Masters Running


April 10 Wicked Weather Wednesday (Read 42 times)


    I must have missed spring. Woke up at 4:30 to find several inches of snow on the ground, winds blowing about 30 mph and a two hour school delay. This is April? Confused Back to the Y for 30 minutes on the ARC trainer, 30 minutes on the bike and 45 minutes of upper body weights and core work. My poor kids are moving today.


    Mike - your stories remind me a lot of my childhood. We never got a television until I was in 1st or 2nd grade. Black and white of course. For a special treat my mother got one of those filmy screens in blue (sky), green (grass) and red (???) that you put over the television to make it look "colored." That woman could figure out more ways to stretch a food budget with six kids and a husband who chose not to work. She even diluted the skim milk by putting powdered milk and water in it.


    Hope the weather is better where you live today...

    Bushrat Runner

      The weather in Wenatchee is supposed to turn rugged this afternoon...still waiting for papers...would like to leave before the wind gets over 30 kts...I'm too chicken to take off if the wind gets higher than that...


        does high 40's count as spring - 30 degree drop from yesterday, but no snow.


        Boston alert:  work at the finish line has begun - no parking from today thru april 18th.  extra room for bicycling on the road to work



          Morning JLynne and Troy!


          Mary, keep your eye open for my key when you look for your Garmin.


          Great story, Mike.


          We've got a storm coming in too, rain turning into ice pellets and freezing rain.  Liking Erika's attitude....  shall I bring another bottle of wine to the party.  White or red?


          Henry, there better not be snow here in July.... I'd like to go running with you two!


          3 TM miles before work, feelin' pretty good this time.  Onward and upward.


          ETA:  Hi Marj!!

          .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!


            37° and seemingly unending rain here.  Somehow the basement is still dry but there is a flood watch posted until Friday afternoon so there is no guarantee it will hold out that long.  Lots of streets flooded around town.


            Personal trainer session at the gym this morning after a warm-up on the ARC trainer and then 2 miles on the treadmill to finish things off.


            I feel like I have most the weekend beer & pizza out of my system and I am starting to feel 'normal' again.


            What's the Boston weather looking like for Monday?  Anyone checking it yet?




              Mike--I loved your story.  It's those little details that can communicate so much about class.  This weekend I ran with a friend who is a college professor but who lives in a working class neighborhood.  He was commenting on class issues and noted, "Yeah, my kid's the only one in the entire neighborhood with a bike helmet."  Great detail.


              No snow here. It was in the 70's already at 6:30 this morning, heading into the 90s again today.  I got out there early but still had a tough run, even though it was just a scheduled EZ 7.  I actually ran 6, then turned off the Garmin and walked it in.  Yuck.  I kept telling myself, "It won't be this warm Monday."

              Be safe. Be kind.



                What's the Boston weather looking like for Monday?  Anyone checking it yet?

                The forecast was for sunny low 45/high 60,  11 mph wind.

                But I haven't checked it in almost an hour.

                Be safe. Be kind.


                  yesterday afternoon at David's track meet I got some sunburn on my cheeks and nose. But I'm sure no one wants to hear about that. . . . Wink


                  I thought he had a great meet. Coach mixed up his events a bit and he ran the 800m and 1500m instead of 3000m. Still ran the 4x400 relay and long jump though.  He ran a 2:33 in the 800m to take 1st overall. He ran a 5:07 in the 1500m and took 1st in the 7th graders, but 2nd overall. Got beat out by an 8th grader and that disappointed David big time.  He's relay team took an easy win and a new PR of 4:39.  Long jump was poor yesterday. He kept missing his mark.


                  I have a lunch meeting today so will get in a run after work of about 4 miles or so. Should be another warm one here. about 70. I might have to find the sunscreen soon.


                    Tammy, your son is such an amazing athlete.  It is fun to watch his progress.

                    I loved your story Mike.  We were pretty poor too - discount stores, etc, Dad diluting the milk until payday, hoping we wouldn't notice.  Lots of Kraft dinner.  My friend had a good story....on a road trip when they were kids, his Dad would pull into a Super 8 motel and say, guess where we are staying tonight?  The kids would get all excited, then he would tell them they were sleeping in the car, in the parking lot.

                    I recently read Caitlin Moran's "How to be a woman".  Disclaimer, do not read this book if you are easily, or even not that easily offended.  A lot of very rude stuff in there, anyway, she takes the prize with poverty when she says that once she became a teenager, and was growing out of her clothes, she got some new hand-me-downs........her mother's underwear!   Ewwww.

                    No run last night, too busy getting kid's hair cuts, grocery shopping etc.

                    Maybe tonight.

                    Son is turning 13 on Friday and I have no idea what to get him.  How pathetic eh?

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                      I love hearing about your son, Tammy.  I wonder how my life might have been different if I had been a runner at his age.


                      I had a humbling but worthwhile interval run yesterday.  Today I've just done weights and maybe I'll go to a yoga class later.  I had planned today as my one day not running and it's nasty weather so that was a good plan!


                      An update on the clinic proposal I mentioned the other day.  I went in to see my Dean (an Associate Dean, not the big Dean) about it yesterday, and he shot me down.  Without saying so, I thought he made it pretty clear I won't ever get a full-time position there (which is why I proposed the clinic, to create a position and help people at the same time).  He pointed out how much it costs to run a clinic, and I know that law schools spend a lot on some things and not on others.  Some schools have lots of clinics and some don't have any.  I did a Skype interview about a month ago with the Univ. of Arkansas law school, and they're hiring one person for a position where we have 3 people here.  Maybe it's a good thing I didn't get called back!  I sent a follow-up email and they said they were interviewing other people.

                      "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                        Good afternoon, folks -


                        Snow in some places, 80s in others.  Mother Nature must be on a humdinger of a binge, or she's PMSing like crazy!


                        My mom was very thrifty and could work a budget like nobody's business.  My dad's favorite thing to say about my mom: "She could squeeze a buffalo off a nickel and make it give fertilizer." Big grin  I, unfortunately, did not inherit my mother's budget gene. Roll eyes


                        Had a great tempo run this morning.  Everything felt wonderful, and I had some paces I hadn't seen in awhile.  . . . . Then I went to PT.  A mild case of Achilles tendinitis that will go full blown if I don't take care of it.  So no running at least until Monday with lots of stretching, icing, and massaging.  Keeping fingers crossed.


                        (It's 2:30 and I've been trying to get this posted since about 12:15 . . . )

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance




                          8 miles in screw shoes today, in an interesting mix of snow, slush, and mud.  Gorgeous day, though, sunny and low 30's.

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            The forecast was for sunny low 45/high 60,  11 mph wind.

                            But I haven't checked it in almost an hour.


                            Big grin


                            Re: thrift - cool stories, and many of us went through it as kids.  I know when I was 9 my dad went bankrupt, and our family went through some rough times (powdered milk for one thing).  I got a paper route and bought much of my own stuff from then on, re clothes, shampoo, etc.  Three consecutive routes, each one larger, in 3 years, then a job at the library at 14, on to restaurants at 16.  Too bad kids can't get paper routes anymore, all gone to motor routes.  I remember my first paper route netted me $6.00/week - a fortune to a 9yo back then.


                            10 slow miles for me this morning - just no energy.  Took advantage of a little more time given DD's ortho appt.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Maniac 505

                              RE: thrift


                              My parents were children of the depression.   ( I suppose many here are in the same boat).  when they were growing up, choices had to be made like food for the family or medicine for the baby?  That cemented there spending habits to this day.   My father was an attorney, and made a very middle class wage.  growing up, there was nothing I needed that I did not get, but there were a lot of things I wanted that I did not get.


                              4 miles today, and my 4th one gallon batch of homebrew just went into the fermenter.

                                8 miles in screw shoes today, in an interesting mix of snow, slush, and mud.  Gorgeous day, though, sunny and low 30's.


                                screw shoes in April - that is just wrong!!  and snow for JLynne too .... please say it isnt so!!  Roll eyes

                                Tammy your son is doing great!!  Love the look of determination on his face in his running pics!!

                                OM - so sad you aren't joining us in Boston - I am going to have to take a roadtrip to you this summer!!

                                Mariposai - your run photos were absolutely gorgeous .... sorry for not posting about them sooner!!


                                Today was a mixed day .... went to the funeral of my cousin's 14 yr old daughter - she suffered from a very rare brain disorder where the two sides of the brain werent connected.  She really wasnt expected to live very long but somehow survived 14 years with much love from her parents, a very dedicated primary nurse of 13 years and her two little brothers!!  We know she is resting peacefully now but still so  sad for her family.   We spent a nice couple of hours as a family today and the next time we're together it will be for baptisms, bridal showers and weddings -- so thankful for the good times.


                                I also had my toenails painted BOSTON MARATHON blue!!  Friday - want to do my nails blue and yellow for the BAA colors - have to wait to be done work tomorrow!!   Oh ya -- running ....3.5 miles with 5 sets of 1/4 mile pickups/.1 recovery in the middle!!


                                Enjoy the gifts my friends!

