RA Coaching Forum

Bonkin's Marathon Training (Read 1078 times)


    Mike! The slacking and smoking and glass-in-the-foot seems to have done you some good! Great week! How's the hamstring doing? Great job on the 15k PR too! Icing on the cake! You know what would've been cool? Since the course was a reverse of your last 15k, you should've set your watch to the time that you ran your last 15k in, and had it count down backwards to zero, and try to get to the finish line before then! You obviously would've been happy to still see 3 minutes left on it! Keep the ball rolling, Mike!
      Thanks, Bob! It seems that way. The hamstring is still a little tight occasionally - but it loosens up after a mile or so. One day this week I think I'll do a muscle imbalance test and see how things look. That is a good idea to do a countdown! If I could figure how to get the Garmin to do that - it would also be fun watching my heart rate go down throughout the run instead of up Clowning around

      When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

        Training Week 15 Summary This week ended what Pfitz calls Mesocycle 3 - Race Preparation. Next week begins Mesocycle 4 - Taper and Race. I may try to finally get around to some ab work and light upper body weights over the next few weeks as I reduce my running. Nothing major - just start some new good habits. I was scheduled to do the following: TUE: 5mi w/6x100m - Check WED: 10mi w/4x1200m @ 5k pace - Check FRI: 10mi Easy - Check SAT: 4mi Recovery - Check SUN: 20mi Long - Check This week's 20 miler was just as good as last weeks - which means it was great. I used the same plan as last week of taking a gel every 45 mins - I also added in 2 S! caps every hour. I'm not sure how much difference they made during the run. The big difference between this week and last is that last week I was pretty done running at the end of 17 and this week I could easily have kept running after a little more than 20. Except for fading pace-wise on Wednesday's interval session - everything went well this week - hammy is still feeling a little tight at times but in pretty good shape overall. This is my second 50 mile week ever. It's the first one that I don't feel beaten up by. Big grin I ran 50.2 miles versus the 49 miles that were planned.

        When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


          Things are really coming together just in time for your race, Mike! Excellent! Great week, and even better is that you felt good after it! Sounds like you figured out a feeding/drinking routine for your long runs which is important. On race day, you just follow the same routine you've been doing instead of trying new things during the race. Just make sure you follow the taper schedule. Don't be tempted to add to it. Also, be really careful about adding the extra weight workouts... you may want to wait till after your race to start that up. Taper time is usually not the best time to be adding new stuff to your routine. Keep up the great work Mike! All indications say that you are gonna have a great race!
            Thanks, Bob! I definitely will follow the race day advice and am planning on following Pfitz taper plan to a 'T'. I'm supposed to run another tune-up race this coming weekend - but am planning to skip it do to my wife being out of town - should still be able to get my mileage at the same level on the plan though. I've been thinking about the weights thing and I agree with your advice and will leave well enough alone until after the marathon. I may still get started on an weekly abs session though. Been meaning to do this all summer and just never got around to it.

            When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

              Things are really coming together just in time for your race, Mike! Excellent! Great week, and even better is that you felt good after it! Sounds like you figured out a feeding/drinking routine for your long runs which is important. On race day, you just follow the same routine you've been doing instead of trying new things during the race. Just make sure you follow the taper schedule. Don't be tempted to add to it. Also, be really careful about adding the extra weight workouts... you may want to wait till after your race to start that up. Taper time is usually not the best time to be adding new stuff to your routine. Keep up the great work Mike! All indications say that you are gonna have a great race!
              I have to second this!!! Bobs advice is very solid! I have to agree with everything indicating your going to have a great race!!! Try not to go too stir crazy during tapering!

              Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                Ok, Mr. Bonkin, where are your workouts for the week? You've been absent. Now its your turn to have an awesome race this weekend! Update us please, Mike.
                  Hehe. I ran twice last week, Bob! That's twice as many as the week before. Actually the last two weeks have been crazy busy at work and at home - I maybe could've snuck in one or two more runs - but I've been leaning towards less is more as I taper and approach the race. My legs have gone through the phantom pains - which I really think are just the kinks of the hundreds of miles I ran over the summer - melting away. Except for a little too much smoking here and there this month - I'm ready to roll for next Saturday. Everything feels great. I will run some short stuff this week. As you know, I've removed my sub-4 goal and now I'm just going to have a fun first marathon. Temps are back on the rise in West Texas so just finishing and running the whole way will make me happy - but I must admit that deep down I'm hoping for something in the 4:15-4:20 neighborhood. We'll see. Oh - I also took your advice on not adding in the weights or anything during my taper. That will have to be saved for the next phase of training. Thanks for checking on me Bob!

                  When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


                    Ok Mike, not that you've been checking or anything Wink but what's the weather forecast looking like for your race? Being your first marathon, your goal should be to just get to the finish line comfortably and enjoy the experience. You hear that from so many people, and it's true. Just get one under your belt, then worry about time. This marathon stuff takes time to build up to. You gotta be patient. If the weather is warm, it's especially true to go easy, waaaay easier than you think you have to.
                      Bob is full of great advice!! Hope your not going to crazy since you've started tapering! Can't wait to hear about how your race goes!! Good luck Mike!!

                      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                        Ok Mike, not that you've been checking or anything Wink but what's the weather forecast looking like for your race?
                        LOL. No I haven't been checking - much. Only two or three times a day. Big grin It was looking like low of 57 and high of 81 a few days ago. Looking like low of 58 and high of 90 now. People tell me it's a dry heat though. I told them to F off - 90 in Texas is hot. But I've trained in 80s and 90s all summer - so I'm hoping that most of it goes in the 70's and only have to do the last hour or so in the 80s.
                        Being your first marathon, your goal should be to just get to the finish line comfortably and enjoy the experience. You hear that from so many people, and it's true. Just get one under your belt, then worry about time. This marathon stuff takes time to build up to. You gotta be patient. If the weather is warm, it's especially true to go easy, waaaay easier than you think you have to.
                        I plan to. I've spent most of the summer dreaming of the sub-4. And if not for my smoking binges and some cooler temps - it may have been. Now, I am definitely taking your advice and have spent my taper period resting up and planning on a nice race. Like you said - I have the rest of my running life to run faster times. I'm off to head out to west Texas early in the morning (7-8 hour drive west of here) and may not have internet access until I get back. So I wanted to say in advance to you and Pam especially - MANY THANKS for your advice and encouragement. You two have propped me up quite a few times when I was down and cheered me on when I was up. So again, thanks so much - you guys have helped more than you know. I'll definitely post an update/report when I get back. Oh yeah. I've just decided that I'm going to dedicate this marathon to the super-speedy healing of your foot, Bob!

                        When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

                          Bob is full of great advice!! Hope your not going to crazy since you've started tapering! Can't wait to hear about how your race goes!! Good luck Mike!!
                          Most definitely he is. Not going to crazy - just feeling a little nervous. I've just finished packing and can't stop feeling like I'm forgetting something. Thanks for the support, Pam! See above, but I'm very grateful for your and Bob's support, advice, and encouragement this summer! It is VERY MUCH appreciated and just wanted to say thanks again before I head out. I already dedicated my marathon to healing Bob's foot. So I will have to dedicate another race in your honor!

                          When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


                            Good luck in your marathon!


                              Good luck in your marathon!
                              Thanks, Derek! I saw in your Chicago report that you were contemplating Cowtown - any thought of running White Rock? I'm still undecided - but it's on my list - will have to see how I feel after this weekend. MTA - Nice 3 miler today! Way to start the recovery!

                              When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


                                Mike, you may be on your way already, but if by chance you see this, BEST OF LUCK to you in your marathon, and safe travels! Hopefully the heat won't be as bad as predicted. High five lots of kids, look around while running and take it all in. Check in when you get back! I appreciate the dedication of your race to my foot! The best thing you could do for me though is to get out there and have fun, and run a smart race, then come back and tell everyone how a first time marathon should be run!