RA Coaching Forum

btb's running log (Read 1123 times)


    weeks not over yet Wink I was actually thinking about doing my long run tomorrow and then just doing a recovery run on Saturday and actully maybe just maybe taking Sunday off Shocked As for tapering for Lehigh, I probably will at least a little.
    It's good to be flexible with your schedule like that. Take Sunday off? You? I'll believe it when I see it! Wink
    Do you have any specific goal for your 5k tomorrow?
    The 5k is Sunday, and I have no idea what to expect. I'm hoping for something under 19 minutes if everything goes well, but anything under 20 minutes will make me happy. Not sure the legs remember how to move that quickly though. I really am using the race as a speed session and to see how my training progress ( or lack of ) is going.
      Definetly is!! I know, I'll believe it when I see it as well lol. Ooops my bad sorry Bob! Oh I'm sure your going to kick the 5k's butt!! Good luck and can't wait to hear how it goes!

      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


        Using the McMillan calculator to reverse engineer my 5k time from my marathon goal time puts me around an 18 minute 5k. I know that isn't gonna happen, since like yourself, I'm not 5k trained right now. So that's why I was thinking 19 minutes. As an aside, today I got an email from the race saying as one of the first 100 entrants, I got a free ferry ticket to get there. The race is on an island with no cars and is only accessible by ferry. Thanks for the good luck wishes, I appreciate it! Smile
          Using the McMillan calculator to reverse engineer my 5k time from my marathon goal time puts me around an 18 minute 5k. I know that isn't gonna happen, since like yourself, I'm not 5k trained right now. So that's why I was thinking 19 minutes. As an aside, today I got an email from the race saying as one of the first 100 entrants, I got a free ferry ticket to get there. The race is on an island with no cars and is only accessible by ferry. Thanks for the good luck wishes, I appreciate it! Smile
          Very cool about the free ticket!! I'll be thinking of ya when i'm sitting relaxing out on the deck drinking a beer Wink

          Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


            Very cool about the free ticket!! I'll be thinking of ya when i'm sitting relaxing out on the deck drinking a beer Wink
            Ahh, nice! Enjoy that beer after your supposed non-run on Sunday! Big grin

              Easy does it... 6 miles easy with 10x100 strides near the end. Last 3/4 mile barefoot on the grass. Cloudy, cooler, breezy but still humid this AM. Much better than it's been, I'm so thankful for that. Walked the dog after and got done just before the deluge. Felt good. Those strides really help iron out the kinks in your form. Got out early, no oversleeping today. In fact, I got up before the alarm. Got to see a lot of deer again, plus an incredible sunrise. There was a break in the clouds to the east, and the underside of the clouds were illuminated with awesome pastels of red, purple and pink as the sun rose. TGIF, looking forward to a nice weekend. Have an easy run planned for Saturday AM. Going car shopping in the afternoon. The van is approaching 200k miles, so it's time. Sunday is a 5k in the AM. In the evening, a couple from church who have recorded several music CD's are putting on an outdoor concert at a nearby waterfront amphitheater. Don't forget to look to the skies Sunday night for the Perseid meteor showers! Get a pizza and a lawnchair and go camp out. Probably get some swimming in. Weather forecast for both days looks pretty good, maybe a bit warm on Sunday.
                Sounds like you had a really nice run this morning!! Have a WONDERFUL weekend and can't wait to hear how your 5k was! Good luck Bob!!

                Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                  Sounds like you had a really nice run this morning!! Have a WONDERFUL weekend and can't wait to hear how your 5k was! Good luck Bob!!
                  As always, thank you! Have a great weekend yourself! Enjoy the rest of your stepback week! Tongue If I remember by camera, I'll get some pics of the race, it's supposed to be pretty nice where it's being held.

                    change of plans... Went to bed last night feeling crappy...achy, headache, tired. So this AM when the alarm went off, the body said no thank you, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. Gonna take today off, even though I am feeling a bit better now. Just want to make sure I'm not fighting something. Today was only gonna be an easy 6 miles anyway. Next week is a big mileage week for me, so I don't want to take any chances. Glorious morning here, had a nice loooonnnngggg walk with the dog instead. Very beautiful out.
                      change of plans... Went to bed last night feeling crappy...achy, headache, tired. So this AM when the alarm went off, the body said no thank you, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. Gonna take today off, even though I am feeling a bit better now. Just want to make sure I'm not fighting something. Today was only gonna be an easy 6 miles anyway. Next week is a big mileage week for me, so I don't want to take any chances. Glorious morning here, had a nice loooonnnngggg walk with the dog instead. Very beautiful out.
                      Hi Bob, So this is where you are posting your training. Just found this group yesterday. People around (including Glenn) are starting to get those late summer colds. Glad you are feeling better- hope you stay that way. Looking forward to following your training.
                        change of plans... Went to bed last night feeling crappy...achy, headache, tired. So this AM when the alarm went off, the body said no thank you, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. Gonna take today off, even though I am feeling a bit better now. Just want to make sure I'm not fighting something. Today was only gonna be an easy 6 miles anyway. Next week is a big mileage week for me, so I don't want to take any chances. Glorious morning here, had a nice loooonnnngggg walk with the dog instead. Very beautiful out.
                        Enjoy your rest day!!! Hope your not getting anything!!!! Have a wonderful weekend and kick butt tomorrow!

                        Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                          Hi Bob, So this is where you are posting your training. Just found this group yesterday. People around (including Glenn) are starting to get those late summer colds. Glad you are feeling better- hope you stay that way. Looking forward to following your training.
                          Hi Alan! Thanks for dropping by! Sorry to hear that the little fella is coming down with something. Make sure you stay clear of that junk, you have a marathon to kick butt in soon enough. It's nice and quiet here, just the way I like it.

                            Enjoy your rest day!!! Hope your not getting anything!!!! Have a wonderful weekend and kick butt tomorrow!
                            Thank you Pam! I'll try to enjoy it, but I'd rather be running. I think it's allergies. For some reason this year I've been blessed with them. Hope your weekend is going well!
                              Thank you Pam! I'll try to enjoy it, but I'd rather be running. I think it's allergies. For some reason this year I've been blessed with them. Hope your weekend is going well!
                              UGhhhhhhhhhh I hate allergies! Totally understand the rather be running!! Well I started my weekend off right, we'll see how the rest of it goes.

                              Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                                I think it's allergies. For some reason this year I've been blessed with them.
                                I had this at the start of last winter. My doc called them "non-allergic allergies", or some such thing. The bizarre weather we had brought 'em out. Hopefully things change soon.