RA Coaching Forum

Rockenmama's Training for 2007 Fall Marathon'S (Read 1567 times)


    I'll definetly make a point to stop at some waterstops then! Thanks for your insight Bob! Didn't get that walk in with Kallie yesterday. Either she ate something she shouldn't have or she just had a plain old upset stomach, Kallie wasn't in any shape to go for a walk. I plan on taking her to Little Lehigh today. She might even get to go swimming. I know you've had more than your share of days off Sad makes it little hard for me to post my running. But it really helps me to hear people's input. I realized after last nights run that I can't blame dh for yesterdays mornings under 9 minute mile paced run. This cool weather has really impacted my running making it seem that I'm running slower than I am. My long run this weekend ought to be interesting since it will be real nice weather. On another note I got my first workout in almost a month and a half in on Tuesday night. Let me tell you my arms and chest is STILL sore! I was talking to a girlfriend on the phone, talking about how this workout seemed to kick my butt more than the marathon did. She reminded me that I've been running TONS lately and haven't been working out at all THAT"S why I'm so sore. I finally actually feel like I know what I'm doing when it comes to my running.
    Pam, you are gonna love Steamtown! The people really make this race very special. Soak it all in, ok? Those dogs.... always eating stuff they shouldn't be! I was walking Jake one night, and came across a neighbor who was walking their dog, a beagle mix. We were chatting, not really paying attention to the dogs. Then when it was time to go, we looked at the beagle, and she was sitting there proud as ever, with a bird tail sticking out of her mouth. The owner started whacking her in the head, yelling "DROP IT!!!" It was pretty funny! When Jake and I walk the beach, I'll usually catch him munching on something. Oooh, I hope your dog likes to swim! Jake and I did about 1/2 a mile last night. It was getting dark so it was a little creepy out there. It was good to have the company. He's starting to kick my butt, I can't keep up with him! Pam, don't be silly! Keep talking about your running! It's exciting how well you are doing! I miss it when you don't post what you've done! Ahh, the cooler weather! Remember in the middle of the summer how we kept saying "Wait till it gets cooler and then you will be flying!" That time is now! The cooler weather, plus you are in great shape. Time to adjust those training paces. That's why going by feel is important... you'll know when it's time to up the ante! Funny how in shape you think you are from running, till you do something physical that you haven't done in a while that isn't running related. I too started back at the gym, and did some much overdue upper body stuff, and oh man did it hurt the next day ( and the next, and the next...) You know you'll get it back quickly though.
      One of the main reasons we chose Steamtown was because it's a small town marathon and I've heard GREAT things about the organization of the race and the people. We'll be spending the night up there as well and plan on soaking everything up the day before and during race day. OMG I'd probably start laughing if I caught Kallie eating a bird. For some odd reason she's more into poop Dead though she LOVES to try and pick up roots or really HUGE sticks. She LOVES to swim. We took her for a 3 mile walk this afternoon. We took an off shoot of the trail and let her off leash, which she REALLY enjoyed. She did intervals the whole time which was funnny seing how they got shorter and shorter and shorter. Of course as we're heading to the car she found a bunch of energy and tried to convince us to stay. Well as long as you promise to keep us updated on how things are going with you or just post whatever you feel like. Yep finally reaping the benefits of running in the heat this summer. Makes me get excited for Steamtown. OMG that workout kicked my a$$! Congrats on starting back up at the gym. Do you plan on keeping at it? I know I am, just hope I don't slack off. I working out twice a week until the week of marathon, then just once. After Steamtown I'm going to try and get back to 3 times a week until right before Philly.

      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


        One of the main reasons we chose Steamtown was because it's a small town marathon and I've heard GREAT things about the organization of the race and the people. We'll be spending the night up there as well and plan on soaking everything up the day before and during race day.
        I know an INCREDIBLE ice cream place there.... if you're interested. The post race party is awesome, if you guys can swing staying for it, it's well worth it!
        OMG I'd probably start laughing if I caught Kallie eating a bird. For some odd reason she's more into poop Dead though she LOVES to try and pick up roots or really HUGE sticks. She LOVES to swim. We took her for a 3 mile walk this afternoon. We took an off shoot of the trail and let her off leash, which she REALLY enjoyed. She did intervals the whole time which was funnny seing how they got shorter and shorter and shorter. Of course as we're heading to the car she found a bunch of energy and tried to convince us to stay.
        Into poop???? Oh my gosh, I laughed so hard when I read that! Wow, 3 miles is a long way for little legs like hers! She must've been pooped at the end! I know when I hike with Jake and let him off leash, he probably covers 3 times the distance that I do with all the back and forth running he does. Interval training, like you said!
        Well as long as you promise to keep us updated on how things are going with you or just post whatever you feel like.
        There won't be much to tell I'm afraid. I'd much rather just comment on your posts! Big grin But ok, I promise.
        Yep finally reaping the benefits of running in the heat this summer. Makes me get excited for Steamtown.
        I'm excited for you too!
        OMG that workout kicked my a$$! Congrats on starting back up at the gym. Do you plan on keeping at it? I know I am, just hope I don't slack off. I working out twice a week until the week of marathon, then just once. After Steamtown I'm going to try and get back to 3 times a week until right before Philly.
        I take the summers off from the gym and just do some light stuff at home during that time, and rejoin again for the fall and winter. It's paid for, so yeah I'll use it! Why do I have a feeling that your gym workouts would kill me....?
          I hope to stay for the after race party! I'd LOVE the name of the icecream place Bob!!! You would think 3 miles would of been enough to tire her out for a while, but nooooooooooo she was getting into all sorts of trouble after getting home. Between her and Lokie Roll eyes I'll be happy just to see you posting! Thanks Bob!! Oh and my workouts wouldn't "kill" you Wink Though they might mame ya lol

          Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

            AWESOME long run today. I planned on doing anywhere from 13-15 miles but since I didn't get running until after 7 and my 6 year old twins had soccer at 9:30 I decided to do just 13. Runs like this morning are so enjoyable! Beautiful weather even if it was raining a bit at the end. Beautiful scenery and trails not crowded at all. I love how I there are so many different trails to run. Legs felt good and I felt strong at the end which makes it a very succesful run. I'd say perfect way to end my running week, but I still have one more day. Todays run http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/3955353 Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

            Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


              From the web... It is a good day that begins with an ice cream sundae. Imagine a bucholic setting a few short miles off Interstate 81, with barns and cows on a hilltop surrounded by corn fields. Then add an ice cream parlor and homemade ice cream from the milk of the cows outside. As luck would have it, we found such a place. Manning Farm, on Manning Road in Dalton, serves up a Baskin Robbins assortment, meaning twenty something flavors, but better because they are all made on the premises using the same recipes for generations. So what that it was only ten in the morning. Two scoops of ice cream, (I chose Vanilla and Oreo) topped with strawberries is a nutritious breakfast. At least that’s what I told myself. http://www.manningfarm.com/our_stores/ You want the one across from the Clarion Hotel.... Enjoy!

                Yay! Another great run in the books for you! Trail running is the best! You are very lucky to have that at your disposal! Just a few more weeks to go Pam!
                  Will definetly be stopping there and giving my report on how it was Big grin Can't believe 3 more weeks!! Well this mornings "recovery" run wasn't exactly a recovery. I ended up doing a tempo run. Actually more like 1 mile warm up 4 mile tempo. So this is what this week looked like Runs totaled 51.4 miles and I got 2 strength workouts in. Date Event Course Type Distance Time Pace Actions 9/16/2007 Tempo 5 Mi 9/15/2007 Strength Training 9/15/2007 Long 13 Mi 9/13/2007 cooldown 1.11 9/13/2007 progression 5 Mi 9/13/2007 Easy 5.15 Mi 9/12/2007 progression 4.2 Mi 9/12/2007 progression 6 Mi 9/11/2007 6 mile Easy 4 Mi 9/11/2007 Strength Training 9/10/2007 Easy 4.8 Mi 9/10/2007 Easy 3.14 Mi Gloves come off and this coming week is Peak week for my "A" marathon.

                  Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                    Wow Pam! 51 miles is becoming just a ho-hum week for you! One year ago, would you ever even imagine that? I'm glad you had a good week! Your training is coming along phenominally! Look at the paces you are running at now! Ok, define "gloves are coming off".... for this week.
                      Maybe she means her weight lifting gloves Wink Nice week, Pam. I need to get hitting the weights soon myself - hopefully some of your motivation will rub off on me Smile

                      When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

                        Wow Pam! 51 miles is becoming just a ho-hum week for you! One year ago, would you ever even imagine that? I'm glad you had a good week! Your training is coming along phenominally! Look at the paces you are running at now! Ok, define "gloves are coming off".... for this week.
                        I would of NEVER dreamed I would be running like this a year ago. Wonder what it will be like in another year. Thanks for checking in Bob!

                        Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                          Maybe she means her weight lifting gloves Wink Nice week, Pam. I need to get hitting the weights soon myself - hopefully some of your motivation will rub off on me Smile
                          I'll define the glove comment a little later (gotta get kids from bus stop) Thanks Mike!!! I'm here to for motivation & to motivate! Hugs and thanks for stoping by hun!

                          Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                            Ok so I'm not really taking the gloves off UNTIL Marathon Day. I just meant that this week, there's no holding back on milage. I'll probably have MANY doubles. I'm also looking to do my long run Thursday, so that I can actually race a 5k on Sunday. Gotta get in what I can, since I'll start tapering on Monday. Had a nice run this morning. http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/3985250

                            Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


                              Ok so I'm not really taking the gloves off UNTIL Marathon Day. I just meant that this week, there's no holding back on milage. I'll probably have MANY doubles. I'm also looking to do my long run Thursday, so that I can actually race a 5k on Sunday. Gotta get in what I can, since I'll start tapering on Monday. Had a nice run this morning. http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/3985250
                              No holding back on mileage.... so that means it'll be a typical week for you! Wink Go PAM!
                                No holding back on mileage.... so that means it'll be a typical week for you! Wink Go PAM!
                                lol I guess so. THANKS!

                                Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson