Masters Running


Monday, Aug 8 (Read 601 times)

King of PhotoShop


     Here is the problem editors face.  Authors think it is their job to convince the editor to publish their work.  They then think it is the outlet's job to get somebody to read it.  Nope.  People only read material that is interesting.  It is the editor's job to find work that is interesting and publish it.  Typically, authors are asked for changes in the hopes of taking a piece, making it more interesting, and with the hope this then draws in more readers.




    I absolutely agree.  When he sent us the first "scolding" email about our headlines, I took it very seriously, acknowledged to him that some of mine were pretty awful, and vowed to work on this area. I write for a living, so I knew he had made a great point.  It's only when he went back in and messed with stuff that was already up and posted that I was annoyed.


    Bill, I may use that video link in my post on Thursday.  Spareribs


      Nice, Mary! Yes, that might become a new lifestyle for you. 


      Great blog post, Spareribs! I love how you called him out in the article. And that video Breger posted is perfect. (we used to have a cat that loved cantaloupe.)


      Well done on the party, Mariposai! And I bet nobody minded the floors at all. 


      Ran from home to the gym yesterday, 11.1 miles, and it was another nice tempo effort with negative split. After Saturday's half marathon I wasn't sure how my legs would feel, but I guess I didn't push the race hard enough. I felt fine. Sure was chilly though! 48° and drizzle at the start, not much warmer but the rain stopped by the end. Wish I could send some of this weather to some of you.... I've had enough and would love to have some summer before the leaves turn! (Gym day today)


        August 8th falls on a Monday again in 2016.  Mark your calendar now so this doesn't happen again.


        One of my cats is pacing on my desk.  Apparently saw my crack about the cat with the flat face and didn't appreciate it.


        6 easy for me.  No real reason.  Seemed like a nice number.



        Mike E

        MM #5615

          August 8th falls on a Monday again in 2016.  Mark your calendar now so this doesn't happen again.


           Got it!

            CRAP!  So sorry!  I did not mean to be what happens?


            Let the flogging begin!


            Ribs - Loved the article.  Hopefully, the editor gets the drift of your comments and a good banter can get going between the two of you.


            Bill - Great video!


            Dave - Evil  (I'm on the cat's side . . . )


            Mary - Love the pond!


            Howdy dee do to everyone else.


            Today is Day One of my return to running program, post injury.  10 min walking, 5 min running, 5 min walking, 5 min running, 5 min walking.  My legs were sort of dead after last evening's workout, but it felt good to be out there.  No pain in the foot, no "weird" nervy feelings.  fingers crossed!!


            Have a good day, friends ~

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance


              Our cat used to love catalope too!!  I wonder what it is.


              I'll stay away from this whole editorial debate.  Wait, no I won't.  Editor's have their jobs to do but it sounds like this guy - instead of teaching what he wanted, without bruising egos, just went behind some backs.  Not cool.  And everyone's style is different, which makes the whole editor/writer thing hard.  Personally I get sick of headlines that have a lot of double entendre or puns in them.


              Cool this morning, high 50's, it'll be high 60's by the time I get out there, high 70's if I wait too too long.


              Nice pond Hopeful.  Are the Koi alread in there?  I thought they needed shade?

              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                Spareribs I did not mean to come off sounding critical of your view.  You seem like a really good author to work with.  To begin with you write well! That is 90% of the battle!  You also, as you noted, took the original critique about the headlines seriously.  That is, alas, an all too rare trait.  I was just defending my end of the profession as in, "Yes, that guy was over the line as a coach but there are coaches out there that understand what the point is and what the bounds of courtesy allow."  After that I was just explaining where I think the usual writer-editor conflict arises from.  I do not believe that the writer mindset I was describing in any way describes you!  I was just looking for a little understanding from the world for my end of the problem.  Partly, I guess, due to the very long conversation I had with my friend about this just yesterday!

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                  CRAP!  So sorry!  I did not mean to be what happens?



                   so we stopped beheading them??...................wish I had known that last week






                  no reason.

                  ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    Today is Day One of my return to running program, post injury.  10 min walking, 5 min running, 5 min walking, 5 min running, 5 min walking.  My legs were sort of dead after last evening's workout, but it felt good to be out there.  No pain in the foot, no "weird" nervy feelings.  fingers crossed!!


                    That got me more excited than Mary's pond!  And that pond got me very excited!  (That's the reason for the exclamation points)


                    Tom--you kill me!  Oh...that's just a figure of speech, by the way...


                      That pond is really great! I love it.


                      i love watermelon also. I usually only get them once a year though - just the limited window of opportunity when the Hermiston (Oregon) watermelons are ready. They are simply the best. I bought a 14 lb melon last week that we are savoring.


                      not much running for me lately. 10ish miles (broken up over 3 days, not even one long run) one week. only 12 miles last week (again - that was over the course of 3 days). pretty pathetic. And then after my 5 miles on Saturday, I got this hard knot like thing under my big toe joint. It is swollen and red. Based on my reading, I'm thinking it's sesamoiditis, but does that sound like it could be a neuroma? I'm not really sure. 


                      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                        Great news Leslie!


                        Nice pond Mary.


                        Nice Monday even if it is the 8th


                        Nice watermelon race blog Ribs!  I like how you take on "problems" head on!


                        4 EZ miles

                        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                          Easy 10K recovery run for me.


                          Ribs - who won Biggest Chest Scar award, you or John?  Either way, I hope it reminds people what is possible.  Congrats on the race.  I'm sure you will let us know what the editor has to say about the blog. 


                          Enjoy your Monday folks, even if it is the 8th.



                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            You know--when my wife and I were picking a date for our wedding (she wasn't my wife at the time)--I wanted to pick a date that would be easy to remember so I suggested 8/8/88.  I always thought that was a Saturday, but I just looked it up and it was a Monday.  Boy, am I glad we didn't pick that date!

                            Marathon Maniac #3309

                               Got it!

                               Do you mind Locusts Mike - are you itching all over yet (no particular reason)


                              Just sayin'   Smile

                              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                                Greetings. I was away from computer a few days so I am a bit behind. No run today, usual Monday rest/swim  day.  Pool crowded but I got in 3/4 mile.


                                Yesterday i ran a pretty slow 16 in absurdly humid conditions. When I finished I looked like I had stood in the shower fully clothed. Yuk. legs were a bit tired throughout, i guess from the hilly run/hike combinations of last week. I also got a massage for the first time on Satruday, deep tissue msotly on legs and lower back. Helpful but caused  some leg fatigue in the short term.


                                I signed up to run the local ( and very large) corporate road race Thursday night. It will be interesting though probably not encouraging to see what happens in a 5k... with several thousand people.


                                Leslie, great to see you starting back to running.


                                Erika, great race ! You are speedy thses days. Good that your legs felt ok yesterday but watch for the delayed reaction. My legs seem to do that to me on occasion.  I feel great the day after a big effort then wham. You are probably pretty strong after all those marathons though.


                                Happy Monday. What is wrnog with the 8th??


                                One of our cats likes asparagus. She is fussy about preparation though; she only likes it steamed, no marinade or grilling..
