Trailer Trash


Thawing Tuesday (Read 11 times)


    It's above freezing and will stay that way for a while now. 60 by the end of the week. Yesterday was a rest day. Speaking of niggles, and not running related, I have a sore on the bottom of my foot (eczema flare) that made it painful to walk yesterday. In the house with slippers was ok, but outside with Hokas for distance, not ok. It's doing better today so I'll aim for 4-5 tonight with the brewery group.  I did jump on the rower for 10 min earlier. That's hard work.


    qotd: Any upcoming or exciting adventures? Me, nope. The weather has been crappy-- snow, ice and high winds-- that have made being outside less pleasurable. And we don't have any travel coming up. Next thing is probably April to see DS graduate from Army leadership training. Might drive and make a stop in Asheville, NC and then a few days along the SC coast on the way back.

      Nothing for me yet.  I turned off my alarm and immediately went back to sleep.  I brought my stuff to run after lunch, but conditions would have to better than what they currently are since it's kind of drizzling and I don't want to look like a drowned rat for the afternoon.


      Mon QOTD: Well, that was a loaded question.  My hamstrings are still being a PITA, especially since I managed to pull my right one on my run Sunday.  And then yesterday I woke up with a neck so frigging stiff I couldn't even look down at the kitchen counter when I was fixing the cats' breakfast.  I didn't go to work as I didn't figure sitting in front of a computer and typing all day would do me any good.  Instead, I plied myself with The Hub's muscle relaxers, rubbed in some stuff akin to Tiger Balm and used the heating pad off and on all day on my neck and shoulder.  It's better today, but WTH?  I feel like the universe is betting against me right now.


      QOTD: No exciting adventures planned until May, then I'm going run Days 2 and 3 of the Western States training camp with some friends.  . . . well, we'll all be there.  They'll be finishing before me. 

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance




        Leslie you are having a right awful time of it.


        qotd: We close on the new house next Thursday so that's the closes thing to exciting.  Weather has been crappy, we have the same snow, ice and today dense fog due to warming trend. Todays high will be 45, then Friday it's supposed to get to 56. It'll be in the high 40's next week with a high of 59 next Thur.  I'll be able to go into the office, yippee.


          Yes, thawing here too. About 40 degrees. Figured better get and jog in the snow before it disappears. So it was an easy 3 miles up and down the hill on the orange trail at Coventry Woods at lunchtime with the 2B's. Not much of a run but always good to be outdoors.


          QOTD. We have a long road trip out west at the end of March. Stops so far... Moab, Zion, Marble Canyon, Sedona. We will make it over to Petrified Forest and the Monument Valley area too and the Grand Canyon. Dogs will be in tow so some of the National Park stuff will be vista type stuff I suppose but I am scouting trails nearby where we are staying. Hitting Oklahoma on the way back to see the missus' family.


          RunTrail, happy traildawg.


          In dog beers, I've only had one.


            Did 6 miles this morning between deluges, good timing but have to admit it wasn’t anything I did timing-wise, just lucky. Two days ago I was running in a long sleeve, fleece and gloves - today I ran in a singlet. Typical.


            dhuff: (from yesterday) Thanks I do feel like the training is going better than my last one.


            qotd: Nothing much, I will be volunteering, crewing and perhaps pacing at Rocky 100 mile on the 4th (have a friend doing it), then my hondo in FLA on the 17th.



              Chowder says 'hi!'

              RunTrail, happy traildawg.


                Aww, happy dog pics are the best (including Tiny E!)

                Monday QOTD: left ankle tendinitis still comes and goes. I made an ortho appointment for next week. 

                QOTD: I’m meeting up with a friend from Detroit in Portland, Oregon at the end of Feb for a road marathon on the coast, called Three Capes. The weather in that area has been… adventurous. Hoping it’s less so next month.

                5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                  Love the Chowder pic!

                  In dog beers, I've only had one.