Trailer Trash


Feeling Fat Fridaily (Read 38 times)

Occasional Runner

    I think I may have overindulged on Halloween candy last night. Chocolate is a genuine weakness of mine.


    I ran 5 road miles this morning just to test the legs a little bit. Heading down to Moab in a few minutes for the Moab Trail Marathon. I love running down there.


    QOTD: Do you decorate for Halloween or dress up in a costume?


    I definitely don't dress up but we put a few pumpkins on the porch. Uncarved.

    Queen of Nothing


      Nothing today...job interview this am...cross your fingers. Smile


      QOTD:  Halloween is over!  I do nothing.  No one comes to my house, they dress at work, I don't.  I ate too much candy yesterday and it made me feel like crap.

       05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

       08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






      Uh oh... now what?

        "...a surge of westerly winds will cause the windiest conditions to develop along the coast... through the Strait of Juan de Fuca... and into the Admiralty Inlet area along with island and San Juan counties. Wind gusts of 45 to 60 mph are possible in these areas and a high wind watch has been issued."


        We will have to decide "with or against" and check the tide table before doing the beach loop this afternoon.


        QOTD:  No.



          A SRD for me.  My uncle is dying from lung cancer, after years of smoking.  He made a turn for the worse on Wednesday, so I went to have a nice long visit yesterday.  Cancer sucks, but it's even worse when it was preventable.


          Kelly - I had a glass of milk and 3 small snickers for breakfast.  I try to reserve candy for long runs and races, so I felt like I should have put on the shoes after my "breakfast of champions".

          Queen - good luck on interview.

          John, nice pics.


          QOTD: DW does the house up, and the staff and I were dressed up on Wednesday, since I'm off on Thursdays.  I was Fred Flintstone.  Going to the local craft Brew Pub tonight (Battlefield Brew Works) for a Halloween party and some music.

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            John, thanks for sharing! What a great thing to live near that scenery!


            Doing 3 + weights today. Had a great 15-mile run along the beaches and bluffs of SF yesterday.


            QOTD: I have small kids in the house, so they drive a lot of decorations. We all enjoy Halloween tremendously.


            Yesterday also provided some neat reflections of how people perceive size. I'm 6'3 and 185lb. On the taller side, but don't look large. Yesterday I put on a Hulk costume that added about 2" to my height and to each shoulder. Suddenly I looked *enormous*. Like people stopping in the street enormous. It was really interesting so see how a few inches affected people. Especially since it was all obviously fake.

            3/8 Way Too Cool 50k WNS

            4/19 Tehama Wildflowers 50k



              Nice photos John.


              I am going grocery shopping after work. I don't know if I will get some miles this evening or hold off until tomorrow, probably hold off.


              QOTD: The weather sort of got us all separated last night. So, the first Halloween in the new house was spent watching television by myself. Nobody came down our road; nobody knocked on our door; It was quite nice.


                The pooch and I had a wet and windy 5 mile trail run. The Fall colors were in full swing, but I didn't want to take out a camera in the hard rain and strong wind. It was bad enough to freak Marley out and she is used to some pretty bad weather, since we pretty much never skip a run due to weather.


                We saw a dead buck that wasn't there yesterday. It was a spike, good sized, and fat. I couldn't see any arrow or bullet holes but the rain washed any blood away so they may have just not been obvious or on the side towards the ground.   I thought about trying to determine the cause of death, taking it home, and butchering it, but decided it may have been there too long without being field dressed.


                QOTD: I don't do either, but DW does both.  We had a lot of kids come to the door and gave out quite a bit of candy.


                Tallahassee, Florida


                Endless trails

                  Did my leg and core exercises this morning. Incredible weather

                  when I got up today at 5:30, windy and warm, great running weather.

                  I know I'm being smart for resting till I heal, but I hate to miss a run

                  in these conditions.


                  Nice pics, John. I think they call that a 'quality problem'


                  Sorry about your uncle, AT.


                  Good luck, Sue.


                  QOTD: Neither. We had enough candy for dozens of kids, but only 5-6 showed

                  up, so...PB Snickers today.


                    Hey Trailers


                    I've retreated back to lurker status lately as I have not really been running. Over the past few months I've been averaging about 1 run a week. Sometimes more, currently less. I've felt tired for about 3 months. Almost mono-tired. Not a coincidence that I've been really busy for about 4+ months. I think even if I had the time to run, I wouldn't have the energy. So sadly, my trail shoes are fairly clean and unused right now. In addition, I've had a pain in the ass(literally) since the marathon I ran back in the beginning of August. It goes from the middle of by butt down the back of my thigh. It can go unnoticed for a while, and then I'll take the dog on a good hilly or even flat but fast paced walk and the muscle tightens right back up again. I promised myself a massage after the race, only 3 months late I finally got one scheduled yesterday. So I guess you can say I'm taking an extended rest right now, even though I'd rather be running.


                    QOTD: I spent this year's Halloween at the fire dept in class.


                      . It goes from the middle of by butt down the back of my thigh. 


                      Sorry to hear that. I had something similar a few times, and it turned out to be sciatic pain. I stretch my lower back and pirriformis and it goes away. Obviously your thing probably is different, but it could be something to try.

                      3/8 Way Too Cool 50k WNS

                      4/19 Tehama Wildflowers 50k



                        First flight today was at 6:45am, been going all day and still have a 4 hour flight for the last leg. So much fun!  Taking a SRD for today.


                        qotd: I don't think the DW did anything this year except hand out some candy.


                        Wandering Wally

                          Resting today.  Ate too much candy and now I just want a nap.


                          QOTD - Nope.  I head up the candy distribution department at our house.  We don't do anything other than hand out candy to all the little (and not so little 0_o) ones.

                          Run!  Just Run!


                          Trail Runner Nation Podcast


                          running under the BigSky

                            strength training this evening, I'll do my "300" routine- 10 sets of 30 pushups, situps, squats and 10 sets of 7 pullups (wish I could do 10 sets of ten, but it drops quickly after 4 or 5 sets Sad)


                            qotd: one carved pumpkin is all Smile


                            2024 goal 2024 miles

                            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                            2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                              Well i worked so late yesterday that I was tired when I got home so I opened a couple cold ones and watched the end of the football game. When the alarm went off this morning for me to get out for my morning run...well let's just say the alarm clock is lucky to still be alive. Did some weights and a little elliptical then off to the grind again. Folks, there is value in being self-employed and I do miss certain aspects of that. Oh well.   So the plan is to get up at a decent time tomorrow and run long on the Ice Age trail in the Kettle Moraine. Been awhile. Actually if I remember it was Easter Sunday of 2012 and I did a 28 miler and ended up having hip surgery a few weeks later. So back I go....


                              QOTD--I don't know. Halloween is over, ask me next year.


                              TrailTromper--Best to leave that deer as you did.  I once found a buck a friend had shot about 9 hours earlier and when I stuck a knife in it the gasses came shooting out like i had popped a balloon. The smell was pretty rank.  Unfortunate but it happens.


                                Just an early morning pilates video for me.  Checking out all the fun winter clothing and "screw" shoes :-)


                                QOTD:  Yes. Yes. Yes.  All the above. Around here we do "drink or treat".  It did way too much of both.   It will be cucumbers and coconut water all weekend for me.


                                I was davie crockett- really fun!  I love it only because the scrapbooking for Halloween is SO MUCH FUN!!!


