Trailer Trash


"Isolated" Thursday (Read 11 times)

    Well, yesterday I tested positive for Covid.  Had a sore throat Monday, felt body achy Tuesday, decided to stay home yesterday and went and got a test and Voila!  I sure would like to know who shared this with me so I can "thank" them.   One of the attorneys at our office has CV, too, but I haven't been around him since Tuesday of last week.


    Despite the fact CDC guidelines don't require isolation anymore if you're not running fever (I'm not, never did), the partners are requiring anyone who tests positive to stay home for 5 days.  It's a good thing I have sick days or I'd be up a creek.


    Anyway, no workouts for me right now.


    QOTD Wed: Yep, I have a regular strength training routine that for the most part encompasses the entire body during the exercises.


    QOTD Part 1: Have you had covid? This is my 2nd time.  I got it last year after volunteering at WS.


    QOTD Part 2: How do you feel about the isolation thing? To me, CV is like the flu, it's here to stay and we don't make people isolate when they have the flu.  I'm inclined to not test anymore if this is how my office is going to treat this.

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance



      Ran 3 through the hood last night, or should I say jogged. It was not memorable but better then nothing I suppose. Sad to say I ran this little 3 mile loop 5-8 minutes faster last year. Oh well.


      Need to mow the yard today, so will do that at lunch while it is mild and sunny. Mulch up some the leaves. So if I run later, it will be just a short one up at the local trail.


      QOTD1: Yes, I had a confirmed case in the summer of 2022. Weird, because I ran and led a normal life every day I had it. I only tested myself as I was super tired after a run and I had been near someone with Covid a week or so before. I was about to go golf but tested before hitting the links just in case. I was surprised to have it as my symptoms were so mild. May have had it last summer too, but one test I took came back negative.


      QOTD2: I did not know that isolation was still a thing. I see people now and then with masks and assume they have Covid cooties but are out and about.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.


        QOTD2: I did not know that isolation was still a thing. I see people now and then with masks and assume they have Covid cooties but are out and about.


        I should say that the CDC doesn't recommend isolation anymore.  They say to treat it like the flu. Get your vaccinations every year. And when I talked to our office manager yesterday afternoon, isolation wasn't mentioned.  Last evening, however, she left a message that the partners had decided they want people to stay home for 5 days if they test positive.  My question is if you're requiring me to stay home, are you going to pay me without me having to use my sick or vacation time? I'm sure the answer to that is no.  Thankfully, I have plenty of both, but we have employees who don't.  If the CDC doesn't recommend isolation, I kind of think it's BS that an employer can enforce it.  If I'm feeling okay, why can't I come to work and just wear a mask if I leave my office?

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance



          Slept in this morning. Chowder was not pleased. We’ll get in a longer walk tonight, maybe even catch some daylight after work. 

          qotd: once— winter 2022. It was almost asymptomatic. I just had a runny nose.



            qotd1: Yes July 2022 and I know exactly where I got it.  My DH went to a wedding out of state with a bunch of non vaxed, non masked and brought the shit home to me.  Since I have kidney failure my doc tested me as soon as I felt sick which was immediately and then gave me monoclonal antibodies.  They didn't keep me from being sick but kept me out of the hospital.


            qotd2: I got vaxed and the one booster before I caught it. Had to isolated the whole 3 weeks I was sick but our company paid people to stay home.


            Yes I do think it's at the point that it's just like the flu which still kills people.  I do think if you have either and you have a fever you should stay home.  That may be due to the fact that if I get really sick it might kill me.  And after 2 months in the hospital that's the last place I want to be.


            One virus you don't hear a lot about is RSV.  It causes upper resipitory illness and is dangerous for under 2 and over 60.  Just like many things those who are immunosuppressed are in harms way.


              I ran 3 mi yesterday and then 5 today.  Two pretty good runs in my new shoes, I needed them because my toes were thru the front.  I went with a cheepo ASICS Excite shoe since I don’t like what they did to the upper of my old reliable Nimbus in ver 25. I was going to try the Cumulus but the store I went to didn’t have them.


              qotd: I had Covid in the summer of 2022, got in when I was up in Colorado doing Hardrock.  DW and I got both the flu and Covid shots last month. Agree if you’re suffering from the flu, Covid or something else one should try to stay away from people (when I was working that meant staying home).


              fatozzig: I think you should check with the bosses to see what the policy is, maybe they won’t dock the 5 days if it’s their COVID policy.



                Ran 2.5 on Thursday. Nothing special to report on it.


                Fatozzig: I hope you get well very soon.


                QOTD: Yes. I had a bad case of it in Jan. 2022. It was bad enough that I came to believe that the vaccine was a complete waste of time. I don't know; maybe I would have died without it. I doubt it. But it was bad. Everyone I know who got it and didn't have the vaccine were far less sick than I was. I am not saying the vaccine caused me to get sicker; I am just saying I think it was irrelevant. My work, a college, never pressured anyone to get the vaccine; they made it available and encouraged it. However, they never made a big deal about it. No one was shunned or anything like that.


                QOTD 2: I think if they make you stay home they should pay you for the days off whether you have sick leave or not.
