RA Running Game 2023


Question for Those NOT in the 2024 Team Game (Read 67 times)



    Let me toss this out because I want to know: if you are on a team now, but signed up for individual next year or didn't sign up again at all, would you mind sharing your why you didn't want to join a team again? Please be honest. And no, this is not a space to pick a fight with anyone or tell them they are wrong for how they feel.


    If you signed up for a team, don't come argue here. Team 2024 registration is closed so you can't change anyone's mind.

    Half Fanatic #9292. 

    Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


      If you would like to keep your reasons out of the public forum, feel free to direct message the admins.

      Started running at age 60.

      AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

      AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


      Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.


        I did not sign up because I don't like some of the rules, and I did not like the "discussion" around possible changes to the rules.

        Frequent Racer Group


        PRs: 400m- 1:04.94 (2015) / 1M - 5:08 (2024) / 5K -18:23 (2017) / 5M - 31:14 (2022) / 10K - 39:29 (2018) / 10M -1:05:01 (2024) / HM - 1:27:34 (2023) / FM -3:15:08 (2023)

        Coming up:   Bucks County Senior Games (6/8/24), Break Fast 5K (6/16/24)



          I did not sign up because I don't like some of the rules, and I did not like the "discussion" around possible changes to the rules.


          Fair enough. We know not everyone is going to be happy with every decision.

          Half Fanatic #9292. 

          Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


            I didn't sign up for the team game because my mileage was erratic this year due to travel and injuries.  I don't want to appear to be 'sandbagging' my goal, nor have the pressure to maintain consistent mileage (rather than having the ups and downs).



              I'm sitting out this next year due to several months of tag-team injuries. I currently suspect herniated disc in my lower back (notations on past CT scans + osteopenia had me suspecting that my happy back days would eventually come to an end), so running may be off the table for a while, since even short runs seem to re-irritate it. I didn't want to potentially be on injured reserve more often than not.

              Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

              remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                   ~ Sarah Kay

              Anonymous Guest

                I have two conflicting goals next year - more travel, which generally means less mileage (or at least less consistency) and sometimes no internet or cell service for days, and another 100 miler, which means running more. I can't even begin to know how it's going to play out and what my mileage will look like. I didn't want to saddle a team with that uncertainty while I try to figure out my life.

                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel


                  I joined the individual because I would like to find a group of encouraging runners to share my running journey with.


                  I did not sign up for the team because 1 year is too long a commitment to 1(2) mileage goal(s).  I also doubt I will be able to be a higher mileage runner in 2024 and question what value I would bring to a team.

                  5k 24:53 (2020) |10k 52:24 (2021) |HM 1:57:14 (2019) |FM 4:24 (2007) |50k 5:57 (2022)





                    A lot of answers so far echo what I had suspected. Oh, how I hate injuries even if they are part of the sport. (Keep the individual game as an option though as you still show in results and can measure against the crowd if you want to.)


                    Keep the comments coming. Smile


                    I also doubt I will be able to be a higher mileage runner in 2024 and question what value I would bring to a team.


                    It's not just a game for high mileage runners. The green points make sure everyone has impact. I had runners on my team who had goals under 10 miles a week and they were a very supportive member of our team. But maybe we haven't communicated that well in our information we put out there. It is a game for every pace and level of mileage. Thanks for the feedback.

                    Half Fanatic #9292. 

                    Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      I'm sitting out this next year due to several months of tag-team injuries. I currently suspect herniated disc in my lower back (notations on past CT scans + osteopenia had me suspecting that my happy back days would eventually come to an end), so running may be off the table for a while, since even short runs seem to re-irritate it. I didn't want to potentially be on injured reserve more often than not.


                      Ugh, hope that is not the case. Not running would suck.



                        I did not sign up this year. I will miss the game but I am not running every week. My sporadic running would not be helpful to a team.

                        Trails Rock!


                          I switched from team to individual in 2023 and found it worked for me. I was still motivated, but had more flexibility to adjust my goal (unofficially) as the year evolved. I'm signed up for individual again in 2024 but may rejoin the team game in 2025.


                          Do you know the feeling I know? When your legs have disappeared, and there is only your heart, your lungs, and your eyes skimming disembodied through the air? - Jeff


                            I participated as an individual in 23 and will do that again in 24. I like the added freedom but I can adjust for my work travel which makes consistency a challenge.


                            Not sure I will be able to really commit to a team until I retire or hit the Lotto. 

                            "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                            "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                              After a lot of years on a team and enjoying that, I switched to individual for next year.  My work schedule has become very difficult to run around and it was extra unneeded stress to try and keep consistent miles over the course of an entire year.  I can get the total miles in almost certainly but not with the ability to go green enough weeks to feel like I'm contributing to a team.  I didn't want to abandon the game entirely so I thought individual was the way to go.


                              delicate flower

                                I was in the team contest for many years and have now been an individual for a couple of years now.  I just needed a break from feeling the pressure of having to run miles for the benefit of my team, and the guilt I'd feel when I'd miss runs.  I am glad I was not on a team this year because I've missed the better part of four months with injuries including what would have been the playoffs.  I joined again as an individual in 2024.

