Trailer Trash


Chainsaw Saturday (Read 34 times)

Uh oh... now what?

    See if I can remember how...

    Aha... we had a friend from somewhere east of the Rockies, somewhere near Green Bay, we took her to see one of our waterfall trails.  A most relaxing and enjoyable, barely any running, eight miles.


    Since I play with a chainsaw two out of three work days... we have three Stihl 'saws.  Two are 20-inch bars and my new almost favorite, the 14-inch bar I think of as a gas-engine powered butter knife... a most handy tool in the woods.  Unfortunately today was about four hours on downed stuff that needed the 20-inch saws.  Slowly I am building the "make firewood from this" pile...


    Sugnim:  Are you able to check for those buildings being an entrance to an abandoned mine?  There are a lot of accessible mines in Montana--which can make for a dangerous sort of poking and prodding experience.
