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btb's running log (Read 1123 times)


    Visited the orthopedist today. He's a great guy, deals a lot with athletic injuries. When I went to him with my knee problem, he said "yeah, we can fix this". He said the same thing today for my ankle/shin. An x-ray showed normal bone structure, which is great. Diagnosis was acute tendonitis, which is what I suspected. He didn't want to give me a shot just yet. Instead, I'll start PT tomorrow. I'm already doing on my own most of what they will be doing for me in PT, except I will be getting iontopherisis with cortisone. I haven't been able to get hold of that stuff on my own from the black market just yet... Wink But more importantly, I expressed my concerns about being out of balance with my muscle strength on my left side vs. my right side, due to my knee surgery earlier this year, and he agreed that that was probably why I am having so many issues since my knee surgery (sfx left foot, left hip pain, now tendonitis). So along with getting my tendonitis treated, I'm gonna have a full muscle strength evaluation to see what needs to be worked on, and develop a plan to deal with that, so that these problems don't keep happening. You're probably thinking that all this is due to training issues, and that I should train smarter. I do train smart and conservative. My knee surgery was to correct something that I've had from birth and was not running related at all. Up till then, I've been relatively injury free. All my problems since the surgery have been an indirect result of the surgery. Once I get these imbalances cleared up and the tendonitis under control, I should be good to go again. So we'll see what Mr. PT says tomorrow. He's great, most injured athletes from this area go to him. His brother is a 2:30 marathoner. He has runners working with him. He'll be the first one to say "get back out there and start running again", even when you don't feel you are ready.
      So glad to hear you've gotten answers and are getting the proper steps to recovery! As for thinking this is due to training? Didn't even cross my mind. I can totally relate how an injury and surgery can cause imbalance problems. Something most people may think about but may not be able to completely stop happening. Something you may not even realize is happening until voila, you're in pain and having problems. Good thing is it's something you can deal with and I see your going the smart route (exactly the same way I'd go about it). Good luck and hope to see you on the roads ASAP! MTA: VERY COOL about your PT!!! Guys like that are hard to find ( got lucky myself )

      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

        That sounds like some good news, Bob! Like Pam said, training issues didn't cross my mind either. Can't wait to hear when you get running again. I miss your early morning picture blog style. Cool

        When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


          Hey Mike and Pam and Alan and anyone else who has read and replied here... I just wanted to say thanks! Smile
            I am glad it wasn't torn tendons as was the first thought. Now- get in there with that PT and get a plan to get all of this left side stopped. Smile
              Hey Mike and Pam and Alan and anyone else who has read and replied here... I just wanted to say thanks! Smile
              Anytime hun! YW Big grin

              Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                Sad Sad Just got back from PT. When your physical therapist calls over all his associates and says "You gotta come see this", you know it's not good. Vinny, my PT who is the eternal optimist, wasn't happy with what he was seeing. "I'm pretty sure I know what's going on here, but in 25 years, I have never seen this". I left the place in tears. It's gonna be a long haul to fix this mess...


                  that's a big bummer bob. Hang in there. Sending all positive thoughts and energy your way for speedy recovery.
                    Aw, Bob! So sorry to hear that. So is not acute tendonitis? Or is it much more acute than the doctor thought initially? Either way, hang in there and keep us posted. You will be in my thoughts.

                    When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

                      I am soooooooooo sorry to hear this!! My heart ache's for you right now cause I know how I would be if the tables we're turned! Will be keeping you in thoughts hun! Keep us posted PLEASE!!

                      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                        Well shoot!!!!! Hang in there and push forward- I know you and you will come out on the other side better than ever!!!

                          Thanks for the support, guys! Smile It means a lot to me. The initial shock of hearing that you are pretty messed up just gets to you. Pieces of a puzzle.... Ok, so how did all this happen? It's pretty fascinating actually. And it's pretty cool how Vinny and his associates put the pieces together. If you looked at me visually, two things you would notice right off the bat are two different sized quad muscles, with the left being smaller. Also, you would notice a big ugly black toenail on my left big toe. Let's go back to the left knee surgery the beginning of this year. Once I started running and biking again, I was favoring that left leg. That lead to muscle weakness in it and caused an imbalance between the right and left legs, especially in the hip flexors. Vinny did a quick manual testing of my muscles ( a more formal one will come later ), and all around my left was weaker than my right. In particular, my hip flexor was only about 50% as strong as the right. So, I'm favoring my left leg. That was no surprise. On to the black toenail. I got that this past April courtesy of the Boston marathon. In all my years of running, I've never had this happen. So why now? Weak left leg probably made me scuff or shuffle that leg during the marathon, constantly jamming my toe. It turns black and becomes painful. For weeks, I run favoring that toe by keeping it lifted while I run. This increases the pressure on the balls of my feet, and viola! Stress fracture the end of May. Start running again mid June, favoring my left foot even more by trying to keep the front of it elevated while running to keep pressure off the balls of my feet. This constant dorsiflexion of my foot while running strains the tendons across the top of my foot running up the front lower part of my shin. From all the biking I've done, I have strong shin muscles, so this allows me to get away with running this way for as long as I did. The shin muscles kept my poor tendons braced for the job they were trying to do. If my shin muscles weren't as strong, I probably would've gotten warning signals earlier that something was wrong, but it turns out that they let the tendons strain beyond what normally would've made them hurt. Finally they hit the breaking point. When functioning normally, your tendons in the shin area glide effortlessly back and forth inside of a sheathing. Get them irritated, they swell and start to rub. Usually here is where you get pain and you stop. Mine apparantly were doing that, but I had no indication of it. So they kept rubbing to the point where the sheathing got irritated and inflamed and roughened up, and probably has some tears in it. Imagine your finger is the tendon. Stick it in an electric pencil sharpener. That's what's going on. So any movement of my foot and ankle right now ( i.e. walking) just causes it to rub more, and that in turn causes more inflammation, which in turn causes more restriction, grinding, tearing, and pain. It's a vicious cycle. Vinny my PT said he can't help me much until the inflammation cycle gets broken. So he's sending me back to my orthopedist for a shot to get the inflammation down, and also some sort of a cast to immobilize the foot from any flexion and dorsiflexion. Today I was a guinea pig at PT. Until I can get the cast, one of the associates wanted to try a new taping technique with some sort of special sticky, stretchy elastic tape. The goal was to try to take pressure off that tendon area. So I had to have my leg shaved, and have a carefully designed pattern of taping put on it. I actually find all this stuff pretty cool. It's amazing how having something out of whack can lead to so many other things. Marathon training will definitely bring out the weaknesses in your body. It's also amazing how a good PT or team of PT's can unwravel things. Take care of your body, guys. It's the only one you have.
                          Katie H

                          Chicago winter running

                            oh geez... I'm sorry to hear about Vinny's diagnosis Bob Sad I've read about that in horses so I'm familiar with the deal. That's pretty cool that you'll be getting iontophoresis of cortisone- I just learned about that technique! That should help a lot too- I hope so! I was glad to read the story of how all this happened starting with your knee surgery b/c it really impresses upon me (especially since I'm marginally injured) how these things build on each other. Also, none of us judge you (your training) but it always looked to me like you were training smart! Glad you've got such a great team working on you and hope that shaveed leg and tape works wonders for you. Smile Also, great picture of the moose! How lucky to see one pretty close like that (but not too close- yikes!)
                            We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision, but we must speak. - MLK Jr.

                              oh geez... I'm sorry to hear about Vinny's diagnosis Bob Sad I've read about that in horses so I'm familiar with the deal.
                              They aren't going to shoot me, are they Katie? Wink I've been called a horses a$$ before, so now I guess I have horses feet too! Wink Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by! Take some lessons from me and keep plugging at getting your foot better!

                                Just got back from the orthopedist with a neat little needle hole in my tendon. That one HURT! He didn't even numb the area first! Shocked It feels great now! Can't wait to see how it is a week from now though. I also will be wearing one of these for a while: Woohoo! Just call me "The Terminator"!