Trailer Trash


Welp, time for someone to start the Weekender (Read 18 times)

    Hello!   I got in an early HM this morning and then did some shopping and chores for my dad.  And no line at Safeway when I got there at 9 am! Win!  He lives about a half hour north of San Francisco.  This pic is from a bike path near his house:




    QOTD: Where are you?  What are you up to today?  Tomorrow?

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


      Just got in from 11.5 miles on the bike path in the far north. Almost May and I still can't run the trails for the most part as they are in a snow/ice/mud and some parts ok condition. Probably another week. It is very breezy, sunny, and 60F so maybe that will help.


      Put the canoe in and did a short paddle around my bay. The lake itself is still pretty solid ice but at least some open water in the bay. Had a loon swim right under the canoe, almost bumped him with the paddle.


      QOTD--Where am I?  Presque Isle Wi. and I'm cutting down branches that hang too low on my drive as I'm gonna get a 12x16 shed delivered in a week or two and there are some branches that are problematic. It's always fun leaning a ladder against a tree on uneven ground and climbing it with a chainsaw.   Tomorrow another run like today and maybe put a couple pier sections in on my pier in the bay.  Probably lift weights too.

      Queen of Nothing


        I ran the coast this morning...very muggy.  For about almost 5.


        Qotd: Trying to squeeze in between two dogs so I can sit on the couch.  In Little River Ca...being a camp host.  So i mentioned 99 trees were chopped down.  What I didn’t mention was the idiots chipped everything into grassy campsites and the surrounding bushes.   So we have been spending our days raking these chips out to restore the grass.  I run, we work, we sit on beach with drinks, we eat dinner, we may have a fire and play cribbage or watch some TV, sleep, reoeat.








          A nice run this morning in really nice weather. Ok it was pretty humid early, especially near the rivers.


          qotd:  San Houston National Forrest, San Jacinto County, TX.  Got up and to the Lone Star Trail trailhead in the dark and did 22 miles. It was a great run, albeit a bit slow.  Lots of roots, took two tumbles.


          Out-n-back to the east fork of the San Jacinto River.


          Just the coyotes, owls and me.


          After an hour or so the sun just coming up, (it was still pretty dark, but I played with the exposure a bit).


          The river at mile 11, time to turn around (it was killer humidity at this point).


          The river.


          Sunlight on the way back.


          More sunlight.


          Back to where I started. I started the COVID beard late, but it's getting there... a bit too grey though.



          Le professeur de trail



            Gatsby - that's a great shot.

            NH: I love loons.  Or at least I love the sound of loons in the distance.  I guess there's a difference.


            QOTD: Home.   Got in some little jobs around the house after my run.  Nothing special.  Tomorrow going to be another rain day.  I may still try and get some miles.


            Have a great day!

            My favorite day of the week is RUNday




            running under the BigSky

              nice pics folks!


              10 mile loop in the Elkhorn Mtns w/ Tiny E, about 5 hiking and 5 snowshoeing- some of the snow was really rotten and was postholing even with snowshoes


              Tiny E didn't have much trouble, the beauty of weighing 12 lbs 


              qotd: I'm heading back tomorrow to look for my sunglasses, it won't be the entire loop, but in the neighborhood of 6-7 miles me thinks Sad





              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √




                qotd: sitting at my laptop contemplating the Head Goat 50k still.  Got chores to do today but it's supposed to be nice so I'm thinking I'll grill som burgers.


                EDIT...signed up for the Head Goat 50k in May.  No excuse now.


                  Happy Sunday folks. Chowder and I got in 6 wet miles on the paved creek trail.  Stayed mostly off the dirt since it is really muddy here. And still raining until tomorrow early.


                  seriously thinking about doing this --The Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee 1000K  But only because I know the mileage is similar to my marathon training (minus getting sick),  I could count my dog walking miles, and there is a map tracker where I can see my progress. I need something to focus on these days.


                  qotd: Silver Spring, MD where we had our deadliest day yesterday. But new cases seems to be flattening. Our state also got half a million tests this week so I suspect our numbers will go up, but in a more accurate representation of those who have contracted covid. I'm suspicious of the states whose numbers are low in proportion to their population.


                  running under the BigSky

                    well a 7 mile out & back run in the hopes of recovering my sunglasses from yesterday, appears the two mtn bikes I passed on the way out may now have a new pair of sunglasses Sad


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                      mt - sorry about the sunglasses. My DF lost his glasses in the snow one year when we live up in NJ, we found them in the spring once the snow melted. But our lawn was flat and didn’t  have strong runoff.


                      Slept in this morning, didn’t even set my alarm. Felt good.  Once I did get up I did 5 miles. Sluggish from yesterday but the pace turned out to be ok.


                        5 miles today with uphill strides.


                        Re loons, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks of the movie On Golden Pond?


                        Warden, bummer about the sunglasses.  Any chance someone could have brought them back the trailhead and left them on a post or something?


                        Dhuff, I'm not a streaker but a mile a day shouldn't be too bad.  We can do it!


                        Queen, although I don't think I could live in a trailer, your gig up there sounds pretty nice.  Beats sitting in front of a computer all day.  Lots of distance from idiots.


                        Nice running, everyone!


                        QOTD: I'm back in Half Moon Bay, CA.  Chores and yard work today.

                        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                        8/18/24 Leading Ladies Marathon, SD

                        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                        Le professeur de trail

                          5+ wet glorious solo trail miles today! legs didn't feel great but it was still awesome!

                          My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                            Another beauty of a day. Ice is slowly breaking up which is a pretty cool look. And still it looks like I have one last beaver swimming about the bay. I'll try to co-exist with him. 


                            Jamie, yeah it's pretty neat to observe and listen to the loons. They really add something to the wild country.


                            runtrail--Wi just had it's largest day of cases. No correlation to the election of a couple weeks ago that the republicans wouldn't allow to be postponed at all.    And in true karma their supreme court candidate got smoked.


                            Oh yeah, running--Struggled thru a 5 mile road run today. WTF?  Maybe it's a sign or something.


                            Are we there, yet?

                              seriously thinking about doing this --The Great Virtual Race Across Tennessee 1000K  But only because I know the mileage is similar to my marathon training (minus getting sick),  I could count my dog walking miles, and there is a map tracker where I can see my progress. I need something to focus on these days.



                              I'm in. Just registered.  Might as well get a shirt and medal to remember this crazy year of virtual races.


                              Got in an easy 5.1 miles in a light drizzle.


                              qotd: I'm in my cozy apartment in the Philly suburbs.  One day is like another here, get up eat, spend time on the internet, eat, run, spend more time on the internet, eat, read some, spend time on the internet, eat, watch videos, read, sleep.  Did I mention I eat and spend time on the computer?

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                              running under the BigSky

                                Gatsby- I checked at the trailhead first thing, there was a lone mitten there though Smile


                                2024 goal 2024 miles

                                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                                2021 goal- 2021 miles √

