Trailer Trash


Good Fridaily (Read 22 times)



    SRD today. Planning a 20+ tomorrow which might be a little in the rain and a little dry.  If it's a wet day, we have a plan as a double out-and-back (5 out, 5 back, 6 out, six back) so we can change clothes, restock, etc.  If it clears, it's a regular out-and-back run.


    Happy Easter Weekend.


    QOTD:  I know we have a few agnostics and atheists here, but question for all, how was you religious experiences growing up?  I grew up Catholic and we never missed a Mass.  even on vacation, Mom found a church. Went to Catholic HS and even a Catholic college.  When kids got older, we stopped the church thing. I was on our church council for years, and that turned me off of organized religion since I got to see the inner working too closely.  Now I consider myself spiritual, but not religious, and I pray in the woods.

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


    Refurbished Hip

      Well, I'm definitely some form of injured in the back of my foot - right on the back of my heel.  Achilles tendon?  I don't know.  This is a new place of injury for me.  I didn't even do anything.  All I did was go for an easy hike in new shoes on Sunday.  JFC.  I didn't climb last night because it hurt too much to put on my tight climbing shoes and I aborted my walk around the neighborhood because it was hurting and I was changing my gait.  My foot feels fine barefoot.  Pressure from the side is fine.  Pressure directly perpendicular hurts.  Walking in shoes hurts.  Looser shoes don't hurt as much as tight shoes.  So now I can't walk.  Ugh.


      QOTD: I grew up without religion at all and for that I am extremely thankful.

      Running is dumb.


        My run yesterday at Sunset Crater National Monument. Yes, that is a lava flow. Amazing place and I certainly was not expecting this kind of landscape here. Only a couple of miles, but it was part of a day of hiking and seeing the sights in northern AZ. I must say, between the elevation  (7k) and the dry volcanic sand surface, it was a hard 2 miles. It was just me and the lizards. Today we are heading to the Grand Canyon. I'll have running stuff, even if I only fit in a short run.


        qotd: Raised a catholic, went to catholic school, but figured out early on that I was not a believer. It was about the time we were learning about dinosaurs in ES and evolution and the 'earth in 7 days' did not make sense to me.




        running under the BigSky

          Morning All!


          got a nice 8 miles in yesterday with Tiny E; the loop two weeks ago was more than 40% covered in snow, now only ~ 5%- the real high country however still has a lot of snow


          probably hit the gym this morning to strength train


          we're traveling over the divide to see the kids and tomorrow will meet w/ a buddy to give a go at summiting Stuart Peak- according to the Snotel site- 96" of snow atop the peak   calling for rain too, should be a real grinder!


          qotd: grew up strict Catholic (fortunately didn't have to go to Catholic school though)- mass every Sunday (and several non Sunday's as well), had to go to Catechism every Monday (for First Communion and Confirmation); like Tim I stopped going as organized religion wasn't for me.  I think it's great folks and families still go, but I don't see myself ever going back.  The outdoors is my cathedral Smile


          the Elkhorns in the distance from our loop yesterday



          2024 goal 2024 miles

          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

          2021 goal- 2021 miles √




            Did 3 on the TM then "strength" training with DH.  He's A LOT stronger than me and out in home gym is set up for him basically.  I'll get there, well where I can lift a bag of horse food again.


            qotd: My mom used to drag my brother and I to what ever church was nearby when my dad was active AF.  He never went and the one time she took us to a Jehovah's Witness and were told no birthday or Halloween my dad said we didn't have to go. Happiest day.  Now I kind of identify with Buddhism but mainly just try and live right. There's a lot of things I find confusing about organized religion the biggest being why is God only in a building?  Surely he or she would  appreciate some nature loving.


            Mandy sorry to hear your foot hurts.


            Le professeur de trail

              It's finally Friday and it is good! Probably lots of running around this weekend but not actually running.


              AT: enjoy the wet maybe dry run.  Hyner is this weekend and its funny to see everyone unsure if it will be a mud fest vs a beautiful day out there.

              Mandy: so sorry.  Do you think it's from climbing?

              DC: enjoy! so jealous.

              Warden: gorgeous picture

              dhuff: tell DH to set it up for you and your strength!!!!


              QOTD: Grew up in a religious home (protestant not catholic).  I have had some interesting experiences behind the scenes of churches so I understand the feelings some have about organized religion.  I would say though that organized religion is man made.  We have so many different types of religious organizations and they are all so different.  I consider myself spiritual and still a part of an organized church.  I find it hard to believe that this world was created in any other way than from a creator.  Don't get me wrong, I still have lots of questions but I enjoy seeking the answers to those questions.  To dhuff, God, IMO, is not just in the church buildings.  I believe He is very much available to us.  One of the reasons I love trails and nature is I experience God more in nature than I do in a crowd of "believers".  For what it's worth.


              Have a great weekend!

              My favorite day of the week is RUNday




              Refurbished Hip

                Mandy: so sorry.  Do you think it's from climbing?


                No, definitely not.  It started in the middle of a hike.  No idea why.  If anyone has any AT experiences, please let me know.

                Running is dumb.


                running under the BigSky

                  @Mandy I've had achilles issue, knock on wood nothing recently- I used to have calf issues as well and found they often go hand in hand


                  I starting rolling my calves frequently (it's not an overly pleasant experience) and that seems to have helped both issues- I believe calves and achilles are very much tied together, tight calves can often cause grief in the achilles- my experience anyways


                  2024 goal 2024 miles

                  2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                  2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                  2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                  I lost my rama

                    AT - When I went to college a bunch of my friends came from Catholic HS.  Let's just say they were not the role models I expected. .  Enjoy your run tomorrow!


                    Mandy - Sorry to hear about your foot.  I had an Insertional Achilles injury a few years back, which sounds similar to what you're dealing with.  I had to walk around with a cane for a few days, it hurt so bad, especially in the morning.  But mine was an over-use injury from training.  2 weeks of rest, and I was back running.  Your situation sounds a bit different.  Do you use any insoles?  Or just the ones that come with the shoe?  I went to Superfeet Green insoles after the injury and haven't had serious foot problems since.  Hope you recover quickly!


                    runtrail - Nice pics!  Glad you're able to get out on some trails while you're there.  And lizards aren't bad company.  I enjoy spotting them.


                    warden - Quite ambitious to try to summit Stewart Peak with that much snow.  Enjoy that grind!


                    dhuffman - I've been to a few church services where a makeshift alter was created outside.  It does make for a good experience.  Even within the same denomination, some will do something like that and others wouldn't even consider it.  The parish community can create its own culture, I find.  And I agree with Jamie - set the gym up for both of you!


                    Dr J - I like your approach to religion.  And I agree that whomever the Creator is, they are everywhere.  Hope your back is doing well.


                    QOTD:  I was raised Episcopalian and my adoptive dad was an Episcopal priest for most of my childhood life.  No need to say that my Sundays (and other parts of the Christian calendar) were pretty much booked.  Years later I worked with a woman who was married to an Episcopal priest (one of the nice "upgrades" from the Catholic church ), and I told her that my father was an Episcopal priest.  She said, "well, you turned out well."  I responded, "I hide my vices well."  She laughed.  I stopped going to church pretty much as soon as I started living on my own.  Can't say if I'm either religious or spiritual today, but I do often wonder about the intricacies of religion.  I won't hesitate to go to a church service though, regardless of denomination, if in the situation.


                    I didn't run last night because I didn't get out of the office until 7 PM.  Given that I started work at 7 AM and my mouth and eye were making me cranky, I ditched the run.  Probably best for my sore knee too.  Went to the doctors office this morning, and I was prescribed antibiotics and a wash to help the pain in my mouth, so I can at least eat.  This morning I could only suck down 2 Ensure.  Still no reason for the cause, but I stopped the suspect meds and hope it gets better.  I'm pretty sure it was an allergic reaction.  Will try to get 8 or 9 in tonight, but we'll see.  Storms coming in tonight.

                    3/17 - NYC Half

                    4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                    6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                    8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                      Went to bed last night at about midnight and woke up at 3:30.  Couldn't go back to sleep . Should have went for a run instead I was working on my bike. Setting up tubeless tires on a MTB sucks.   Starting to rain now and we're supposed to get a bunch of rain with some thunder storms so I probably won't run today unless it's on the TM.


                      Bert-o  -  Sorry to hear about the mouth.  I get canker sores quite often.  I've found out that taking L-Lysine on a regular basis helps.  When I have a outbreak I'll take up to a dozen a day. It's the only thing that I've found that really helps.


                      QOTD:  Raised in and around the Mennonite church and still attend one that hasn't kicked me out yet .   All joking aside I like most of what they stand for but there are a few places where I disagree with them.   Mennonites are very diverse with so many groups that It's rather confusing if you didn't grow up in the culture.


                      Growing up until I was about 4-5,  we didn't really go to church because the area that we were living in only had a old order church (horse and buggies).  Once a group of conservative Mennonites came to the area we started going.  Every Sunday, every other Wednesday, all religious holidays and bible school in the winter and summer.


                      I'm on the side of things where I think we'd be a lot better off in this world if more people actually studied the bible and then lived by what it says. The biggest problem with church goers is that they use the Bible to justify their actions and not to challenge themselves to do better.  I'm really saddened when I see people in the Church fighting and carrying on and neglecting to show others the message that the Bible has.   They then turn off others to the spiritual experience which then leads to more moral decay which leads to......................a host of problems.


                      Refurbished Hip

                        Mandy - Sorry to hear about your foot.  I had an Insertional Achilles injury a few years back, which sounds similar to what you're dealing with.  I had to walk around with a cane for a few days, it hurt so bad, especially in the morning.  But mine was an over-use injury from training.  2 weeks of rest, and I was back running.  Your situation sounds a bit different.  Do you use any insoles?  Or just the ones that come with the shoe?  I went to Superfeet Green insoles after the injury and haven't had serious foot problems since.  Hope you recover quickly


                        Thanks, Berto.  Someone else suggested that in L&O and it sounds about right.  I hope two weeks of minimal walking clears it up!  I don't have a good track record of easily resolved injuries.  Sounds like I should ditch the zero drop shoes for a while.  I've been wearing them for years and years without an issue and ironically was not wearing them when I started to have pain.  This stuff is confusing.

                        Running is dumb.



                          One of the reasons I love trails and nature is I experience God more in nature than I do in a crowd of "believers".  For what it's worth.


                          Have a great weekend!


                          Amen, brother.


                          Mandy - have you tried prayer? JK.  If you can walk without shoes and walk up stairs (putting pressure only on the front of our feet), then a major Achilles issue is not likely.  Use loose shoes and try kinesio tape to see if that helps. Anti-inflammatory meds can help too.

                          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                          Refurbished Hip


                            Mandy - have you tried prayer? JK.  If you can walk without shoes and walk up stairs (putting pressure only on the front of our feet), then a major Achilles issue is not likely.  Use loose shoes and try kinesio tape to see if that helps. Anti-inflammatory meds can help too.


                            Heh.  I must be injured so much because I'm a horrible heathen.


                            Thanks for the info, AT.  I'm starting the icing/NSAIDS process for a few days right now.

                            Running is dumb.


                            Thread killer ..

                              Haven't been running much , weather was bad,  then good so I ran . I think we are past the bad weather now so I can be more consistent .


                              QOTD: Pretty much like Tim . Grew up with a Catholic mom , never missed a mass no matter what . I stopped at about 16 when I could put up a fight. Went back briefly 20 years ago for about a year and decided organized religion wasn't for me .



                                OMG! It certainly is a good Friday...I went to the gym at lunch, was just doing 3 on the TM.  They have one that I like...does incline and decline.  I was playing around building pyramids (0%, 1% 2%, then 1% and 0%) when in between the first set I was feeling good, was up to 3.5 mph, HR was in the 90' I RAN!...I thought I'd never run again....wasn't long just 30-40 secs but I almost cried I was so happy.  My heart didn't explode and it came right back I did it twice more.  No pain anywhere.  I built 3 pyramids and tried the decline too...that's pretty cool.
