Trailer Trash


Time is a wastingTuesday (Read 30 times)


Le professeur de trail

    No one wants to start? Everyone out running huge miles? Ok ok.


    I got out for a 4+ run in the hood last night.  I felt dizzy but I think it was more of my light bouncing around so much and my eyes reacting to it.


    QOTD: You're on an island and can only have three items...go!


    Me: Smoothie maker (battery operated), endless supply of batteries, and a hammock.


    Have a great day!

    My favorite day of the week is RUNday



    Occasional Runner

      6 hilly trail miles with the dogs before sunrise. Going easy this week. VT100 starts Saturday and they're saying it's gonna be very hot and humid. Sounds like a shitty time headed my way.


      QOTD: A good woman, a good dog and a good pair of running shoes.

        Another rowing workout on the Erg.


        QOTD: A good woman, a good dog and a good pair of running shoes.


        Sounds like a good choice.


        Tallahassee, Florida


          I got in a great 10+ yesterday evening in extreme heat. I knocked out an easy 4+ this morning before light.


          QOTD: Fishing tackle, a tarp, and a lighter.



          Refurbished Hip

            Hiya gang!  I've been MIA, been on the road, still injured, etc, etc.  Finished my 500 mile bike tour without dying, am back in civilization, and thinking about backpacking even more seriously now.  (Thanks for the timely thread, Jamie.)   I need to make a doctor's appointment for my foot, as it's just not healing.  I forgot what it's like to run again.  Sigh.  Anyway, I may throw together something about my trip eventually -- we'll see.  Lots of pictures to share eventually too, since I know not everyone here is on Facebook.


            QOTD: I assume I'm not stranded, right?  If I'm stranded, I'm choosing an airplane, fuel, and a pilot.    But if I'm hanging out for a few weeks with relief in sight, I'll take a knife, a lighter, and a tent.


            Kelly -- you could just become a barefoot runner.

            Running is dumb.

            Gator eye

              I decided against dodging lighting bolts and spent 6 mile on the treadmill that I'm claiming as hill training.


              QOTD: lots of beer, a hammock, and my dog.



                2 1/2 hour run in the woods. One of those "car wash" runs where the single track was so grown over with wet plants that it felt like I was going through a car wash.  Pretty soaked by the end of the run. Did see a rattler and heard a bear cub crying out for momma bear.  I stopped dead in my tracks both times.  Rattler wasn't coiled so easy to get around.  Cub noise sounded behind me, so I went ahead slowly with eyes wide open.


                Lace - My niece (currently living in Salt Lake City) is settling on a house this week in Ogden, says owner is a trail runner. Do you guys settle this week? If so, to a husband and wife with a 1 year old girl?


                QOTD:  If stranded - knife, flint, metal cup.

                If vacation - alcohol, food, Kindle reader (fully charged).

                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                  5.3 road miles last night.


                  Congratulations Mandy on the 500 mile bike ride  and not dying!


                  QOTD My puppy dog, a TV with a built-in DVD player and the complete box set of all the seasons of the Wire.

                  Occasional Runner


                    Lace - My niece (currently living in Salt Lake City) is settling on a house this week in Ogden, says owner is a trail runner. Do you guys settle this week? If so, to a husband and wife with a 1 year old girl?



                    We are settling this week, but I don't really know anything about the buyers, but I do know it's a young couple. There are a lot of trail runners in Ogden, though. I can't wait to get this over with...

                    Occasional Runner


                      Kelly -- you could just become a barefoot runner.


                      Mandy- If I had to give up one of those 3 things, it would definitely be the shoes.

                      Queen of Nothing


                        You know you have a problem when you put running before burning down your house.  I was a bout a 1 1/2 into the run when I remembered I hadn't turn off the stove with a pan of hard boil eggs in it.  Hmmm it should have enough water in it to last while I finish my run.  Then I forgot all about it until I was outside my house and heard every alarm going off.  Yes the pot went dry, the eggs exploded, and the house was full of smoke.   duh!!!


                        5.5 miles with the mutts this morning.  It was a great run.



                        QOTD:  The ability to make wine, a young hot stud, and Earl this is whether I am on a vacation or stranded.

                         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                        running under the BigSky

                          Was hoping for a run, but still pretty sore, so hopefully tomorrow. I did do a pretty wicked workout at the gym yesterday- 20 sets of 20 push-ups/20 sit-ups/5 pull-ups for time- 33 minutes, now the rest of my body is sore 


                          qotd: survival- knife, fire steel, tarp; vacation- a good woman, a good woman and a good woman


                          2024 goal 2024 miles

                          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                          2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                          Refurbished Hip

                            a good woman, a good woman and a good woman


                            Nice!  A foursome! 


                            Sue, I am sorry to say that I laughed about your eggs.  I will file that info away for future use that eggs can and will explode!

                            Running is dumb.


                              Humidity is back-- heading out for 4 or 5 miles while DS is in his night class.  It's near a park I've always wanted to explore, but it's not exciting enough to make a dedicated trip.  Class runs for two weeks, so I'll have time to explore a few other nearby trail systems, too.


                              qotd:  coffee, snorkel and mask, and a hammock.


                                The Lady and I ran 7 last night out on the easy of Green Lane Reservoir. A bit creaky to start from Sunday's race but felt normal again on the back part of the loop. LadyB surprised a few kayakers on the lake when she took a dip for a drink at one of our regular water stops. Green Lane reservoir wildlife. Probably another 7 miles somewhere this evening. I am on the 7 mile plan right now.


                                QOTD: Sex, and drugs, and rock n' roll.


                                Queenie - Geez, be careful. Don't burn down the house!


                                Mandy - Sorry on the foot injury. Geez. One thing leads to another.

                                AT - I've had several of those car wash runs recently. The warm rainy days the foliage just leans in and grabs you.

                                In dog beers, I've only had one.
