RA Coaching Forum

Rockenmama's Training for 2007 Fall Marathon'S (Read 1567 times)


    You are amazing! You run a marathon yesterday, and today already you run almost 8 miles! Pam, please be careful! Even though you ran the race easy, 26.2 miles is still a long way to run. It's good to get blood flowing for recovery, just make sure you aren't doing too much this week please. Maybe your energy levels are ok, but the muscles and joints take a beating, so let them recover a bit. Walking is good... Sorry to be a pain. You've come this far, I'd hate to see anything happen at this point.
      You are amazing! You run a marathon yesterday, and today already you run almost 8 miles! Pam, please be careful! Even though you ran the race easy, 26.2 miles is still a long way to run. It's good to get blood flowing for recovery, just make sure you aren't doing too much this week please. Maybe your energy levels are ok, but the muscles and joints take a beating, so let them recover a bit. Walking is good... Sorry to be a pain. You've come this far, I'd hate to see anything happen at this point.
      You sound JUST like my husband Bob! I'm definetly taking the week run by run. I will be letting my body dictate each and every run. I will DEFINETLY keep it as low key of a week as possible. I definetly welcome your words of wisdom (your not being a pain!) and will definetly keep them in my head each day! Your input is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!

      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

        Nice 4 mile run. It was pouring so I didn't really feel if my legs we're stiff. Run was MUCH faster than planned, but it felt GREAT! I ran the EXACT opposite on the loop today. Forced myself to stop at mile 4 so that I wouldn't push the last .8 like I KNOW I would have! I kept hearing Bob saying, Be careful & walking is good! For the record I am NOT running again today! I feel good enough and know it's going to be hard keeping myself from running but I AM NOT running tonight! I promised dh lol

        Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


          Nice 4 mile run. It was pouring so I didn't really feel if my legs we're stiff. Run was MUCH faster than planned, but it felt GREAT! I ran the EXACT opposite on the loop today. Forced myself to stop at mile 4 so that I wouldn't push the last .8 like I KNOW I would have! I kept hearing Bob saying, Be careful & walking is good! For the record I am NOT running again today! I feel good enough and know it's going to be hard keeping myself from running but I AM NOT running tonight! I promised dh lol
          Well I hope I sound like your husband in a good way, and not a nagging way as husbands tend to be! I am still amazed at how good you are feeling, but not really surprised at it though, given the amount of miles you've logged. Having that many miles in your legs definitely help when it comes to recovery time from marathons. Even so, feeling good does not mean you should keep pushing when you know you should be spending time recovering. That's what gets people into trouble so often. The schedule will call for an easy day or an easy week, and if feeling good, people will end up pushing themselves instead of taking the prescribed rest and then end up hurt. It is far better to get to the starting line healty and slightly undertrained, than injured and overtrained. Not that you are undertrained. Take the dog for a walk!
            Well I hope I sound like your husband in a good way, and not a nagging way as husbands tend to be! I am still amazed at how good you are feeling, but not really surprised at it though, given the amount of miles you've logged. Having that many miles in your legs definitely help when it comes to recovery time from marathons. Even so, feeling good does not mean you should keep pushing when you know you should be spending time recovering. That's what gets people into trouble so often. The schedule will call for an easy day or an easy week, and if feeling good, people will end up pushing themselves instead of taking the prescribed rest and then end up hurt. It is far better to get to the starting line healty and slightly undertrained, than injured and overtrained. Not that you are undertrained. Take the dog for a walk!
            Nothing but good thoughts when I read you're input!! Totally agree with what you are saying!! Thanks again!

            Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

              Well the weather was JUST TOO AWESOME to even think about taking a day off. Had to get out there and enjoy it while it lasts. Didn't plan on doing a progression, guess my legs felt like it. Definetly felt good to do! I'm amazed at how much easier a under 8 mile pace is getting to be. It sure didn't feel like I was going that fast at the end. http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/3929936

              Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                Well the weather was JUST TOO AWESOME to even think about taking a day off. Had to get out there and enjoy it while it lasts. Didn't plan on doing a progression, guess my legs felt like it. Definetly felt good to do! I'm amazed at how much easier a under 8 mile pace is getting to be. It sure didn't feel like I was going that fast at the end. http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/3929936
                It's nice to know that this training stuff actually works, doesn't it? It's such a good feeling when all of a sudden you realize that you are at a whole other level. You certainly are there Pam! Based on your new found speed, have you changed your gameplan for Steamtown?
                  It's nice to know that this training stuff actually works, doesn't it? It's such a good feeling when all of a sudden you realize that you are at a whole other level. You certainly are there Pam! Based on your new found speed, have you changed your gameplan for Steamtown?
                  OMG it is such a GREAT feeling knowing what I've been doing this past year is paying off!! I still can't believe I ran my first marathon within 6 months of starting to run and with VBRY little milage! I really must of been nuts! As for my game town for Steamtown. I'm going to go with the flow of my legs. I am confidant I can do a sub 4 now. I mean I still don't feel like I just ran a marathon. In fact during the marathon I didn't feel like I was running a marathon. It really felt like just another long run. COMPLETE opposite feeling then my 1st marathon. My main concern is just to make sure I don't start out too fast! I probably won't do many water stops like I did on Sunday since the weather should be much nicer. I'd love to shave another 30 minutes off my time, but know that's unrealistic. I'll be happy with anything under 4 hours.

                  Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                    OMG it is such a GREAT feeling knowing what I've been doing this past year is paying off!! I still can't believe I ran my first marathon within 6 months of starting to run and with VBRY little milage! I really must of been nuts!
                    Keep this up and imagine where you'll be next fall! I think there is still a lot of untapped potential there.
                    As for my game town for Steamtown. I'm going to go with the flow of my legs. I am confidant I can do a sub 4 now. I mean I still don't feel like I just ran a marathon. In fact during the marathon I didn't feel like I was running a marathon. It really felt like just another long run. COMPLETE opposite feeling then my 1st marathon.
                    I forget who said it... something like "Hard training, easy battle". I think a sub-4 should be VERY doable for you.
                    My main concern is just to make sure I don't start out too fast! I probably won't do many water stops like I did on Sunday since the weather should be much nicer. I'd love to shave another 30 minutes off my time, but know that's unrealistic. I'll be happy with anything under 4 hours.
                    I think a lot of people get into trouble during marathons by 1) Going out too fast. 2) Try to go faster than their training has indicated. i.e. They are unrealistic with their goals. You are being very smart with your approach. The thing about drinking though.... don't let cooler weather at Steamtown (hopefully!) fool you into thinking that you don't need to drink as much. Yes, your requirements will be less than that of your last race, but you still need to drink plenty. Last time I did Steamtown, it was drizzling and the temps were in the 40's, and a bunch of people finished up with salty faces and dehydration.
                      Keep this up and imagine where you'll be next fall! I think there is still a lot of untapped potential there. I forget who said it... something like "Hard training, easy battle". I think a sub-4 should be VERY doable for you. I think a lot of people get into trouble during marathons by 1) Going out too fast. 2) Try to go faster than their training has indicated. i.e. They are unrealistic with their goals. You are being very smart with your approach. The thing about drinking though.... don't let cooler weather at Steamtown (hopefully!) fool you into thinking that you don't need to drink as much. Yes, your requirements will be less than that of your last race, but you still need to drink plenty. Last time I did Steamtown, it was drizzling and the temps were in the 40's, and a bunch of people finished up with salty faces and dehydration.
                      Next Fall I hope to qualify for Boston! I try to keep my goals realistic and try to be smart about my approach (not always successful) As for hydration at Steamtown. I'll be wearing my 56 oz Camel back that I HALF filled for last Sundays race, but it will be FULL!

                      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                        That extra weight in your camelback will be an unfair advantage on the downhills! Wink Just curious... why wear the camelback in the race? Do you carry something special in it? The waterstops at Steamtown were plentiful and not a problem at all with crowding. This race is put on by some experienced marathon runners, and they really have paid attention to getting the details down that make this race as runner friendly as possible. I'm thinking that not wearing it would be one less thing you have to worry about on race day, not to mention the extra 4lbs or so of weight that you will save.
                          That extra weight in your camelback will be an unfair advantage on the downhills! Wink Just curious... why wear the camelback in the race? Do you carry something special in it? The waterstops at Steamtown were plentiful and not a problem at all with crowding. This race is put on by some experienced marathon runners, and they really have paid attention to getting the details down that make this race as runner friendly as possible. I'm thinking that not wearing it would be one less thing you have to worry about on race day, not to mention the extra 4lbs or so of weight that you will save.
                          Well I have other (women) issue's that will more than likely have me needing to carry supplies, plus my shot blocks I bring as well as my cell phone since dh and I won't be running together. BUT since this is my "A" race, if a certain issue isn't going on I may leave the camelback home. Of course if I do have it, more than likely I wouldn't have to worry about stopping for water.

                          Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                            Nice run this morning. Ran with Ken which was nice. Unfortunatly he's a rotten pacer! I told him I'd like a 9 minute mile pace today. Well needless to say we did have one that was at least 9 minutes. Of course that was our first mile. Anyways run felt good, finished strong which is always my intentions. Felt WAY better after the run then I did before we got started. Which in my book makes a good run. No pain, I still feel energenic (will be taking Kallie out for a nice walk in a bit). Tomorrow I will be taking off completly. No running, no working out just kicking back and enjoying the day.

                            Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                              Well I have other (women) issue's that will more than likely have me needing to carry supplies, plus my shot blocks I bring as well as my cell phone since dh and I won't be running together. BUT since this is my "A" race, if a certain issue isn't going on I may leave the camelback home. Of course if I do have it, more than likely I wouldn't have to worry about stopping for water.
                              Ooops, sorry I asked! Tight lipped Shoot, if I knew it would fit you, I'd send you my amphipod belt to use. It has a nice little pouch for all your stuff, and a cell phone holder. Yeah, you'd have to hit the water stops then, but then you'd get to experience the enthusiasm of the volunteers who man the water stations. I'm telling you, the people on the course really enjoy being part of this race.
                              Nice run this morning. Ran with Ken which was nice. Unfortunatly he's a rotten pacer! I told him I'd like a 9 minute mile pace today. Well needless to say we did have one that was at least 9 minutes. Of course that was our first mile. Anyways run felt good, finished strong which is always my intentions. Felt WAY better after the run then I did before we got started. Which in my book makes a good run. No pain, I still feel energenic (will be taking Kallie out for a nice walk in a bit). Tomorrow I will be taking off completly. No running, no working out just kicking back and enjoying the day.
                              Day off? What's that? Wink You've had a great post marathon week Pam. Hope you enjoyed that walk afterwards! It's nice to slow down and look around. Smile
                                Ooops, sorry I asked! Tight lipped Shoot, if I knew it would fit you, I'd send you my amphipod belt to use. It has a nice little pouch for all your stuff, and a cell phone holder. Yeah, you'd have to hit the water stops then, but then you'd get to experience the enthusiasm of the volunteers who man the water stations. I'm telling you, the people on the course really enjoy being part of this race. Day off? What's that? Wink You've had a great post marathon week Pam. Hope you enjoyed that walk afterwards! It's nice to slow down and look around. Smile
                                I'll definetly make a point to stop at some waterstops then! Thanks for your insight Bob! Didn't get that walk in with Kallie yesterday. Either she ate something she shouldn't have or she just had a plain old upset stomach, Kallie wasn't in any shape to go for a walk. I plan on taking her to Little Lehigh today. She might even get to go swimming. I know you've had more than your share of days off Sad makes it little hard for me to post my running. But it really helps me to hear people's input. I realized after last nights run that I can't blame dh for yesterdays mornings under 9 minute mile paced run. This cool weather has really impacted my running making it seem that I'm running slower than I am. My long run this weekend ought to be interesting since it will be real nice weather. On another note I got my first workout in almost a month and a half in on Tuesday night. Let me tell you my arms and chest is STILL sore! I was talking to a girlfriend on the phone, talking about how this workout seemed to kick my butt more than the marathon did. She reminded me that I've been running TONS lately and haven't been working out at all THAT"S why I'm so sore. I finally actually feel like I know what I'm doing when it comes to my running.

                                Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson