Masters Running


Memorial Day Monday, May 30 (Read 441 times)


MM #6177

    Good morning all!


    Well, in typical Esther fashion, I tried to wean myself off the meds a little too soon. We were at a graduation party yesterday late afternoon (right across the street, so that was convenient) and I found myself feeling really off and shaky. Not so much in pain but just not right, ya know? So MrOM went home and got me a dose of Valium which I obviously needed. The body really needs to stay uber-relaxed in order to allow it to heal, and that's why certain medications are prescribed. I just don't like the idea of not being lucid and 100% coherent at all times, well at least on my own terms... Oh well, live and learn....


    Woke up a few minutes before 4am this morning because my body was done sleeping and neither of my teenagers had gone to bed yet. Roll eyes


    Congrats lamerunner on your 50k!

    Sounds like you had a much better day yesterday, Avenger Doggie. Love the doggie smile photo. Smile

    Dave, I'm with you, no way am I clicking tomwhite's link.

    Holly, I was told once that when a run is really hard, it means the body is doing a lot of work building up potential strength, or something like that. Either way, it's not something to be upset about. They might not all feel good, but all the runs that we do are good for us, in one way or another.

    Your 14-miler sounds like it was effortless, Spareribs, that's excellent! Yeah, I guess I'm saying to Holly the same thing you are... and while my words might not be as eloquent, I know I understand the concept, so if nothing else, I'm happy that I get it.

    Thanks hermosaboy for picking up my slack with that great long run of yours! I'm trying not to be sad every time I look at the link on my browser for my RA running log... knowing that it's gathering dust... Sad

    You're a very patient patient, Twocat. Thanks to you as well for setting such a good example for me (and everyone else).

    Hi Opie! So glad you're back at it and running so well!

    Yes, Mari, listening to excellent music does help with doing the chores... and of course there will be more beautiful days to be outside and relish. The concept of "wasting" a beautiful day shouldn't enter our minds: if you appreciate it even from indoors, it wasn't "wasted".

    Slo, you're such a strong runner! I'm sure you'll make that goal. Smile

    MilkTruck, wow, those are some impressive hills! Erika-quality, in fact!


    Today is the running club's big event, the local 5k and 10k races, as well as a wheelchair race, elite mile and 1-mile fun run, and everyone in the club volunteers in some way. I get to be a race marshal! MrOM is running the 10k, his first race at that distance. I'm actually considering doing the 1-mile fun run (walking it, of course), but we'll see. Then there's a picnic in the afternoon for the entire club. Having never been one for being involved with groups of any kind, I'm really enjoying belonging to this club.


    OK, I'm ready. Have a wonderful day all!


      Thanks for the start Orange Mat. I'm glad MrOM is there for you.


      We're off to the races. The darn dog is driving me nuts.


      Marathon Maniac #957

        Orange Mat – Happy race-marshalling and GL to your DH!


        Twocat – I liked Secretariat much better than Seabiscuit, which I felt dragged a bit.


        Dave – congrats on smashing your over-40 10K PR!


        Tselbs – I had offered the host of yesterday’s cookout 3 options for what I should bring, dessert, side dish, or entrée, and the dessert I had in mind was your rhubarb crumble, but he already had someone bringing a rhubarb cake, so I brought an entrée dish instead, but as I was eating that rhubarb cake I was thinking, “this doesn’t hold a candle to Tom’s rhubarb crumble.”


        Lamerunner – well done on your hot, humid, hilly first 50K! 


        I slept in until 6am today, taking a leisurely approach to the day.  We’re heading back to the pool for a couple hours, and I have lots of cooking and gardening and household putterings-around on tap.  But first I’ll head out for a low-key shortish run, just playing it by ear. 


        Happy Monday!

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        Renee the dog

          Mornin' folks  -- spring cleanup is continuing here at the shore.  Running a couple miles here, a couple miles there each day.  Been 100% humid in the mornings with no breeze, so I'm squeezing 'em in at night.  My GI Jane hairdo is really coming in handy, 'cause I'm showering a couple times a day and then heading out to be social.


          Today's schedule includes mopping all the hardwood, mopping the back/side decks, cleaning up the outdoor furniture, carpet cleaning the first floor, and making carrot cake pancakes for the first time.  Don't cry for me though, as I have a hot tub in the backyard at the ready, and acres of beach that will be mine, MINE again by 6 pm!!!  Evil  (busy weekend of yahoos).  Oh, and maybe I'll  run before heading out for a belated 10th anniversary dinner with Bayside. 


          Dave59, thanks for the report in the daily yesterday.  Well done!!


          Oh carp, I read the daily last night before dozing off, and I know there's more I wanted to say. Mind like a sieve these days...




          Thanks to all who have served in the military.

          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


            4.5 miles this morning.  It's nice now, 60°, but it'll be near 90° in the afternoon.


            Thanks to all who are and have served in the military as we remember especially the ones who died.  I watch a little part of an HBO special on section 60 in Arlington.  It is the section for Iraq and Afghanistan wars.


            I (eventually) clicked on the Tom White's "song stuck in my head" link.  Believe me, it's safe.  Some German marching band or something.  I couldn't read anything on the screen (despite 4 years of German in high school.)


            Had more to say, but Cindy wants to go out for breakfast.....




              Tom W and OM, where DO you find those videos? Smile


              Have fun being race marshal today OM. Sounds like you haven't slowed down one iota but please take it easy, okay?


              Hi Nono! Summer tourists got ya down already? Happy 10th anniversary to you and Bayside, and I think I'd like to see some pictures of that GI Jane haircut!


              Sounds like the Avenger Dog has had a busy weekend. Love reading his posts! Oh - yours too SteveBlush


              Sleeping in until 6 is a leisurely start to the day? Holly, I don't think I could keep up with you for just ONE of your leisure days. You have more accomplished by 8 AM than most people do in a whole day!


              Sorry that you weren't able to run Twocat. I wish I had your patience....


              What are you planting in your garden, Erika? How long of a growing season do you have?


              Walked a whole mile today, woo-hoo! Like OM, I took myself off the vicodin because I hated that "loopy" feeling.  I'm moving around okay but since I can't drive for a week, I'm feeling housebound and going crazy thinking about all of the things I could be doing. It's amazing though. The horrible sharp pain I had down my entire right leg is gone. I'm trying to stay positive about this time off but it's hard, ya know?


                Good morning, boy am I stiff. Milktruck, I did not know about the farm store. I was pretty hot and bothered for a while too. How was your race? I really like the trails at Pineland; the fields, not so much. I faded pretty badly the last few miles, fatigue and sun were a problem,  and even walked some of the bigger uphills, which is not like me.  That elevation course really tells the tale!    i did see some ladies slipper in the woods the last few miles, which is one advantage of going slower.


                If I do another 50k I might seek an easier course and also train and taper more precisely...on the Pineland course, 25k is enough.


                Maybe some light biking or walking to see DS in the parade ( school bands are marching)  but I am not up to a run today.


                Hugs to OM, hope you are feeling better. Lynne, it is great you got out  to walk at least.


                Avenger, you have the right idea on the trails

                  [[[[[[dave]]]]]]] IS a catchy tune......




                  .....25min at soccer field,...80s heading to 90s

                  the FootBallCoach

                  was watering his PractiseField when I got there,




                  I waved to him

                  and kept to the treeline,

                  the geese flew by, saw him and kept going

                  (see * above)


                  I figured the worst thing he could do was Make Me Run Laps//////


                  Life is Good


                  ..................good running guys............enjoy the day.....





                  jylnne, here is what I was trying to find



                  but ya gotta love TubaMusicMarches




                  ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                    Good morning!


                    Memorial Day, a day to reflect.  Sometimes wars are necessary, sometimes they just seem necessary at the time.  Tough to swallow the cost, though.


                    Jlynne, everyone's back is different, but just letting you know that I've had two L5-S1 surgeries, and seem to be none the worse for wear.  Well I do still have sciatica which can numb my foot, but other than that...  At least I am able to run.

                    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                      Nice to be able to get a morning run in without worrying about work.  I did the same run as a week ago, only slightly faster on the MP part.  2 mile warmup, then 2 miles @8:54, then a short cooldown.  I have until December to increase the distance of my MP runs at that pace.  If I pull it off, I will have a huge PR!


                      I realized when I was in the shower that I'm scared of how much I've increased my mileage.

                      "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


                        Today I salute those who gave up their lives or risk their lives for my freedom and yours.


                        What a lovely sunny spring day here. A sweet smell of sage greeted me as I opened the door today to go to sit on my porch for my morning time tea ritual.

                        I was planning on a rest day, but I may go out for a few "gratitude" miles while I soak up the sun. I can always rest up tomorrow at the office.


                        On to soak up the sun! (boys, look at the waterfalls in the video)



                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                          I also salute those who have served and sacrificed on Memorial Day. When I was growing up Canada and the Commonwealth observed Armistice Day. When running in Australia a few years ago I was touched by the sounds of bagpipes and marching veterans in the park. Wars are sometimes necessary but, the loss of a generation of young men (and women), makes you think.

                          Marj is doing bubby (grannie) duty this morning. I went out for a steamy 2 miles. Couldn't stop sweating even after my shower.

                            My heart-felt gratitude to those who have fought to keep us free, and those families who lost loved ones in the fight.


                            I read over the last two days of threads and will try to address them here.  If I forget you, chalk it up to age.


                            JLynne - Huge hugs to you as you recover from back surgery.  Just keep remembering how much better you're going to feel.  Hey, once I'm on two feet again, you and I can spend the summer posting walking miles!


                            Heme - Doggone it!  Are you going to the doc to find out exactly what happened?


                            Mike - I have your family and your son in my prayers and am hoping you are able to find him the help he needs.


                            OM - You continue to inspire me, little lady.  Have fun with your marshaling duties today.


                            TomW - Big grin


                            Tselbs - Always our quiet cheerleader.


                            Ribs - I was touched by your post about your brother, a true Marine.


                            lamerunner - I had a hard time getting my salt and electrolytes balanced when I first started ultra marathons.  My very first ultra, I drank plain water.  Had the same dead leg issue you experienced, and ended up with the shakes really bad at the end until I got some food in me.  I still have problems, and unless it's cold, I adhere to at least 2 salts an hour and take them on the half hour.  It works for me.


                            Dave59 - Congrats on your race!


                            Milktruck - It always makes me smile to see you posting.  It reminds me of how persistence after an accident (or in my case, injury) pays off when coming back.


                            Avenger Doggie - You'd love to run, run, run with Charlie Dog!


                            The Hub left about an hour ago to go back to Singing Trees.  We had a good weekend, went to an open AA meeting yesterday morning.  He knew a few people there, which helps to reinforce he is not alone in this community with regard to this disease.  He's sticking to his guns right now to stay away from sugar, salt, and starting this last week, caffeine (which has coincided with my getting hooked on diet Coke and diet Dr. Pepper lately).  His biggest indulgence this weekend was a toasted raisin bagel with pnut butter and jelly.  Definitely helped to keep my eating in check, as well.


                            Didn't workout this weekend, but plan to get out to the shed this afternoon for some stationary biking and ST/core.  After a year, I finally have my BluRay player connected to the TV, so I can watch movies while working out.


                            Yesterday while doing yard work, The Hub discovered our apple tree was loaded with caterpillars:





                            These are just the sections I could reach with my camera.  It'll be interesting to see if there's anything left of the apple tree in a few weeks.

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Sounds like the Avenger Dog has had a busy weekend. Love reading his posts! Oh - yours too SteveBlush


                              Who's Steve?


                              One of these days, I'm going to have to volunteer at a race.  I organized a real small race for my church for a couple of years but, I mean a big one.  I have always appreciated all of the work that they do...I don't know why I never have...


                              lamerunner--a 50K is still 31 dang miles--that's a long way to run--CONGRATULATIONS!


                              Tom--you should see a football coach's face when you try to have a soccer practice on "his" field...


                              Well, no over 50 age PR for me, today.  18:33--102nd OA--11th Age.  I refuse to get down on myself.  I did the best that I  So there!  It's always fun to hang out with my teammates....even though, I really don't know them very well.  It's still fun to be a part of a group.


                              Have a great Memorial Day!  I really do appreciate all of our service men and women--the living and the dead--and all of their families!


                              Oh--hey--Leslie--I really don't know a whole lot about trees, but that can't be good, can it?  I've never seen that many caterpillars in my life.  Good luck with that.

                                Coming out of lurkdom as there is just too much going on here.


                                MIkeE - I am sure you have heard of this book - "Beautiful Boy" by David Sheff.  Probably hits too close to home.  I thought the author spent too much time getting therapy for his kid and not looking at any underlying mental health issues.  I wish the best for your son.


                                Dave - nice 10K! and glad it seems like there was a pretty good meetup after the race.


                                Jlynne - well, sounds like the issue of whether or not to get surgery was abruptly taken out of your hands!  Try not to worry about it all, I am sure you will be back to running before you know it.


                                Heme, on no!!!  Keep us updated.


                                OrangeMat - glad you are almost ready to run!  See my PM.


                                4 weeks now and haven't run.  Today I will, today I will....  I was sick for 3 weeks and last week I was too busy (or so I told myself).

                                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."
