Trailer Trash


Twos Day (Read 22 times)


    I only ran 2 miles this morning and did a couple of supersets for arms, shoulders, and chest.


    QOTD: I saw a thing the other day on Nat Geo that said there are around 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. Based on that assumption, do you believe that there are other advanced forms of life in other galaxies? If so, do you think they are more or less advanced than Earth?


    I think with that much vastness, it is hard for me to be very confident that life has not developed in other galaxies. And since many of those are older than us, I would venture to guess that they may very well be more advanced than we are. I think about this kind of stuff when I run sometimes. And one of the things that crossed my mind yesterday, and again this morning, was whether or not these these other societies, if they exist, treat each other better than we do. Have they evolved beyond the egocentric tendencies of humans. How would their societal norms differ from ours? Do they run or exercise, or have they evolved to a point where they are on a totally different plane intellectually and physically, one that we have not even become aware of yet? Would they think our advances in science and technology are laughable? Or are we more advanced than them? Or how would they define advanced? They may have some sort of DH Lawrence type view that a connection to the soil, the land, is the true transcendence to fulfillment of life... I don't know.


    Gator eye

      Beam me up Scotty, there isno intelligent life on this planet.


      Yeah I have a hard time believing that this is the only planet with life. I really think there are more advanced and less advanced.


      And no run today, although I'm thinking about hitting some weights, maybe that will help get rid of the injury bug I ve seem to caught this year


        Do I have sympathetic foot pain?  DW has dealt with pain in hers for the last 6-7 years from kicking me in the butt everyday a bunion that the Dr's left go too long. Even after surgery it still bothers her some times. Now mine is hurting just like hers.  I've accused her of having a voodoo doll and poking me with it. She denies that but the look she gave me makes me wonder .


        Not sure If I'll get out on the bike or not. Running is out because of the foot pain. The problem is that I have a guy coming to look at my trees I cut down to see if he wants the firewood.  If he comes early I'll ride, if late I won't.


        QOTD:  God is actually a college student in his "world". His class has been tasked with establishing a creation, setting rules and then seeing which one is the most successful. How many more creations and life forms there are of course depends on the size of his class.  I would venture to say that some are more successful then we are and some are worse. If we ever get to know exactly what is out there I think there will be life forms that are so different from us that at this point we can't even imagine them.  How they function in their societies would of course have a lot to do with how their creator designed that particular creation.


        It's a interesting question to ponder. It's one of the reasons I want to go to heaven. That way I can find out the answers.


        I actually think about stuff like this quite often and long before the Vegas events I have the feeling that God's creation is not doing so well along side  his peers.  Of course that's not his fault it's ours for screwing things up and not following the rules.



          Cool crisp 8 miles thins morning. Fall like temp without fall like colors. No wildlife sightings today.



          QOTD:  I'm sure Carl Sagan is right. By math alone, there has to be some other life forms. Not sure if they've visited us in the past or not, but I've read some interesting things about what we can't explain from our past.

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            A nice evening last night but just a short walk of 2 miles with the Lady out by the lake. Weights today at the gym at lunchtime.


            Happy bad anniversary to me! I was looking at my running log from last year and discovered an entry from 10/3/16 that says "took day off for a cranky left knee". It's still cranky, well the whole leg in general even 8 weeks post op. Maybe getting better though with all this rest. We shall see in a week or two or three. I also found an entry in my log from 9/11/2016 that stated "fell and banged my left knee very hard". Perhaps that was the onset date, though I did not record any symptoms until weeks later. Sigh. Move along old man I suppose.


            QOTD: Trillions of galaxies with trillions of stars in each or is it billions? I thing the odds are pretty good that there are life forms out there both more and less advanced than us. Perhaps even advanced enough to seed a solar system or two. It's mind boggling really, the size of the universe. I've often wondered what the expanding universe is expanding into and is there a wall or something that says "end of universe".

            In dog beers, I've only had one.


              Cool crisp 8 miles thins morning. Fall like temp without fall like colors. No wildlife sightings today.



              QOTD:  I'm sure Carl Sagan is right. By math alone, there has to be some other life forms. Not sure if they've visited us in the past or not, but I've read some interesting things about what we can't explain from our past.

              Give me an example of some things you have read. I start tapering in a couple of weeks.




                Give me an example of some things you have read. I start tapering in a couple of weeks.


                "The Ancient Alien Question" is kind of a update on "Chariot of the Gods".  Present some interesting information about what the ancients built and how could they have done it with the technology of the times.

                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



                  "The Ancient Alien Question" is kind of a update on "Chariot of the Gods".  Present some interesting information about what the ancients built and how could they have done it with the technology of the times.





                    I did 4 this morning.  It was so freaking muggy and 78 deg I couldn't believe it.  Forecast for Arkansas is low 64 hi 84, I guess it'll be ok but on the warm side.


                    Our whole milky way galaxy is one little dot in this photo. (Photo courtesy of NASA.)


                    qotd: yeah, I have always thought that there has to be something out there based on the shear numbers.  Now if we could have one of the more advanced civilization drop by and beam up. . .   oh never mind.



                      Got in 5 this morning, slow and easy on the paved trail. Not exciting, but after this past week, it was just good to get out there. Other than a few dogwoods turning maroon, the foliage really hasn't started to shift here. Looking forward to a dramatic change soon. Meanwhile, we could use some rain.


                      qotd: Yes.

                      Queen of Nothing


                        I ran 5 this morning and will hit the gym at lunch.


                        QOTD:  So LB are these the types of questions that come to you after circling 2.83 miles for 9 hours.   I think theirs a good chance there is life elsewhere.  I think they are some type of animal, which makes them more advance than humans.  I was thinking about humans and realized humans have been treating other humans horribly since the beginning of time and I really don't think it's going to change.


                        DD: I have had a foot pain for 4 to 5 years...maybe a bit heel.  When I ran this morning my other foot was sore to.  Takes 2 miles to warm them up.  I read an article where this guy had pain in his feet, he was a runner, and as soon as he divorced his wife the pain disappeared.  Believe me I am thinking about it.


                        XT:  This made me think of you

                        No automatic alt text available.

                         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                          It was horribly muggy over here, too. It looks like the dew point will be in the 60's for the whole race. Hopefully, you will have some shade, and you should be acclimated well. I hate it for the folks coming from drier climates.

                          I did 4 this morning.  It was so freaking muggy and 78 deg I couldn't believe it.  Forecast for Arkansas is low 64 hi 84, I guess it'll be ok but on the warm side.




                          Le professeur de trail

                            I hit the gym last night.  I will get in a few tonight.  Nothing special.  I need to go long this weekend though.


                            QOTD:  No.  We are the only idiots in the universe.  By idiots, I mean we are killing the resources we have and will become extinct in the not too distant future.


                            On that note, have a fantastic day!

                            My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                            running under the BigSky

                              I'm alive and well in New York- nice weather- lows in the upper 30's, highs 60-70- not too shabby


                              Sunday and Monday my brother and I ran on the old Erie Canal, nice soft gravel surface, but perfectly level- we ran 7.5 Sunday and 4.5 Monday, this morning we found a nearby state forest that had several single track trails- reminded of the movie The Last Mohican- nice mature broadleaf forest. Got 9 miles in today and some elevation as well.


                              qotd: I'm not so sure, I certainly don't rule it out, but when I see it I'm certain I'll believe it then 


                              2024 goal 2024 miles

                              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                              Faster Than Your Couch!

                                2.5 with DS on his (brand new phantastic) bicycle pushing me over the limit. My own fault, I had asked him to come along. 


                                DD1: I had pain at that joint on my foot for a while, and it seems to come and go. Usually it means that I have been on my feet too long (at work, then running, then walking, etc), or that my shoes are worn out. I don't think my cat is doing some voodoo on me?


                                QOTD: I guess there is, or has been, some form of life elsewhere in the universe. Just the time window when we could actually find this out and really come together with, or somehow see, other life forms is so incredibly short compared to the billions of years that the universe has existed, or when other forms of life can or could have existed, that I don't think it is very likely for us to meet with them.

                                Some of these living creatures would be more advanced, some less, but what defines "advanced"? Also, the pressure of evolution and survival shapes life and how creatures treat each other. Humans seem to be the only creatures that are consciencously cruel to each other and to other animals, and to the resources of the planet. I don't know how this would be with other forms of life somewhere else.

                                I always wanted to be able to live forever, just to find out these things and see for myself what is going on, how, where, and why.

                                Run for fun.
