Masters Running


Thurs Feb 7 Daily Runs (Read 572 times)

The Jogger

    Morning All Went out for a nice little 3 m trail run, felt good, once started. 3m 28:57 @ 09:39 pace AHR 156 74% Rest day tomorrow. Good Runs All Roy
      Good morning Roy! 6 recovery paced miles at 9:28 min/mile pace. Avg. HR 131. The legs were a little tired this morning from yesterday's negative split MLR. They feel better now. Bill

      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        Morning! Trail runs are great, Roy. It is another beautiful morning in NC.. 58F and low humidity. 6 Magical Healing Miles with Tory at 9:30 (AHR 142). Hundreds of deer out this moring so Tory was entertained the whole way. Have great runs!

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

        King of PhotoShop

          No workout today as I hate packing sweaty clothes. I am checking out and will be home tonight after working just a half day today. Last December I wrote to Billy Rodgers to say happy birthday, as he is now in my age group. Apparently he decided he was going to run the White Rock Half in Dallas this December because I got an email from him yesterday that he is coming, "See you in December Spareribs" I sure hope I get healed in a hurry. I would love to train again and give him a whupping. Not sure if I'll recognize my family when I get home. Can't wait. Spareribs

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            Good Morning! The snow stopped coming down around 10 last night, so I was able to get out for a run after all!! Smile 18 degrees, no wind, heavy snow clinging to the trees, star studded sky . . . . does it get much better than that? I was quite surprised when my cell phone rang though. MrHopeful had his plow truck stuck and was walking home to get my truck to pull it out. I had to stop by the neighbor house to get my truck when I ran by. Well, I also had to pull him out and after 3 tries was successful. Got home - just ready to hop in the shower - the phone rings. He is stuck again at the end of our street - oh good grief!! Throw on some clothes, go pull him out and asked "are you done now!?" He said yes, he'd head to work after cleaning up the street. Last night was gym night. 10 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes on a bike and then strength training. Happy Thoisday!! ~Mary


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



            Marathon Maniac #957

              Good Morning! Good golly, Mary! Were you able to get in any running time, in between saving your DH all morning? Smile How much snow do you have? 30 and very windy this morning, but the roads were dry at least. Seems like it’s been a windy sort of winter around here. Another lovely run with CNYrunner today while she’s in town on business. I love running with her – she’s a much faster runner, but graciously slows her pace to accommodate me, and today she acted as my pace bunny, spurring me on to MP and keeping me distracted with conversation the whole way. 10.10 miles with 8 miles at MP (8:45-ish), ave pace for the whole run was 8:50. Quite a good workout for me. She did some striders in the last mile, but I just didn’t have a strider left in me, and so I waved her ahead and watched her light-footed speed. She makes it look so easy. Smile Happy Thursday!

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

              Marathon Maniac #3309

                Good morning everyone!!!! 8 easy mind cleansing - stress relieving miles last night in 1:15:20, and the winds were brutal at 35 to 40 mph gusts. OK running with the wind, but turning around and running into the wind was tough, but it wasn't really that cold....35 degrees. Something else I thought about on lasts nights run, was my Monday nights 10 mile tempo run (actually almost race pace) after Sunday's 12 miler. Those runs left me extremely sore, then I had to question myself how beneficial a run like that is now during my base building phase. I kinda go overboard sometimes and feel the need for speed more than I should, but I am not near as bad as I used to be...all my runs used to be tempo, and I was sore and tired all the time. Then I learned running easy most of the time allows me to run more and longer...learned that at the old Cool running forum....which is almost dead now when ever I peek in at Active. Oh yeah, after the recent talk of ice baths after running, I did my first one last night....who ever came up with that idea is EVIL I tell ya...very very evil Evil grin That was probably the hardest thing I have ever did, getting INTO the ice bath. But you know what....actually after the lower extremities went numb, it wasn't too's just that initial getting in....OUCH Shocked Well guys....then the shrinkage factor....poor guy didn't know what was going on so it seemed he retreated like a turtle....sorry ladies Big grin But I do think my legs do feel better this morning, which actually I kinda hope the ice baths didn't work so I don't have to go through "that" pain again. But I guess a person will "somewhat" get used to it.... Thanks for starting us Roy, I don't have any trails to run on, but it sounds fun Nice 6 miler Bill Perch, that's some nice temps to run in, huh. Deer are sooo cool to see while on a run. Always nice to hear from you Ribs Mary, glad you were able to get out for a run...and loved your descirtion of the beautiful morning!!! Good runs and workouts to who ever beat me to the button. Have a great day all, Tim Edited to add...nice 10 miler Holly, and good pace!!!

                Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                  Good morning, 4 miles for me this snowy morning in 38:04. Cheers Mike

                  Hill Runner

                    Good spring morning all, 39 beautiful spring-like degrees and daffodils starting to POP! 10.14 miles of hills @ 9:19 pace...nice easy run for me this morning...also lots of deer around in the early hours. Good runs to all today.

                    Upcoming Races:

                    Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                    Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                    Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                      Hi Folks, Off to the client campus soon and unlike Spareribs, I just ball up my sweaty running clothes and pack them in a giant sized baggie. Call it my traveling science experiment...ha! besides, I had another great run with Holly this morning (check her post f0r the stats.) and I wasn't going to miss that! Good running and it makes the business travel go so much better. Thanks again Holly and the kind words are cool too----I am convinced that you will rock the next race. Today is a shorter work day---half day with the client and then flying home and with luck back into my house in time for dinner. It's a hockey practice night, so I won't miss dinner with my guys. Mr. CNYrunner is the chef in the family and he is making chicken paprika in the slow cooker. Can't wait. Okay....all packed and time to go. Good runs here and happy Thursday all. CNY

                      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                        Good golly, Mary! Were you able to get in any running time, in between saving your DH all morning? Smile How much snow do you have?
                        Oh yes, I forgot to mention that I got in 3.75 miles - had planned on 4 before the phone rang. We got about 12-14 inches of snow. The good snow man kind of snow too.


                        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                          Good morning, all! Roy - thanks for a another fine kickoff - nice trail running! My sympathies to all of you dealing with deep snow. Peter - is it really spring??? 6.65 progressive miles on the treadmill this morning. Felt good after laying off yesterday. I need to go back to running 5 days a week instead of 6, but I'm running obsessive. The shoulder felt fine in spite of the weight workout yesterday. Good runs to all!

                          Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                            Ribs: Thanks for no more crossword clues. After all, I thought it was crossWORD and "Soft C" is not exactly a word. Roll eyes By the way, I'm working on a model of a cross-section of the Victory. Very painstaking, exacting work -- I'll post a pic when I get some of it done. Hopeful: So I can drive through 6" of snow this morning in my rear-wheel-drive sports sedan, and your DH gets stuck in his 4-wheel-drive pick-em-up? Hmmm... Did a solid hour on the stationary bike at the rec center this morning. So far things are looking good for an attempt at a short jaunt next week. Keeping my fingers crossed. Have a good one, everybody!

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                              Morning Boomers. Nice runs Roy, Breger, Perch, Mary (in deep snow), Sue T and running buddies Holly and CNY Runner. Intervals for me this morning. A mile warmup at 9:18, then 30 minutes of intervals with 8:27 as work and 9:31 rest speeds. Legs felt like rubber, even after cross training yesterday. I have to agree with Sue T - need to cut back to five days a week. It seems like all I'm pumping out are "junk" miles and making my legs tired in the process. But how to handle the "addiction" of needing to run every day? Anyone got any suggestions?? Great Runners World magazine this month with an interesting story on running through the "decades." 80 year old men and women that still run marathons rock! Enjoy your day, everyone. Jeanne

                                criminals beware.....the local running store has tights on sale this weekend. Cool

