Trailer Trash


Wet Wednesday (Read 12 times)

    Rain, rain, beautiful rain!!  Keep it coming, Mother Nature!


    Happy Post Christmas, Folks.  I've been around, but have been limiting my time on the computer. Got my workouts done and did my best to not snack my way through the last few days.  Yesterday was 4 miles with 6 x 1 min hill repeats.  I felt stronger than I anticipated, but there were still a couple of repeats where I thought I might expel my lunch on the road.


    QOTD: Do you like to grocery shop? I don't mind it, and The Hub loves to grocery shop.  He and I usually do it together every Sunday.  It's our "date."  One of our favorite stores in Grocery Outlet. You never know what you'll find.  If we're out of town and see one, we'll often stop and peruse it.  Every store is different in what they carry.  Once in awhile you hit the jackpot.


    Weekend QOTD: Sugar cookies with icing.  A local bakeries makes really good ones shaped like candy canes, Christmas trees, and stars.


    Mon QOTD: I'm staying pretty steady and sticking to my schedule.  I need if I want to run a race in a few months, which I do.


    Tues QOTD: I don't mind gift cards, I just usually forget to use them.  I have 2 in my wallet that I was given for taking care of a friend's stray cats a couple of times this last year, 1 from the The Hub for my birthday last year that's about half used, and a couple I found in my dad's wallet after he passed.  They're over 7 yrs old, but I assume are still good.  Maybe I'll use them one day.

    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance



      13 miles this morning.  39° at the start but then popped up to the 50s by the time I finished. We’re supposed to hit the mid 70s later.  I guess I can take the sheets off our plants today.


      qotd: I can’t say I look forward to grocery shopping, but I don’t mind it either.



        4.5 miles in 30 degrees, snow and a bit of slush. First run since Saturday. Rowed Christmas Day, travelled Monday ( not on southwest but saw the packed terminal at 4am— crazy!). Yesterday was a bust, running-wise. But now at my MIL’s and DH and I will get in a snowy hike this afternoon, at the park, which has the golf club next door. We’ll time it for happy hour. 

        qotd- I love grocery shopping. And my sister has a ‘grocery outlet’ by her- it’s always fun going there

          Fatozzig, we like Grocery Outlet too!  And the rain!


          I had to get back to work this week.  I missed a couple days last week while sick and had some stuff to deal with.  Pretty quiet otherwise.  Still holding off on running due to lingering chest crud from the latest bug.  Did a short walk during lunch today.


          QOTD: I see shopping for groceries as more of a chore than fun.

          5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


          running under the BigSky

            strength train earlier, then 4 miles with Tiny Elvis, we got started a little late- almost had to break out the headlamp 


            qotd: definitely a chore, would choose snow shoveling over grocery shopping  


            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √