Masters Running


Mon Post Boston Daily 4/14 (Read 573 times)

The Jogger

    Morning Gang Hope everyone has recovered from Boston and all are well. Looking forward to the reports. We had our own little event over here in London, which was good to watch. I have been taking it easy lately due to injury and colds and stuff, honest, it's the last thing I wanted but have started again doing a bit of run/walking which I will do to complete the Edinburgh, (Bob the inspiration). Anyway, 5m 55:55 AHR 145 66% Goood Runs & Recovery All Roy

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Good Morning! Roy – sorry to hear you’ve been having troubles, but hopefully they are behind you now. Enk – nice 20-miler yesterday! Mariposai – good call on the shirt. I was tempted to buy something new to wear to Boston, but decided instead to stay with something tried and true that I know won’t rub me raw in some strange place. No running for me today, just a little core work and a bunch of household chores before work. Having come to an agreement over a chimney repair issue, I believe we have resolved all our issues on the house-buying and house-selling end. Now if all goes as planned, we will close on both houses on 4/25. (whew!) DH insisted it was time that Dexter, our cairn terrier, got a haircut, and took him somewhere yesterday. The dog he brought back looks somewhere between a schnauzer and a hairless rat. (sigh) I think I better handle this next time. Happy Monday!

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


        Good morning Boomers. Intervals today. One mile warmup at 9:41 followed by 30 minutes of intervals, alternating 8:01 work and 9:47 rest with a cool down mile to finish. The sun is out this morning, but it's only 29F. They are predicting better things by the end of the week. Time to clean up the old golf clubs! Big grin Hey Holly - great news on the house (s)! One week to go - let the madness begin!!! Good Monday runs, everyone. Jeanne
          Ummmm Roy. Boston is on the 21st. You won't see any RR's for at least another week. Smile Nothing to report as this is a much-needed rest day. Slept for 9-1/2 hours. Yes Bill

          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

            Holy Carp.. I thought I overslept Boston... (waking up in a cold sweat..) But that London Marthon Men's finish was awesome.. first 3 broke the course record! I have nothing to report except a good night's sleep.. ahh. Kind of a Boston specific post here (sorry...but the Thread tiltle was about Boston.. Smile ) For you Boston runners: Boston weather will be what it will be .... WWGWG (What We Get We Get) But, I keep routing for this little "edy" in the jet stream that should make it IRC(50's) Cooler colors = cooler temps

            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


              I have nothing to report except the fun chat I had last night with Spareribs, Mustang Sal, Millbot and the FF. Hey Holly, check with SR about your attire...he has the greatest ideas... This morning I walked around the block just to enjoy the dawn and to listen to the birds. In my next life I wanna be a bird watcher. Happy taper Monday to all....

              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                morning. {{{Roy}}} (hi!) sorry you're going through all that. of course it's that last thing you wanted. it's hard. so great you're going ahead with Edinburgh. paying it forward. (inspiration -) ) aww, Dexter got a haircut too. I also got mine cut Friday, if anyone wants to take the points from it so they can go faster. Holly, great news about the house. Nice run, Jeanne. we have your weather. very cool, Perch. congratulations Teresa & Eliz! Stevep, nice run! I was wondering about you, seemed you'd been quiet. how's your new job? Tim, awesome race. Tim, take care of those shins. Enke, last year I had 20 5 milers. but I don't think it's quite the same. good for you. i know there was more from yesterday but i'm not taking time to look right now... Sat., added a yoga workout late. Sunday, pilates workout 2, & 'explosive running exercises'... that's even worse than proprioceptive. they are a little similar though. might be a good addition. Gym this morning, 3.44 miles on the track. that still includes the walking. I'm going slowly but once got up to a 7:46 pace & it was so much fun. my bad. eta: morning Nancy Smile

                Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                  Morning! Roy - I hope all goes well and that Edinburh is a go! Holly - poor Dexter! Is he embarrased too? Good job on the intervals Jlynne. HALLAR - I was on page one of the 1,000 mile race until YOU bumped me back to page 2!! Tongue Scheduled rest day for me. I was awakened at 2 a.m. by a coyote howling out in the wood. Stuck my head under the covers and went back to sleep. Happy Monday! ~Mary


                  "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                  It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                  Barefoot Rick

                  Barefoot Runner

                    DH insisted it was time that Dexter, our cairn terrier, got a haircut, and took him somewhere yesterday. The dog he brought back looks somewhere between a schnauzer and a hairless rat. (sigh) I think I better handle this next time.
                    Hillarious! Big grin
                    Romans 10:15 - How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!

                      Greetings master friends! yesterday... halllar- it's not uncommon to have tired legs a lot as you are building your miles. That's why a cutback week every now and again is important. Ribs- isn't having one snake in the house enough already? I can't blame the saint for not wanting another one. Wink evanflein- you know as well as anyone that come race day, that adrenaline kicks in. Your intended MP for that day will feel like a walk in the park those first 10 miles in Boston. Yep, get lots of sleep this week. Is there any way you can adjust your hours this week to account for the time change, so it's not such a shock to you when you get here? today... Roy- don't underestimate how run/walking will keep you in shape. Hang in there Roy. You doing anything besides rest to help things along? Feel better soon! Holly- I'm glad you got those issues with the houses settled before Boston, to help put your mind at ease a bit for that weekend. I wonder what the dog would look like with you in charge of it's haircut? Highlights? Smile Jeanne- very nice speedy run today! perch- pretty colors. What does it mean though? Mariposai- there is a woman by me that leads bird walks. She is so impressive. She'll stand there, close her eyes, and pick out 20 birds in the area just by their songs. To all of us, it just sounds like a garbled mess. She'll tell you if its a happy song or a distressed song. She can identify birds just by their flight pattern, even if its so far away that you can barely see it. I'll bet you would be great at being a bird watcher. dg- ok, you need to tell us more about these explosion exercises. You're holding out on us! Nice run/walk at the gym today! Speedy! Mary- aaaawwwwoooooo! Back to the gym this morning for more elliptical stuff. Preceded it with the Level 2 proprioceptive exercises, first time trying them, they weren't bad at all. Finished up with 5 minutes on the treadmill, mostly walking, but included a few minutes of slow jogging. As nice as it was to be outdoors hiking over the weekend, it felt good to get the heartrate elevated and break a sweat this AM. Forgot yesterday to mention a funny thing that happened during the lacrosse game yesterday. One of the girls was zipping upfield with the ball, and right in front of us, her mouthpiece spews out of her mouth, landing in the mud. We're all screaming at her to just keep going, but she doubles back and in one motion scoops up the mouthpiece out of the mud, shoves it back in her mouth and keeps going, without missing a beat or losing the ball. Hard core! You could say she has a real dirty mouth. Enjoy the day everyone. Make it a good one!

                        Today will be a "do nothing at all day" for me. I woke up and can't find my voice, coughing and feeling generally yucky. Praying the Z-pack kicks in soon. I'm not used to being sucks. Cry Today is our 14th anniversary and I'm not even up to cooking dinner, much less going out. Next weekend will make up for all of this!
                          Hi Munch, Hope you feel better soon so you can celebrate your 14th wedding anniversary properly. Wasn't MrMunch sick earlier? Does he have to share everything Perchy, Nice to hear someone is sleeping well. Hopeful Mary, I am glad you scheduled your rest day... this morning, my alarm went off and I had to review in my mind when was the last time I took a day... since I couldn't remember, I decided today was a scheduled rest day. However... 0715 41 F Walked 2.9 miles with my friend and our pups, Veta and Bandit. Spareribs, I had 22 points, void in spades, opened with 2 diamonds. Partner mentioned spades. We ended up 4 No-trump and I made 5 no-trump. My opponents were eager to point out that I could've bid and made a small slam had I bid and played the hand better. I get so nervous in no-trump. Saint, I can't wait to read about your triumph over Heels and Hills! Keep on racking up the miles! Roy, Huh? You really confused me but, it wouldn't take much to do that today. I am very discombobulated. Edinburgh will be fine with a nice run/walk combo. Find a nice ratio. Mine was run 7 minutes and walk for 4 minutes. Some folks think that is too much walking but, I liked it. Good luck, mate!
                            9 nice cruise miles with T this morning,saving the hills for the end...7:52 pace overall
                            Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip


                              BTB, no I missed the Mystc Pizza Sad. Rest day I owe my trail running group a post, so I put my weekend on our blogspot. lota pictures, (no wonder I ran so slow) and a video. jjj
                              Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

                                4 miles in some unusual bright sunshine. I hope it's bright enough to pick up the spirits of all the "light deprived" people around here. Smile


