Masters Running


Sunday runs and such (Read 448 times)

    3 miles this morning, drizzle and humid conditions. Quick shower then off to Church, DW had to work.  Then yard work this afternoon weather permitting.  Have great day.


      Thanks for opening MD


      No run for me yet. I don't know if I will. I had to buzz in to work today to oversee a job that didn't get completed yesterday. Yesterday was a 12 hr day...Hopefully I'll be out of here by 10...DS has his Graduation cermony at 2:00. 


      I pretty much just took this week off. I'm beginning a new training cycle come Monday with a very specific target so sleeping in will be coming to an end.


      Hoping everyone is having a fantastic Memorial Day weekend.


      In the memory of all those who gave up thier life for our country...God Bless

      shadow runner

      The Shirtless Wonder

        thanks for starting MD.


        10+ mile bike ride followed by 3.4 mile run.  Temps around 70-72F with humidity already at 7AM.  Only rested long enough after bike ride to change into running shorts and drink some water. 


        Have a great Sunday all.

        Joe Suder

        Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 


        Marathon Maniac #957

          Good Morning!


          I just slogged through 14 of the toughest miles I’ve done in a while in a very humid 70-75º.  My legs felt stiff and sore and completely lacking in energy, and I knew by mile 3 that I should quit and try tomorrow instead.  (Could they STILL be sore from Thursday’s vigorous lower body workout?)  This does not bode well for my 50K next week.  (sigh)


          However, I was driven on by the cookout we’re going to this afternoon and the awareness that I will likely be eating some calorie-rich foods and drinking a few beers, so I stuck it out, taking walk breaks here and there.  Not pretty, but it’s done.  Time to taper.


          Last night I watched about 20 minutes of Stone before giving up on it.  Great cast, but I couldn’t take this movie’s intense gritty nastiness.  I made DS leave the room and even DH gave up after a few more minutes.  On the other hand, I watched Disney’s Secretariat on Friday and found it to be unexpectedly good. 


          Time to shower up and get cooking for my contribution to the big cookout (baked ziti), then we’re heading to the water park for a couple hours for the first time of the season. Hopefully there will be time for a short nap before the cookout.  A good day.  Smile


          News from Bayshore?

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            5 very humid recovery miles this morning...yuck! I wanted to go longer today, but my legs weren't up to it. DH is out. Salmon fishing on the big lake, brought home 6 yesterday! Yard work later, weather permitting as Derrick said.


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



              ....and sometimes we were Floating......RogerHart




              ........30min trailrun with was good.


              bumping 80s at 7-am,

              finally got some decent hot weather...


              another run tomorrow at soccer fields........ohboyohboy



              .............good running safe this weekend

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                3 very good miles this morning for me back at home.  I could have stayed up at Bill's and been running through the "tunnel of trees" but I came home.  It is a rare Sunday when my granddaughter is staying an extra day at the other grand parents and I wanted the time at home to do some things.


                Bill - if you see this, it was only 2 hours and 50 minutes of a drive home.  So I was home, unpacked, and in bed by 12:06 (to be exact).  Slept until 9:00 this morning too.  Felt great, so that's why I went for a run.


                (Side note: I try to spell Bill's name wrong but I can't do it.  It doesn't mean I don't like him.  I don't know many Bill's but I had a brother Bill who died from cancer at age 29 and I seem to get a fleeting, barely conscious thought of him whenever I type the name.  It's weird, I know.  If it was a more common name I don't think it would happen.)


                You won't hear much from Bayshore because the connection to the internet is very limited up at Bill's.  I'll let them digest their efforts and report on them.  I thought they all did great even if they had to fight through some aches and pains.  I will say that DaveinAA took 5th (of 68) in his age group in the 10k and only a few seconds out of 3rd.  I think the top 5 get awards.


                Bill's place is great.  You walk a few minutes out the back yard, down a hill, through the woods, and you are at the Lake Michigan Shore.   The kind of place where you could spend the day reading and napping.  His daughter, brother-in-law, and wife Deb worked all day getting the place ready for us.  They treated us much better than we deserve (speaking for myself).  Brad (brother-in-law if I remembered the name) spent the day power washing the deck, and then he cooked us dinner (grilling burgers, brats, dogs.) 


                My race was just about "perfect".  I lined-up too far back and spent the first mile weaving, jumping up on the curb/sidewalk to get around people.  But by the end of the first mile everything cleared up.  Maybe I would have been a few seconds better overall if I didn't stand so far back at the start. (Leaves me room for improvement.)


                Splits were  8:08, 7:47, 7:44, 8:11, 7:52, 7:31, 1:20.  I was hoping for 7:45 - 8:00 pace so it was good.  First mile was weaving, but I have no idea why the 4th mile was slow.  I didn't feel like I was slowing down.  Bill finished a minute or so ahead of me.  I could hear them announce his name over the loud speaker as I was coming towards the stadium finish.  I was 14 of 47 age group.  201 of 1901 overall.


                Somewhere between the middle of January to the middle of April, as I was losing weight, I set a goal to break a bunch of my "over age 40 PR's".  This was the first and the easiest.  The 48:33 was 4:07 faster than my previous 10k best from 2005.  Next week I'll take my first shot at my 5k over-40 PR, but that one is going to be harder to beat (21:58 set in 2004).  I don't think I am there yet, but this will show me where I am at in the pursuit. 


                It's humbling to stand at the marathon finish and watch hundreds of runners come in and their marathon pace is better than my 10k pr.




                  Cloudy, humid and pending rain in Minnesota -- great weather for Soundset 2011 (9 hours of outdoor music) with my boys...


                  17.25 miles before we head out.  Felt very solid the whole time, so I picked it up the last 2.25.  Smile


                  Happy Sunday all!

                  And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



                  King of PhotoShop

                    Well done Dave, and thanks for the race report, update on the Bruger hospitality and the race.  Happy for your time too.


                    Holly, another way of looking at your tough 14 today is that a difficult workout may be ideal before starting taper. It suggests you wound yourself up pretty tight and now can start to gather strength.  


                    Prime Rib and I are going up to Spare Tire's today to a crawfish boil.  This will allow me to drink a lot of draft beer, as I also ran 14 today.  Spareribs

                      OrgangeMat what a wonderful story about the spirit your friend showed in the face of long term and very difficult trials.  She must truly have been an amazing person.


                      Holly S. funny just last night my SIL and her husband were over and we were discussing the movie Secretariat which she saw and DW and I have not.  She too said it was better than she thought it would be, although not nearly as good as Sea Biscuit.


                      Avenger Doggie you are one wonderfully patient doggie to put up with all that standing around while everyone else around you went off to run, run, run!


                      I tried running today.  When I got up my ankle did not hurt, although it was a little stiff.  I made it 20' (tied for my last attempt!) and quit.  There is still pain in the lower part of the foot.  I guess I have another week until the sprain heals enough to run on it.  Black eye   Next up was plan B, whereupon I headed into the gym to shuffle on the elliptical for an hour.  DW and I are off to a friend's for a cookout so all those calories I burned up on the elliptical will not be going to waste!

                      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                      MM #6177

                        The valium is starting to leave my system, I suspect. I've been feeling very antsy and irritable, and at seeing Spareribs' post I'm now craving a beer. I'll take all this as signs of progress. Oh, and I'm not in any pain either, just cranky as all hell. Black eye


                        Congrats to the Bayshore folks and thanks for the update Dave. Thank you also to all the servicemen and women who we remember on this Memorial Day weekend. Just because I'm cranky doesn't mean I can't be grateful.


                        Big grin


                        PS -- I'm also itching to get out and run already. Oh yeah, I'm definitely doing better.


                        MM #6177

                          OK, so according to FB, National Running Day is June 1. Fine, I'll wait until then.


                          ....but I'm warning y'all now, it won't be pretty....

                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                             I just slogged through 14 of the toughest miles I’ve done in a while in a very humid 70-75º.  My legs felt stiff and sore and completely lacking in energy, and I knew by mile 3 that I should quit and try tomorrow instead.  (Could they STILL be sore from Thursday’s vigorous lower body workout?)  This does not bode well for my 50K next week.  (sigh)

                             It must be from all that "tummy flab"!  JUST KIDDING!  I had to laugh at both you and OM.  I'll bet 99% of the women in this world would love to have what you two call "tummy flab".  I'm sure you'll be just fine in your 50K next week!


                            Hey, Slo--what's that "specific target" you're training for?


                            Nice 10K, Dave59--thanks for the report.  I like your, "over age 40 PR" idea.  I think I'll start an "over age 50 PR" for myself.  Oh--and I don't blame you one bit for not spelling Bill's name wrong...I think that's really cool.


                            Thanks, Avenger Doggie, for your post yesterday--I sure needed that!  And thanks to everybody else, too, for your thoughts and prayers...I feel like I've found some pretty good people here...


                            Enjoy the day with your boys, Rob!  Who cares if you get a little wet.

                            King of PhotoShop

                              Regarding Dave's thinking on the spelling of Bill, I have a similar habit.  My oldest brother Tom has always been my hero.  He enlisted in the U.S. Marines when I was just a youngster and I missed him every day.  He was so proud of being a Marine, and he was a fine one too.  He used to say all the time, "Once a Marine, always a Marine."  And although he passed away so many years ago, I often speak of him in the present tense, as when someone mentions the Marine Corps I tell them, "My brother is a Marine," as I can't bear to say "was a Marine" as it would make me feel I wasn't respecting his view of the Marines.  Glad you brought it up Dave.  It's a good weekend to think of my brother, the Marines and all who have served.   Spareribs

                                Someday I hope to check out that place on the Lake Michigan shore.  I have some great memories of the shore north of Valparaiso, IN, from the 80's.


                                I was invited to a new group run in Midtown and decided at the last minute to join them.  I'm really glad I did and today's run of an hour was so much easier.  Now I just need to find a place to shower and change so I don't have to drive all the way back out here to the 'burbs for that.  My weekly mileage has increased post-injury beyond my wildest dreams.  Focusing on staying in my aerobic HR zone seems to be working.

                                "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me
