Trailer Trash


'Twas the Thursdaily after Christmas (Read 11 times)

    And all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except for my mouse, which was futilely trying to get some work done.  But thwarted by a massive computer update that's going to take a while...


    QOTD: Do you set annual goals or new year's resolutions?  How did you do in 2022?


    I had a couple running goals that I accomplished: Miwok 100k, ran another 100 miler.  Other health/fitness goals that I did not stick to were leg/core strength 2x per week and better sleep.  Nonfitness goals included getting dad's holiday stuff down and packed away before the end of January, and taking him on a trip. Succeeded in both of those.

    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

      Got in 50 min of core/ST after work yesterday, pushing myself harder than I normally do and it felt good.


      I had every intention of getting up at O-Dark 30 to run, but ended up with insomnia that kept me awake until almost 2:00.  Toss, turn, toss, turn, get up and read for awhile, toss, turn, toss, turn.  Ack!  I've gotten myself into a pattern of not good sleep, and I think exercising after work / early evening is the problem.  SO! I need to suck it up and start getting up in the wee hours all the time like I used to.


      QOTD: Although I make general running/exercise goals, I don't usually make a new year's resolution.  This year, however, I'm making a resolution to lose the 10 lbs. that have crept on in the last few months.  I haven't been at this weight in almost 20 years and it sucks.

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



        Taking a SRD today.  

        My productive thing for today was I got info out of our big government that they accepted my request to reduce my Medicare premium. Basically I filled out a form updating my now non-existent salary so I don’t have to pay extra. 


        qotd: I don’t set those annual goals or make resolutions, too much pressure.
