Trailer Trash


Merry Monday!! (Read 15 times)


    We ended up in New Orleans yesterday for my family Christmas at my sister's. I was dreading the strife that was imminent about going downtown to look at the lights and decorations at The Roosevelt and The Ritz Carlton. But then, my sister said we should just walk over and catch the street car that would take us right there for $1.25 a piece. So, we all did that and had a great time. I cannot deal with that surface street traffic in NOLA. I have been to a lot of concerts and weed legal states in my life, but I have never smelled as much weed as I did downtown yesterday.


    I'll run 5 miles this morning around the house. All the ripping and running for Christmas is over, and I am very happy about it. Christmas Day is just down the road a half mile, and we are not the hosts.


    QOTD: Do you get into to looking at Christmas lights/decorations?


    NO!! But everyone else in my house does, so I end up "getting into" it whether I like it or not. I am not a scrooge. I love Christmas, but I am just not into lights.



    running under the BigSky

      Waiting to see if the mercury goes to 0, if it does I'll bundle up and hit the trails, if not then the dreadmill at the gym.  Tuesday through Thursday are definite gym days, so it would be nice to squeeze one more day in on the trails!


      qotd: no for me, DW is a yes 


      2024 goal 2024 miles

      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √



        A few runs this weekend at the Birdsboro Watershed with Baker. About 9 on Saturday, 7+ yesterday. Similar but different loops. Fun day yesterday as we ran into Baker's friend Squid and then another gsp, a young female, super white called Kona. She was a bit timid but eventually warmed up to us. The gal with her was a runner/ultrarunner and still trying to get her dog trained off leash. We always like making new dog friends out there. Such a cool place.


        Run today? Probably just up at the local trail late in the day.


        QOTD: I enjoy Christmas/holiday lights but not a big fan of those blow-up type things people scatter on their lawns. We probably will try to hit Longwood next week for the light display.

        In dog beers, I've only had one.

          An hour of core/ST this a.m.  There's a shed in our backyard that's a storage area (freezer, some bins with crap that could probably be gotten rid of, etc.) and my workout shed.  I have just enough floor room to do most things I want to.  However, the thing isn't insulated.  I had to resort to putting on a pair of gloves to use my dumbbells.  Sounds wimpy, but those suckers were cold!


          QOTD: We usually take one night to drive around and look at lights.  It hasn't happened yet this year and, given it's supposed to start raining tomorrow, I don't know if it will.  . . . running in the cold rain . . . joy o joy . . . 

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            Well, I ended up doing my scheduled rest day that I haven't taken in a month. I did lift weights, which is what I am scheduled to do on "rest" days. It started raining as soon as I started getting ready to run at 7AM. I will run in the rain, but not when it is 40 degrees and raining unless it is the event that I trained for, which has happened more than once.



              I took a rest day yesterday and did 10 miles this morning, just did the typical 10 mi greenbelt loop. It was about 40 deg with a lot rain for the last 5 miles. I didn't have a lot of layers on so I was kinda chilly when I got home, so the hot shower felt really nice.


              qotd: I guess we look at lights when we go by, but we don't go out of our way to drive around looking at them.  I'm with XT, DW and I aren't fans of those blow-up things.


                Short walk today followed by digging myself out from under a pile of work.  Does that count as cross training? 


                QOTD: oh yes, I love all of it.  The lights, inflatables, laser shows, animated figures, everything.  The bigger and brighter, the better.  If it looks like Christmas vomited in your yard, I'll love it.  I go for walks in my neighborhood looking for decorations and I will make detours while driving to check stuff out.  We leave up some outside Christmas lights year 'round.


                Just to annoy you  :



                5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR