RA Coaching Forum

SurfNRun - Quest for Sub 4 hr Honolulu Marathon - Dec 9, 07 (Read 973 times)

    Nice 8 mile progression Steve! Hope your week goes well!!

    Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson


      Thanks Pam. Felt great on the progression and my MP run on saturday. Was a really good week till Saturday night when i felt a little tickle on my throat which is a sure sign for me that a cold is coming. Skipped my sunday morning 13 miler, although the conditions were great for down-wind paddling so i did that instead and paid for it later. Now i'm hoping i'll be fully recovered by tonit. Seems like every time things get rolling a little bump sends me into a little tailspin.

        Steve, hopefully this little bump is just that... a little bump. You just came off a heavy duty paddling season, then jumped into some heavy miles for running. Make sure you get some rest to go along with that. You may have done too much too soon and wore yourself down. Feel better!
          Wow, Steve! Nice 20 miler! Looks like a tad faster than the last one and hope that you are recovering well and feeling good! Looks like a little less than 3 weeks to go. Time to start tapering? Or is your plan a 2 week taper?

          When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


            hey mike...thanks for stalking the log Big grin . The original plan (Higdon's intermediate plan) called for 20, 10, 20 then a 3 week taper. But i missed the first 20 and so I had planned on doing the sequence 1 week later and then have a 2 week taper. I felt pretty good on the first 20 miler and on the next sunday felt fresh enough to do another 20 so now I'll have a three week taper with long runs of probably 16 and then 10. I was pretty surprised at how well the 20 milers went and managed to finish strong on both with last 2 - 3 miles at race pace. I was just looking at my log and saw that last year I did my 20 miler in 4 hrs Shocked . So i am excited about the marathon, it won't be sub 4 but it will be a helluva PR from last year's 5:07 . I just need to be smart the next few weeks ... I'm feeling pretty good right now and have to resist the urge the bump up the mileage and taper smartly instead.
              YOU are so going to ROCK Honolulu!!! Good luck with your taper!!

              Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

                Awesome, Steve. Sounds like it's coming together nicely.
                but it will be a helluva PR from last year's 5:07 . I just need to be smart the next few weeks
                Totally agree. On both counts. Good luck with the taper!

                When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


                  Steve, I agree with Mike and Pam, you are gonna do great in Honolulu! You've got some solid long runs in and said you are feeling good! Like you said, your PR is gonna be HUGE! Hey, how about keeping your blog up to date a little more. Slacker! Wink


                    Hey, how about keeping your blog up to date a little more. Slacker! Wink
                    heheheh...too busy running Smile


                      Well its 2 days before the marathon and things aren't so well. My mom is here and she's been cooking up a storm and me being a food addict have been eating pretty much non stop. Weather has been super crazy with high winds and lots of rain this week, toppling giant trees and large branches fell all over the place. It looked like a small hurricane went through. Its been raining pretty much non-stop and things aren't looking up for the marathon day. We'll just have to wait and see. On top of that, my chest has been pretty congested and i have only been able to put down one run this week between that and the weather. Oh well, in a way its kind funny that i'm not super excited about the race itself, but more giddy about getting back into regular running after the marathon. My biggest and most consistent running in terms of mileage were done before i started this marathon cycle. I'm sure when i hit that starting lineup with gazilion other people the excitement will come (which will inevitably followed by frustration of having to weave in and out of the crowd Smile ). Here's a pic of downed tree right by the finish line..

                        Steve, best of luck this weekend! That was some photo!
                          Pomaika`i this weekend, Steve!


                            THanks Bob and Dave...at this point, the night before the race, chest is still congested and my breathing is pretty labored. Will do my best with what i got though. It'll be fun! Just planning to start at a pace where i don't cough out my lungs and work from there. Aloha, Steve


                              4:41:35 Sad Couldn't get it going, fell apart at mile 20. Will write more later. MTA - Man what a crazy race. It sure wasn't easy the second time around. We woke up at 2:30 AM to a big huge downpour.By the time we head out to the race start around 4 AM things quiet down a bit and we were lined up by about 4:30 AM. About 10 minutes later started pouring hard again, but me and my wife (and about 100 other people) stayed relatively dry under a banyan tree. After the fireworks, the race started, we started moving slowly toward the start line, and I mean slowly...We were only about 1/4 block away from the start but it took over 4 minutes. I had to pee really bad right at the start and tried to pee on the bushes in front of this apartment building but got kicked off by security guard so I ended up having to pee after the start.There were some many people that it was hard to get going. I wasn't really feeling that good so I didn't feel like weaving in and out of the crowd. Tried to maintain a pace that allowed me to breathe ok which was over 10 minute miles at that time. By about mile 2 another downpour came down and this one xlasted for about 10 minutes and soaked everybody. I was actually glad it rained because i was feeling kind of feverish, felt my temperature was rising and overall feeling craptacular, contemplating pulling out. But the rain cooled me off a bit and i thought if i just stuck with it for a while it should be ok. I really had to watch my footing because of all the rain, you can't see the potholes. I wasn't able to put down anything below 10 minute miles until mile 11 when I started feeling good and had my pace drop down to between 9:30 and 9:40. Then darkness came at mile 18. Pace slowed back down to over 10 minute miles, 10:15, 10:30 and then boom...cramping. After that it was just the ol' shuffle, stretch, run, stop, stretch, shuffle, run, repeat until mile 25 where i just went for it, cramps and all, to the finish line. My chip time was 4:41:35...slower than what i had originally expected, better than what i had expected at the start of the race. Its a 25 minute PR over the same course and i was pretty happy. My wife came in at 4:31:15, 11 minute worse then her time last year. She also wasn't feeling very well, she screwed up her back (or rather the chiropractor she had fixing her messed it up) which somehow made it hard for her to breathe. I really need to figure out this cramping business which is consistent in both of my marathons. In the first marathon i attributed it to some poor race nutrition management. But i was pretty good this year, with five gels every 45 minutes. I had a good chance of going 4:15 - 4:20 had I managed to avoid the cramping. Fluids were not a problem, there were tons of aid stations with both water and gatorade and with the rainy/cloudy conditions the heat was not a factor. I did manage to do only one run during the taper week which maybe a factor ? I might try the salt tablet option in the next one and see if that helps. Thanks for all your good kind words and support. This journal will continue as Sub 4hr will have to wait another year (or another marathon).
                                Steve! Great job - it may not have been what you wanted - but it is almost a half hour PR! That's awesome! MTA: For cramping, jlynnbob recommended that I take Succeed Caps. http://www.succeedscaps.com/main_scaps.html I started taking them on my long runs - no more cramps. None in my marathon or ultra either - which were done in sort of hot weather. He takes 2-3 per hour in his 100 mile races. I find that 1 per hour works fine for me. You may want to check them out.

                                When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?