Masters Running


Wednesday 3//24 Rainy Runs and Workouts (Read 37 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Howdy folks.


    We had lots of rain yesterday, and when I drove home I could see that the pavement was covered in red blooms from the trees.  You know what that means, don't you?  Spring is Here!!!  My tulips and daffodils are coming up, too!  Yay!


    Steady rain this morning kept me inside.  45 minutes on the stationary bike.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      holly - thx for the start.

      We had thunder & lightening last night, but this morning brought blue skies (although forecast originally said rain all day).  Set out for our morning walk, but had to turn back unexpectedly, so got to the car and parked near Ringling Bridge, so walked to the top & back.  Folks here are incredibly friendly, so lots of hello’s and good mornings.  People on the bridge ranged from walkers, runners, Amish on their bicycles, etc.


      not sure of our day plans, but this evening is dinner with friends.


      have a greta day,



        Dental appointment this morning was postponed because the hygienist was out sick. So, I did a kettlebell workout and went to work.


        Heavy rain last night and it appears that everything is dry in the master bedroom. That should confirm that the roof fix was successful.




          Thanks for the start Holly.


          I had a good 2 miles right after the sun came up.  Please keep the rain in your neighborhood!

            RunnerKSA another place your card could have been compromised is at a restaurant. Once the card goes off with the waiter or waitress it is easy pickings. I had that happen once.


            I have not reported this previously, but I have been battling with Enterprise Car Rentals since January over a clerical error that led to an erroneous one way drop off fee over about $650. (That in addition to the correctly billed part that came to around $250.) What triggered this is that I mistakenly reserved the car for pickup in Jackson MS, rather than Jackson WY on their website. After that this is all Enterprise's fault.


            I showed up in Jackson WY to get the car. The person at the desk failed to notice the reservation was for MS. The computer failed to notice that it was giving me a car in WY, but recording it as being in MS. (Who are they hiring as programmers? ) When I returned the car it has 81 miles on it and was properly recorded as being dropped off in Jackson WY.


            Once I returned the car, the computer tacked on the one way drop off fee for a pickup in MS and drop off in WY. All despite also recording just 81 miles total for the rental period! (Again, who is programming their system?) I have called and sent emails off to their customer service numerous times since January. Each time I was told this would be fixed (i.e. my money refunded) in 2 to 3 days. Over, and over, and over again. Finally, today I managed to get somebody on the phone that actually refunded my money. I cannot tell you how annoyed I am with Enterprise! 

            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


              Mornin' Masters.


              Thanks for the start, Holly, and congrats on the early Spring. Nice ride on the SB, and nice warm but rainy 2.25 miles yesterday.


              Sounds like a fun time on the bridge, Marj.


              Sounds like good confirmation that the roof work worked, Dave. Nice kettleball work, and good work getting your 3 miles in yesterday. I don't think there is anything wrong with telling management and/or coworkers that you can handle the enormous task that has been assigned to you, or you can help other people solve their issues, but that there isn't enough time in the workday to to both.


              Good sunny miles, dnaff.


              How annoyed are you, Twocat? The only upside is that apparently you finally got it resolved and got your money back.


              Good 4.1 TM miles, KSA. I hope the walk with RE helped with his stomach issues. Sorry about the credit card fiasco, but at least it got caught quickly.


              Sounds like a good walk, nap, and meet-up, Henry.


              I'm glad you could squeegee in a 5 miler, Tramps.


              Enke, you are too good, but I wish you hadn't told your boss that you'd work on your vacation. His failure to plan adequately should not constitute a crisis on your part. Nobody should be working on their vacation, but if you have to, then make them pay you for it.


              Nice job, sub7, of getting in 4.5 miles on the track before the appliance repair team showed up. I hope they got things working again.


              Mike, it depends on how old you think is old enough to retire...


              Nice that you can measure the days to your retirement by the DST clock, BTY. I'm glad you are managing your strength and pool workouts to your advantage, and so you prevent injuries. Belated CONGRATS on the news of the new Oct. arrival!


              Good 6 retirement place road miles, Wildchild. I'm glad your dad is making good progress. I hope that he and your mom (with your help) can get things figured out so they can both be happy together.


              Nice post-dental cleaning 3.25 miles, Surly Bill. Enjoy the delayed spousal equivalent birthday,


              Nice morning walk, and then an extended bus ride for a garden tour, Tet. I'm glad the knee behaved, and hope that it enjoyed the sunset too.


              Good three and a quarter on the mill, plus the PT stuff, Steve.


              Good 4 miles before the fondue party that left you cooked, Moebo.


              I was up and out a little before 4 this morning, and went 6.45 RW miles in 39° temps under overcast skies. My legs were well toasted after having gone about 3.5 miles on our sand dune walkover assessment work yesterday. I didn't realize how much traipsing around on unpacked sand can wear one out until I found my mojo missing this morning. But it was still good to be out there.


              Have a greta Wednesday.



              Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


                Supposed to rain this morning but was sunny and hot. 2 mile walk on the bay front bridge. Now saying rain coming later this afternoon- not sure if I believe it.


                  Hi Masters! Its Wednesday...


                  Ugh KSA - now I have to go check my credit card (I mean, I do somewhat regularly, but still...)


                  Dave - glad the roof is fixed.


                  No rain and about 40F this morning, so I went out for about 2.5 miles. I have been in the office every day this week so far but today is quiet at least (I knew it would be). It's kind of gloomy, but seems like the sun is trying to make an appearance.


                    Twocat- most of the restaurants around here check you out right at the table with the mobile devices these days.  That cuts down somewhat on the fraud.  I'm thinking the Chinese sweaters.... Smile


                    A co-lawyer of mine who dealt with car rental agencies when he was in private practice taught me to say (or write) "I'm preparing to file suit and I will want all the records of every rental from your location and (the one in Jackson, MS) for the last 5 years."   That usually gets your money back fast.

                    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      We use our credit card for EVERYTHING, pretty much, and pay off the balance each week.  This is how we accrue points so quickly.  BUT, since we have been working credit card deals to get the FF miles, we currently have 4 credit cards.  We only actually use one of them at this point, but I want to keep the other three open until we have flown the flights we have booked with the miles from each card.  I'm not sure if it matters if the credit card is still open once you have booked the miles, but I don't want to take any chances.  The 3 extra cards will be closed by the end of the summer (before the annual fee us due).  At any rate, I check all 4 cards each week to make sure there have been no fraudulent charges (not hard, since 3 of the cards have a zero balance).  We made several purchases from Temu, and then a fraudulent charge showed up on that card, so I think it was Temu.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        Hey All -


                        Fraudulent credit card charges - what a pain!  Years ago, someone else's bad credit showed up on The Hub's credit reports.  Their first and last names were the same, but their middle initial was different.  That was a PITA to clean up.


                        This morning was about 45 min of core/ST and stretching.  Yesterday was a stay-at-home day after very little sleep Monday night, so I didn't get in my run or go to work.  Just vegged at home while it literally rain  I'm officially tired of the rain.


                        I'm really struggling with insomnia right now, which started a couple of months ago when work was really stressful.  On top of that, about 6 months ago The Hub started snoring again.  The combination is killing me.  I decided yesterday that I'm not fighting the snoring anymore.  I'm just going to get up and go into the other bedroom.


                        The insomnia - I don't know what to do. Sometimes I can't get to sleep, sometimes I get to sleep, then wake up a couple of hours later and can't get back to sleep. I have medication, but I hate taking it.  It makes me feel crappy the next day.  I've tried Melatonin chews, pills, and drinks.  I've tried non-THC CBD tablets that dissolve under the tongue.  I may have to go the CBD-THC route, even though I don't want to.  This just sucks 'cause before the whole work stress thing I was sleeping really good.  Dang work! 

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Leslie - I'm right there with you on the insomnia.  It comes and goes, but right now it is more coming than going.  I woke up this morning at about 12:30 am, 1:46 am, 2:36 am, 3:23 am, and then finally I woke up at 4:15 am, laid in bed awake until 4:45 and then gave up and got up.  Now at about 1:30 pm I will be exhausted and wishing I could take a nap.  And I will go to bed by 8:30 pm and the cycle starts again.  


                          A lot of mornings I will go back to bed after DH leaves for work at 6:00 am, and try to get another hour of sleep (I really don't need to get up until 7:00 am to get to work on time), but then I lose my workout time.  And I am tired all the time.


                          I agree you should just get up and sleep in the spare bedroom when the snoring is keeping you up.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Oh, and a point about the CC deals for FF miles.  I have a Citi card that I got 75,000 FF miles on (the requirement was to spend $4,000 on it to get the miles) and I can use the miles for any airline, but have to book through the Citi travel site.  I have chosen the flights I want for us to take a 4-day trip to San Antonio in late July.  At Expedia, those two round-trip flights would be $702.  But at the Citi travel site, the exact same flights would be $1,124 , or 1,124 FF miles.  More than $400 more than Expedia!  And since I don't have enough FF miles, I would have to pay about $465 plus my 75,000 FF miles.  Not much of a savings, right?   Given that airline prices fluctuate daily, I keep checking the price to see if it will come down.  However, Citi card may have gotten the last laugh on this one.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              Holly- you are masterful at the CC/mileage game!  Impressive.


                              Finally got out around 11 am when the rain stopped for 5.1 gloomy miles- but those miles are done!  I have to go to Fleet Feet this afternoon to get my gear that they are giving us, and a pair of shoes might find their way into my bag if they have my that I get a good discount there.  Stay tuned.


                              Thaks for the start, Holly, and the recap from Jay.

                              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                                So it's Wednesday - my days are so messed up because I made a last minute switch to help a co-worker. She needed yesterday off so I worked for her and she is working for me today. Hope she has as good a day at work today as I did yesterday.

                                Walked both ways between the garage and the hospital.


                                Today - feeling a bit unsettled so did quite a few Peloton workouts including a warm-up, PZ FTP test, cool-down and stretch, then moved into a 10 minute core workout and a 30 minute upper body strength class. Also did a 10 min calming meditation, but just not feeling so calm today.


                                DH and I have been steadily cleaning out, tossing and donating stuff in the basement - starting to make a dent in getting rid of things.

                                I should get out for a little walk since it is in the mid-50's right now and rain is supposed to start in later today and drench us for the next few days, but not really feeling it right now.

                                Also want to hit the supermarket to get a few things to make a big salad for dinner, thinking like a chopped salad with protein or something on that idea.


                                KSA - stinks about the card!!

                                Marj and Henry - enjoy your friends dinner tonight!! Hope to see you soon back in MA!!

                                Twocat - that sounds like a royal pia but glad you have it straightened out now

                                Jay - you never cease to amaze me - any chance you might do the Maine Coast half in May??

                                Holly - I would probably mess something up trying that with the cc but you seem to have a great handle on it. I just use my TJX rewards card for everything so I can earn the rewards for their stores. The flight expenses are annoying - I guess it's their way of making us think we are getting a deal, but they are still profiting 

                                Leslie - I don't have any advice on insomnia as I sleep like a log most nights, but maybe going the CBD/THC route for a little while will help break the cycle and be a temporary solution.


                                Happy Wednesday friends!!


                                ETA - I did get out for a mile walk, went to the supermarket and ended up chatting for awhile with someone I once spent a good amount of time with when our kids played sports and were in school together. Her youngest and my Justin have a lot in common unfortunately but we always say it is good to talk with someone who really understands what this life is like and at the same time makes me sad to know another family is going through similar agony.

