3:40, then maybe this is a race I should look into. Joking   So what was the total mileage for the day?   What’s next for you?


            No word on CNY’s clean-up run?  Somehow I imagine her with a broom swatting the walkers on the bottom saying, “C’mon, let’s keep it moving.”  Big grin


            No doubt about what to wear here.  Upper 60s and humid this morning--on its way to near-90; a definite acclimatization run.  EZ 6.3 miles.  I didn’t get a chance to run yesterday and, surprisingly, my quads were a little sore from Saturday’s race.  They loosened up, though.

            Be safe. Be kind.


              Mike...That really sucks about your Marathon. Despite your great finish and well earned hardware...I'd give the RD a good peice of my mind. I'm sure the volunteer didn't take it personal and hopefully the RD realizes what position they put the volunteer into.


              I'd love to comment more on RD's but then I'd being turning it into a personal matter all my own. But I'm giving you all fair more meeting like we just had and I just may need to let off some steam!


              They've been warning us of the potential for severe Sunday evening storms for the last three days. That should have been enough indication that it wasn't going to happen. Which is fine by me.


              3 training weeks left !  The taper is going to be murder !


              Good Week All !


                  Tell them to stop spending money on celebrities (I assume Jeff Galloway got a fee) and use it to cover the basics. 



                Boy oh Boy can I relate to this statement. In my case it's stop feeding your ego and lets get to the business of putting on a race for the runners!


                   lets get to the business of putting on a race for the runners!

                  Yup.  I'm very fortunate to live in a community where the local races are run like clockwork.  Nothing fancy but they start on time, the courses get certified and are well marked, water stations are adequate, and so on. Real runners' races.  I always make it a point to praise the RD's and volunteers every chance I get--and, of course, volunteer from time to time, too.

                  Be safe. Be kind.

                  Renee the dog

                    I think I didn't even remember to post last night, so here's a rewind: 4 miles last night with Renee. Took about an hour. I ran into a woman back on the bay with a frisky golden retriever.  Turns out the poor soul just lost her husband -- 4 days ago!  Dude was only 61, and it was unexpected.  Her sister had just left to go home.  I gave her a few hugs and listened to her story, which includes them being in the middle of building a house. The poor woman is completely overwhelmed. Cry  She shed some tears and then was all embarassed for having done so! 


                    What has our world come to when a newly widowed woman can't cry for a few minutes over her sudden loss?  I really hope she lets herself grieve properly. 

                    GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                    GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!



                      I've been busy with taxes this weekend, but tried to catch up with the dailies a bit.

                      Nono, sad about the widow you met yesterday. 

                      Tammy, great race!

                      Mike, sorry about your wrong turn but congrats for the hardware.

                      Timbo sounds like he's running well! 

                      More hugs to Leslie, and to anyone else who needs them.


                      Weird weather here, too.  Saturday I ran 5.5 miles in shorts and tee shirt, and yesterday it was so cold and windy I just took the dogs for a walk, wearing a parka. 

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                        ...MikeE//..........piejones told me the First KnoxvilleMarathon had the same problem




                        a full/half marathon split


                        the two Front Runners were SO fast, a volunteer sent them on the HALF route/////




                        they paid DOUBLE Prize Money that year to those guys and also the two after them



                        I thought was Pretty Classy.




                        screw-ups happen, and how they handle it makes a difference

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                          Mike E - I'll echo what others said abou your marathon. That's still a great time in my book, but i know it's all relative.


                          I'm taking another rest day today. I think. who knows, maybe I'll run a few miles when I get home if the rain stops and I feel like it. My quads started getting sore yesterday afternoon (never bothered me after the race on Saturday or even Sunday morning when I got up), they are still a little achy this morning. Guess that means I did that racing thing right by pushing myself.


                          yay Erika on getting over 55 miles last week!


                          I wonder how you accidentally dye a samoyed green? Cute cute pic of your grandson from yesterday's thread, Steve.


                          Marathon Maniac #957

                             Cute cute pic of your grandson from yesterday's thread, Steve.


                            Yes, I forgot to mention that - very cute!

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                              Mike... sorry about the race problems, heat, course marking, going out too fast....  But you sure made lemonaide out of your lemons!

                              I once had that problem of course marking in a 10K race.  I realized I took a wrong turn as I was heading to the finish and everyone was shouting..... "Wrong Way!".  Good thing no head-on collision!  That was my only 6.36 mile race.



                              3 Magical Healing Miles with Tory and Sadie.  Getting hot here today too, near 90 like Tramps. Storms tonight. Tory does not like storms at all.

                              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                                 Good afternoon. . Great picture SteveP.  What joy!


                                 Tramps, I love your image of CNY "sweeping" the course.   Perhaps we will issue brooms to whomever is sweeping the Manchester marathon course... might hustle in those ladies on cell phones taking 6 + hours.


                                Warm Monday here. I ran a  quick 4 miler at 6 a.m. then took DS to school and went to a kick off breakfast for this year's Campaign for Legal Services.  Funds have been cut severely here; there is one legislative proposal  which defunds NHLA completely. Good to see a strong attendance and hope we can all step up and fill what gaps we can. Pretty scary.  Very  basic access to justice issues


                                I swam 1500 yards at lunch too. Trying to keep the taper demons at bay.


                                DH and DD are off visiting Hampshire College today. It will be interesting to see what they say.
