Trailer Trash


Treadmill Thursdaily (Read 18 times)



    Woke up to rain with more rain coming so ran 12 miles on the TM.  Hope to walk a bit more later for 15 or 16.


    I'll be at 246 by the afternoon and way behind Jamie, Gator and Sandy.  Man, I barely have any time to get in the mileage that I've done. You guys are killing it.


    Found this video of 2020 Bob Marshall. Look like Warden is in it at the 2:00 mark crossing a swollen creek. Looks like he finished yesterday. Nice job, Mike.


    QOTD:  Pass

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


    Le professeur de trail

      I almost didn't click into today's daily with that title!  But GL on the 12 miles on the dreadmill.  I got out for 11+ this morning with a very refreshing mist before it started really raining.  I started out tracking my run with strava, which I have been using for a while, but had to switch to another app after it recorded the first 1.5 miles in 8 minutes.  


      AT: I am more amazed at the time I have been able to carve out to run and walk more versus the huge increase in my mileage.  I have remained working 50+ hours a week throughout the pandemic, albeit all at home.


      QOTD: Do you track your mileage with an app, phone, watch, etc.? What do you use? Any issues with reliability?


      Have a great day!

      My favorite day of the week is RUNday




      Le professeur de trail

        Thanks for the share.  Looks amazing!



        Found this video of 2020 Bob Marshall. Look like Warden is in it at the 2:00 mark crossing a swollen creek.



        My favorite day of the week is RUNday





          Jamie- you were lucky with the weather rained here all morning and just letting up now. I watched Deadliest Catch on the TV and the miles rolled by.  Young Jamie C is catching up. The race is on.


          QOTD:  Since the GVRAT started, I've been using my Gamin watch for all non-TM runs and walks.  Before that, I used it once in a while only for the mapping purpose to see the trails.  I use the GAIA App on my phone for finding trails while running, but don't track with it. The Garmin does well on roads but for my trails it can be off quite a bit. We did a section the other day that is listed as 3.7 on the map and Garmin had it at 3.3.  When I looked at the map, it had us jumping a lot of the switchbacks.

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            There was a decent break between T-storms this morning so it turned out that it was another nice morning.  It was actually 65 deg when I started and only 85% humidity.  That'll change quickly, but it nice for now.


            I did a pretty good 11 miler.


            AT and Dr J - I'm trying to keep on pace with the crowd, but there are so many people.  I typically take a day off and then watch as 3 or 4 hundred virtual runners go by.  Then it takes a few days to gain on them again.  Not that I really care, but it is a little kick-in-the-butt motivation. Maybe I shouldn't take any SRDs.  


            Thanks for the link to the Bob Marshall video, I'll watch it later.  (I'm doing a little multi-tasking at the moment since I'm on a web meeting, but I'm only "listening".)


            qotd: I sync all my runs from my Garmin watch to the Garmin Connect app on the phone. I haven't had any issues.



              Good morning! Long time no check in. In the past few weeks I have actually been actual running without a limp or knee pain. I am just unsure if I can be classified as a runner...given the pace. 5 miles feels like an ultra right now as far as cardiovascular conditioning. This seems to be a new Era of my running life, but I am happy to be running.


              I am participating in the run across Tennessee...Jamie and all thank you for the team invite. I am too uncertain about finishing and hung up my team jersey for anything a few years ago.


              I have not kept up..but it sounds like Dr Jamie is crushing it. Treadmill you guys? Ugh! Lol. I was disappointed the time shirt had a treadmill on it.


              In addition to "running" I spend a great deal of time on the lake in my kayak. Best $189 I ever spent. It fits in my mini van and lives there. This morning I was on the water at 430 am!


              I hope all is well with everyone. Now that I feel a bit more like an actual runner...i might be around a bit more.


              How is Berto?


              Another any of you eat electrolyte chews after a rin? I get horrific foot cramps after I am done running (all night long)..any suggestion on brands?

              January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


              running under the BigSky

                Hi all- I'm alive Smile


                Great adventure this year, as have been all years.  This year's crux was snow- mid elevation snow that should have been gone, was still tenaciously hanging on.  A roughly 100 route and we were in significant snow for 30-ish miles, which is definitely the highest of the 6 years I've done the Open.  We were hoping for a sub 72 hour finish, but finished in 78 hours due to the agonizingly slow pace in the snow.


                I'll post a full trip report soon.


                Did a 4 mile recovery hike with Tiny E yesterday- bar none the best way for me to recover; will get out for something similar today.


                qotd: I have about 20 go routes here in Helena, all were gps tracked and then checked against the little mapping app here- pretty darn close.  Anyways I have them pretty much to memory and if not they are listed on our training log app.


                if I'm going somewhere new, I'll using the tracking feature on Gaiagps (on my phone)


                2024 goal 2024 miles

                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                  Not much yet today, just a morning and midday walk with the missus and the dogs. Oh, did some strength work too. Must have done something right as I was sweating or perhaps it was just the humidity in the house. Holding off on that first AC day as long as possible. Plan to get 5 or 6 miles on the trail this evening with Baker. He was not happy with his road jog last night.


                  QOTD: I am old school and use a non-gps timex ironman watch. Total time ran divided by estimated pace, round up or down, or known trail routes. Close enough. I've been doing it that way ever since I stopped road marathon type training. So not only am I banditing the GRVAT but my mileage is not exact... 173.


                  Warden - Congrats... nice work out there. That race was setup perfectly for these uncertain times.


                  Moonlight - Welcome back. Good to hear you getting some miles in.


                  AT - 15 or 16 mile walk? Better get started!


                  DrJamie - See all the extra time you get not commuting or being in an office.


                  Sandy - Slow and steady will win the race as you well know.

                  In dog beers, I've only had one.


                    Just an easy 2.5 miles this morning. It was pleasant.


                    QOTD: I usually run the same route almost daily. I know how are it is and just keep up with it on here.


                    To answer moonlight's question, I haven't run far enough in quite some time to need any electrolytes, but when I do, I only use Tailwind now. I know some folks who don't like it, but it really works well for me.



                    Le professeur de trail

                      Yay Warden.  We "saw" you in the video posted.  Cool stuff and look forward to the report.


                      moonlight - Tailwind works great for me but not necessarily after a run.  I use it for runs up to 4-5 hours and usually have no cramping issues.  A banana (or better yet a banana smoothie) is also helpful post run. Nd awesome re the kayak.  Sounds like a blast!


                      XT: my normal commute is 3 miles so not really that much extra time.  I am just getting up super early each day to get my runs in.  The biggest help has been all stuff on weekends cancelled for it's easy to get in a LR on Sat or Sun.

                      My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                        Hi all, Couple of days off running, but logged some walking miles Tuesday and Wednesday. Today was a lot of self talk to get myself out the door once the rain seemed to subside. Drove down to Rock Creek and got in just over 5 hilly, wet and muddy miles. Rain started back up about halfway and really started to come down 1 mile from the car. No problem, I was already wet but I forgot my hat. I hate the feeling of water on my face and pouring down when I'm running. Oh well. The Brookes Caldera felt good. Christened with a lot of mud today.


                        Jamie-- per your comment on Rock Creek the other day. It's a fabulous trail system and park. Other than a small golf course, it's all woods and lots of trails. I can run there, but I often drive to a trailhead to maximize the miles on the dirt.


                        qotd: I use my garmin while running, and upload to strava. Basic, and gets the job done.


                        Le professeur de trail

                          I dream of living close enough to a trail system to not have to drive.  Some day maybe.


                          What Garmin do you have? I may have to break down and buy one.


                          Hi all, Couple of days off running, but logged some walking miles Tuesday and Wednesday. Today was a lot of self talk to get myself out the door once the rain seemed to subside. Drove down to Rock Creek and got in just over 5 hilly, wet and muddy miles. Rain started back up about halfway and really started to come down 1 mile from the car. No problem, I was already wet but I forgot my hat. I hate the feeling of water on my face and pouring down when I'm running. Oh well. The Brookes Caldera felt good. Christened with a lot of mud today.


                          Jamie-- per your comment on Rock Creek the other day. It's a fabulous trail system and park. Other than a small golf course, it's all woods and lots of trails. I can run there, but I often drive to a trailhead to maximize the miles on the dirt.


                          qotd: I use my garmin while running, and upload to strava. Basic, and gets the job done.

                          My favorite day of the week is RUNday



                          Queen of Nothing


                            Going to head out soon for a run.  Decided to work with the maintenance  girls since I have worked little due to company.  God what a waste of time.  We spent hours bullshitting . Of course the walk on the beach to see the bear prints was important.


                            qotd:  A Garmin 25 that loads to Garmin Connect, which also loads to runningahead. The watch does not load consistently...but I think that is my ipads fault.


                            moonlight:  I have no idea what mile you are at but I am also way behind.  I just like being on teams 


                            team tt:  i wanted to sign up to get some good milage but with this hip issue, I am not going to push until ready.  Right now running every other day.  I also do lots if walks of a mile or 2 in addition but always forget to add them in.

                             05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                             08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






                              Warden's back!  Moonlight's back!  Woohoo!  Now where did Rocky go?  And we still need Bert-o!


                              Going to check out Warden's Bob report next.


                              Went for a short walk today.  Calling it tapering.


                              QOTD: I wear a Suunto GPS watch, which loads automatically to a couple places (but not RA).  It needs to be sync'd regularly with the Suunto website (and satellite orbiting data) or else there are problems.


                              QOTD 2: After a really hard workout, I'll have an S-cap.  I don't know if it really makes a difference regarding recovery and heading off cramping, but I think that it does and placebo effect is a real thing.  

                              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                                Jamie-- I have an older vivoactive HR.  Before that, the garmin 110. I've always kept it basic. I like the heart rate function on the vivoactive, which I bought used from a neighbor. It uploads easily enough to strava (unless I need an update).


                                I dream of living close enough to a trail system to not have to drive.  Some day maybe.


                                What Garmin do you have? I may have to break down and buy one.

