Trailer Trash


Misty Monday (Read 21 times)



    Bert I've been thinking of you and glad you chose a hospital/DR who seems to be working for you.  As bad as I want to jump back into training and going to events I'm also scared the pain will come back and stay so yes I will be taking it easy.


    Le professeur de trail

      Not much running last week until the weekend where I got in 4 and 10.  I need a bit more consistency.


      Bert - good news I guess is that it's getting worked on finally.  Praying and hoping for the best.


      QOTD: Not sure I have really run in any extremes.  I do remember Montour 24 (12 hour night version), it was 99 degrees to start the race.  But some poor souls ran all day in it (ah hem....Daydreamer).  At least for me, I had to endure a couple hours before the sun went down and the temps did too.  I have run in snow but not a snow storm. I have run in wind but not a hurricane.  Rain, yes.


      Have a great day!

      My favorite day of the week is RUNday




      Are we there, yet?

        Bert - glad to hear some good news there and doctors finally taking action to help.


        Only two days after Ethan Allen and I ran 3 miles slightly under 12:00 pace followed by a short run-walk cool down.


        qotd:  I've run in some miserable weather, but nothing really extreme, a road marathon with temps reaching the 90s, a 10K in sleet and freezing rain (I ran that one in my Gortex suit),  another 10K with rain so hard I could barely see the runner 10 meters in front of me.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





        Refurbished Hip

          Bert, I see a small sliver of sunshine peaking through all that shitiness.  This is going to be a long and tough road, but we all know how strong you are.  I'm glad you seem to have some good doctors on your side now.  I've known a lot of runners who have battled through cancer and are still here and still running.  You're going to go on that list, my friend.

          Running is dumb.


            Hi Bert-o : just wanted to say "hi" and let you know that I'm thinking about you and sending all sorts of positive thoughts your way.  I think going to the big city hospital and taking a "team approach" sound's like a good plan to me.  Just remember to keep after them, follow-up, and ask lots of questions at each step.


            +1 to what Mandy said.



            running under the BigSky

              bert- been thinking of you and praying for you; I’d take the scan as a big win


              hang tough pard!


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                I shouldn't do any logging on a breezy day. Need to take down a couple trees near the cabin so I started with the obvious easier one. Pretty basic, straight trunk so shouldn't require too much thought or effort, done a hundred of these. Well... sure as hell a gust comes up at the critical time and I could see it coming back on the chain so I got that out in time and watched it in slow motion start to fall right towards the shack. Kind of a rather low feeling. But luck was on my side as it twisted just a tad and hung up in a precarious position on the tree next to it.  Now if I just don't get another gust maybe I'll be ok.   Hooked a cable and come-along to another nearby tree to hold it then ran some rope out to the truck's trailer hitch and had DW slowly pull it forward while I worked the come-along with a different angle. Got 'er done. Whew! Luckier than good, I guess.  Mike, the former professional logger, tell me that happened to you so I don't feel so inept. 


                It's hot and muggy here so no running. Ran a hard 10 yesterday at Blue Mounds so today will be an hour of mountain biking as the sun starts going down.


                Bert--in the overall scheme of things this sounds positive. I'll second what Mandy and Sandy said. You have to be your own advocate. Oh yeah, when you ask the Doc questions make sure you tell him you read it on the internet. Doctors love to hear that. 


                QOTD--Yup, run in about everything you could imagine at one time or another. Had some pretty crazy race weather a few times too. Fun to think back on, not so much fun at the time.



                   .  We ditched our oncologist and asked for one who worked with the GI and ENT doc and worked out of the same hospital.  They hooked us up with a new oncologist and radiation oncologist, so that the entire team of specialists closely know and work together.  And the PET scan which we have been battling for for over a week was scheduled in no time.  Things are finally starting to fall into place versus the endless game of hurry up and wait another week for the next appointment, etc.


                  Good news is that the PET scan showed no signs of cancer spreading to other important innards (I failed to tell them that they forgot to scan my feet.... um, aren't they important for us runners?!?!?!). 


                  The head of the radiation oncology dept. came to see me and discussed his treatment plan and I will go in for a "mapping" first thing tomorrow morning.  I suspect the ball is rolling on that side.  And even though the oncologist was out, his Fellow came to see me a few times and even gave me the good news on the PET scan hours after it was completed and before the official results came through, since he called and talked to the doc directly.  I'm not so much relieved as I am for DW, who has been in knots since I told her I couldn't swallow anymore.




                  1) Very good news to have someone actively pushing for resolution vs. passively waiting.  Sound like your "New Team" is a real positive trade up, so good call on the right ER.


                  2) Great News !!!  Now time to shrink that little fucker, and sounds like that's the plan now.


                  3) Yes, be as proactive as you can. Being an active part of your care is crucial, and sounds like your new team is fine with that, so ask away and have your W ask away as well.  Write down questions so you can have them answered because people tend to forget them once they are in the office. The oncology nurses will know a ton of answers, so ask them as well, they see it all, and it's new for you.


                  4) Hang in there, but this is mostly good news, except for the tiny straw stuck in your throat part.

                  “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                    QOTD:  First, Daydreamer is in fact incorrect about the 2018 Montour 24 Hr.  The temps were not in the 20's, but rather minus 20's.  And the mud was not knee deep, but rather waist deep or even chest deep, depending on how tall you were.  It was epic conditions of the ages.  Of course, I'd do it all over again, if given the chance.




                    Been thinking about your quite a bit wondering how you were making out.  Sounds like things may be on the right track to some aggressive treatment.  Hang in there.


                    running under the BigSky

                      .  Mike, the former professional logger, tell me that happened to you so I don't feel so inept. 




                      yes it would definitely happen, tree your falling gets hung up in another tree- our "fix" was to simply fall another tree to knock the original tree out, occasionally that tree would get hung up as well, so we used a third tree to free the first two trees Smile  occasionally you would get several trees all hung up in one tree and it would resemble a teepee!  with no other trees left you had to fall the tree that was holding everything up


                      no surprise that tree was under tremendous pressure w/ multiple trees pushing on it; what made it worse is you had to enter into the "teepee" to get at that tree- this caused a severe pucker factor as it seldom took little more than a slight back cut for the whole thing to come tumbling down, hopefully with you not in it!


                      so yeah, you did good Smile


                      2024 goal 2024 miles

                      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                      2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                        Berto: I have been thinking of you. I am so glad that treatment plans and testing are moving forward. I hope your road is not too uncomfortable. An esophageal stent cannot be a pleasant experience.


                        It is HOT. I am thinking of of going out for hills when it cools down.


                        Qotd: I have run In extremes (storms, tornados, blizzards) but the races have not been bad except for a couple that were very cold.

                        January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k

                          Bert-o, I’m glad you checked in and there’s some progress in your care and treatment plan. As Winston Churchill said: If you're going through hell, keep going.  So keep moving forward as best you can, friend, and kick that bastard cancer to the curb.


                          SRD for me today.  Drop bags all set to go.  Now I just have to hang out and go stir-crazy for a few days until we start traveling Thursday after work.


                          I’ve made some pace charts for me in the 100 (5am start) and my DD in the 50 (6am start).  It’s a 50 mi loop, obviously she’ll do 1 loop and I get to do 2.  I figure that there’s no doubt that Gatsby Bird is going to come flying by me at some point so that’ll be fun.  Maybe I’ll even try to hang on for a mile or so… but that’s doubtful.  The more interesting thing will be if I’m going a little slow and my DD is moving along we may get to do quite a few miles together starting about half to two-thirds around the loop.  That’ll be cool too!!!



                          Sandy, per Bert-o’s instructions, I’m gonna have to slap every ass that I run by until I get to yours.  I appreciate your optimism about my pace. 


                          QOTD: I got nothin. Just a sissy Cali runner here.

                          6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR



                            Sandy, per Bert-o’s instructions, I’m gonna have to slap every ass that I run by until I get to yours.  I appreciate your optimism about my pace. 


                            Wow !!!!  Just think of how many race reports you'll be mentioned in !!!



                              Berto: I am super happy to hear what I consider to be good news. Hang in there. I think you got the right doctors now. I am praying for you, and I am thinking of you.

