Trailer Trash


Finally Friday (Read 18 times)


    It has been a long, long week. I ran the normal 2.5 mile loop this morning. It was slow, lethargic, and muggy. I expected to be attacked by horseflies at any moment, but they haven't showed up in full force yet. I saw one yesterday evening when I got home from work, but I haven't been pelted on the back of the head while running yet. It is coming, though.


    QOTD: What is the most annoying critter you deal with during the summer while running and what do you do about it?


    I would have to say horseflies. Off Cutter seems to work pretty good to keep them at bay, but mainly, I try to run before daybreak or in the middle of the day when possible.




      Art class was fun...even had a glass of wine  but I'm not much of a drinker anymore and I have a longish drive home after.  The chiro visit was good...I had definitely done something to my back and I feel much better today.  Well, except for the allergies....had to take 2 benedryl last night and I went to bed at 830.


      qotd: Bugs don't seem to like me much but I hate going through a swarm of gnats...I always end up with one in my mouth.  I hate ticks and I have issues with using chemicals (damn allergies) so I put Vicks around my ankles just under and above my socks, along my waistband and the back of my head where the hat isn't covering my neck.


      Refurbished Hip

        Good morning!  Haven't been doing too much but biking - still dealing with my heel issue.  I still can't wear normal shoes.  But I thought I would check in and say hello!


        QOTD:  I'd like to introduce you to Wisconsin's state bird - the mosquito.

        Running is dumb.


        running under the BigSky

          Morning all.


          I've been hit with the norovirus or something akin and have been suffering for the last couple of days- definitely not the best way to lose weight 


          Feeling a little better, but no where close to normal- definitely not the 24 hour variety.


          qotd: we're very lucky here as there are few to no biting bugs in the Helena area, some of the mountains I visit can have seasonal biting bugs, but nothing too bad.  I usually carry a few Ben's bug wipes in my pack when traveling to where there may be some biters.


          2024 goal 2024 miles

          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √



            Last night in PA we went to the St Joseph’s catholic high musical and today we’re headed to NJ for a bar mitzvah. And I thought we lived in the Bible Belt.  


            Got up this morning and did 5 mi in town, nice rolling hills.  Felt pretty good.


            As always, I really enjoyed running with FTYC yesterday.  We figured out that it was the 3rd time we have run together up on Tussey Mt in the last 7 or 8 years or so.  Trails and views were great.


            qotd:  I guess bug (flies, mosquitos, spiders, etc.) but I don’t do anything about them.



              Kind of wet and dripping rain around here today, yet again .  Probably  will choose a run over a bike ride.  Hoping to go out and just muscle my way through 6-7 miles.  Probably will be a mixture of run/walk.


              After further reflection I'm thinking that they loaded me up with a bunch of Versed yesterday as well as the Diprivan.  That would account for me not being able to function very well until this morning.


              QOTD: Without a doubt it's the deer flies.  They have caused me to abandon runs far short of where I wanted to.  The buggers hurt when they bite and swarm like gnats.   I remember times when I would just bat at them above my head and be able to catch 2-3 each time but they kept coming with no let up.


              Just read today that the state is going to start spraying for black flies.  That's what they call our gnats. The gnats are somewhat annoying but they don't bite.


                Looks to shaping up to be a stellar day here. My lake is at historical high levels. My driveway was 7"-8" deep down at the narrows. I had brought along swamp boots so I could open the gate and when I drove thru I opened my door and the water was just under the opening. Nice. On my way in yesterday I drive by the outlet stream of my lake and just before it goes under the road thru a culvert there is a widening about the size of a basketball court and there was a loon in there. Not sure how it's gonna get out as they need about an airplane runway to get airborne. I'll have to drive over there and check things out and see if I should call anyone to try and rescue it.


                Heading out for about 6 slow and easy miles shortly.



                Just read today that the state is going to start spraying for black flies.  That's what they call our gnats. The gnats are somewhat annoying but they don't bite.

                Daydreamer--google up black flies to see if we're talking about the same thing as our black flies will swarm you and leave you bludgeoned as will the ones I've encountered from Maine to Manitoba.


                QOTD--without question the deer fly. Avoid sunny, cutover, and brushier trails. Spray up. Wear a hat that has a flappy apron out the back. Don't wear a tank top. They can last 5-6 weeks around here. Not too awful bad in southern Wi. but up here can be brutal. I once pinned fly paper to an old baseball cap and ran in one of the bad areas. I had well over a hundred of those things stuck on the paper in just an hour run. 

                Queen of Nothing


                  Fast Friday’s! I was struggling but it was because we continue to push the fun when you are done.  1st Friday pace was 9:59, second 9:49, and today 9:19.   Yoga later.


                  Qotd: we have gnats that swarm in front of your eyes as you run...bugs the shit out of me but I do nothing about it.


                  Duffy: glad your back is doing better.


                  Hi Mandy


                  Sandy: Sweet that you and Marie hooked up for a run. Sounds like you are making the best of your trip back east.


                  Warden:  bummer on being sick..


                  dd: could just be that your body really needed some sleep.


                  PS: wish me luck.  Putting in my 2 week notice today.  Sounds simple but a little nervous and excited all at once! 

                   05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                   08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                  Refurbished Hip

                    PS: wish me luck.  Putting in my 2 week notice today.  Sounds simple but a little nervous and excited all at once! 


                    FFS!  FINALLY!  Congrats on retirement, Sue!!!! 

                    Running is dumb.


                      Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      PS: wish me luck.  Putting in my 2 week notice today.  Sounds simple but a little nervous and excited all at once! 





                        PS: wish me luck.  Putting in my 2 week notice today.  Sounds simple but a little nervous and excited all at once! 


                        I'll believe it when I see it!! But good luck.



                          Dang!! I forgot about deer flies. I don't have too many of those right by my house, but in another place I run, Chipola, they are horrible all summe long. Off Cutter does work pretty well on them, too.



                            Daydreamer--google up black flies to see if we're talking about the same thing as our black flies will swarm you and leave you bludgeoned as will the ones I've encountered from Maine to Manitoba.


                            Nope. Two different beasts. Ours are a little bit annoying especially when sitting on the deck and they swarm around your face. Some punks smoking or Citronella will keep them at bay.  The ones up your way are just nasty critters.


                            Back in '03 we did a trail ride up in Jasper AB, and the  guide was talking about how bad the black flies were up there at times and how nasty they bit you up.  I found that interesting and looked them up.  Apparently there are about 2200 different species of black flies and PA runs the largest black fly control program in North America.  Interesting since ours don't really bite you up very much.


                            running under the BigSky


                              PS: wish me luck.  Putting in my 2 week notice today.  Sounds simple but a little nervous and excited all at once! 


                              Congrats Sue!  All the Best!




                              going back to the qotd. it's a little known fact, but if you catch a horsefly alive and gently shove a small pine needle up his arse- he can't fly horizontally and when you let him go he goes straight up until out of sight, the useful things you learn in the logging industry  


                              2024 goal 2024 miles

                              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                              Le professeur de trail

                                It's Friday, it's payday....what's not to like?


                                Queen - you're still not retired????  It's simple.  Say after me "I'm ooooouuuuuuttttttt!"


                                QOTD: Deer flies are bad indeed.  Ticks suck too (pun intended). But I am going to go with summer humidity.  Maybe it's not a critter but it is a beast! 


                                Have a great weekend!

                                My favorite day of the week is RUNday


