Trailer Trash


Magnificent Monday (Read 14 times)


    I returned from my hunting trip in Alabama yesterday. I put some miles on the Lone Peaks through the hills of Alabama. At least part of that was about 17 or 18 pounds heavier than normal. I killed a magnificent gobbler on Friday afternoon, and spent the rest of the time finding more, which I did. However, it was not meant to be, and the others continue to strut and gobble across the landscape. I am just happy to get one, especially on such a short trip.


    QOTD: When is the last time you realized that maybe you aren't as fit as you thought?


    Friday afternoon climbing a hill with a turkey. I need to up my mileage.



    running under the BigSky

      Congrats LB!


      Glad to report I made it out of the Bob alive yesterday 


      Extremely arduous trip.  Six days to cover ~ 100 miles.  Lots of post holing in soft snow, terrible stretches of blowdown (made tougher by being on snowshoes), miles of side-hilling on steep ground (with snowshoes) often with the threat of death if you slipped , multiple stream crossing (some pretty swift- I got swept and ended up neck deep!!!!)  which meant wet feet the entire trip (save at night).  Travel was often to a crawl and literally, sometimes we were crawling.


      I'm pretty beat up.  Bruises on almost every limb, ditto on cuts/punctures.  Hands ache due to grasping trekking poles 11 hours+ every day.  Multiple blisters.  My biggest concern is I had something going in my left ankle on day four, but there were no longer any good bail out spots and had to press on for two more full days (one day we hiked until midnight). I was limping the last couple of miles (on snowshoes!).  I'm icing it hourly now and hitting the anti inflammatories, keeping my fingers crossed.


      qotd: Have to say I'm feeling pretty fit being able to complete this trek; guessing only a small group of people could complete a trip like this- even less at age 60+ 



      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √


        Gatsby - The DH has clippers in hand and is willing to travel for the right price!  The first strike with the clippers was right down the middle of my scalp.  I was literally speechless when I turned around and saw what he had done. I kept pulling on what was left of my bangs, and he said, "That's not gonna help."  The next day, him: "I think I overestimated my abilities."  Normally, about 2 weeks is the difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut.  This one was about 2 months. 


        Glad you got a turkey, LB.


        MT - You survived!  Welcome back.


        I have PT this afternoon.  I kinda feel like things are getting better, but I think at this point my foot is the biggest problem.  I'll get my core/ST done when I get home.


        QOTD: I felt like I was in pretty good shape until this latest injury issue.  It's been hard keeping up motivation and fitness.  Some days I have a "why bother?" mentality, but then I remember how much better I feel when I'm doing something physical.


        Have a great week ~~

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance



          MT: Sounds like quite an adventure.



            Sort of the usual creaktacular slogs this past weekend but did get my usual 5 miles in. Saturday had fun chatting up a few hikers and another runner. The runner, she had the smallest cutest little 2 year old gsp. Baker and her played like crazy. It was awfully cute. I sort of recognized the woman and turns out we had both ran the blues cruise 50k back in 2009. Ha, she beat me my a minute. I remember cruising by her on a downhill in the last few miles and she crushed me on the next uphill. I remember stupid stuff like that.


            Oh, and Friday evening ran at another new to me trail. Found another natural lands trust area in central Chester county and looked they had a decent number of trail miles. It was quite different than my normal routes around here. Instead of wooded and rocky it was like running on someone's open farm. Most of the trails were grass mown paths or old farm roads along and through open and rolling fields and horse farms. A few times zipping in and out of adjacent woodlands. It was a nice diversion and sort of nice to see the open countryside while running. Only downside were all the signs admonishing you to leash your dog, NO EXCEPTIONS. Of course Baker ran off leash. We only saw 3 or 4 people and he stops, waits, and get leashed before we pass. One lady just waved me off on that... I told her I was freaked out by all the signs!


            QOTD: Yesterday. Ha. It's a daily thing for me.


            Warden - Geez. Thought you only did the Bob in the late spring. Congrats. Hope you heal up soon.

            In dog beers, I've only had one.

            Pain is my friend

              Easy progressive 9 miles today.  Almost taper time again.


              Qotd: I had to think about this one for some time. I have been training hard for many years. I never like to go into a race under trained. If anything I am over trained. I want to say its been 6 year plus. I can't remember. Most of the time I know where I am at. I always wish I was faster.

              ATY 24   141.445 2019 1st

              Bear 100 22:08 2021 

              Jackpot 100 Feb 14:59 - 5th


              Pulse endurance 48 hr 175.3 miles

              Bonnevile Backyard ultra 

              Ute 100 Aug

              24 hour loop race?



                SRD today.  I will do some core/back stuff later.


                mt - welcome back, sounds like a crazy hike.


                qotd: About 6 weeks ago, just before my last 50 miler. I was a little light on some of my training miles and a little heavy on my weight, carrying a few too many extra pounds. I did better than I thought at that 50, but then had to take 2 weeks off due to the bruised ribs.  I think I'm ok for this weekend's 50 miler, but I'm planning on taking it much easier and just get the time in on my feet. No expectations on this one so it'll be all good. I should add that it's going to get warm, calling for 85 deg in the afternoon, yuck.  (By the way, I've lost about 4 or 5 pounds since the last 50 miler  .)


                  Warden, so you’re saying that you weren’t lounging around eating Fritos all week?    What was the food item that you were happiest to have with you?


                  SRD today. 

                  QOTD: any time I’m on Strava, I don’t feel as fit as I think I am.  It can be such a confidence buster to see how much faster/farther/harder other people’s workouts are.  So I don’t spend much time there.

                  5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR