Trailer Trash


Wellness Wednesday (Read 13 times)


    I ran a nice 5 miles this morning. I honestly cannot think of a time in my life when I felt better than I do right now. That was just a perfect run through a lot of mud and water, and everything just feels completely on point.


    QOTD: Can you think back to any "breakthrough" runs in training or in races?


    I have had many breakthrough training runs over the years. I think the 100K I ran in 2011 for a training run for Rocky Raccoon in 2012 was a breakthrough run that set the foundation to make me understand that even when you think things are hopeless you can do some amazing things if you can tap into your soul and move forward. The last 20 miles of that run was unreal, just as smooth and beautiful as anything I have ever done. The first 40 miles were a disaster. Today, even though it was only 5 miles, I believe it was a significant run, and I really can't explain why. Everything just felt perfect. I feel like I could have run that pace all day long, even though it was fast.



    running under the BigSky

      4 miles yesterday with DW and Tiny Elvis; will hit the trails a little later today- going to have to make hay the next couple of days as we're getting another Arctic blast this weekend 


      qotd yesterday- nothing specific for recovery, I do take vitamins daily (and a small aspirin)- what I do do after an arduous trip/outing is eat, eat a lot! 


      qotd: while not my most successful run ever, I had a lot of breakthroughs on my R2R2R- I felt like I was as close to death as I ever had been towards the end, but there was no other alternative but to keep moving and climbing; that experience has served me well on many races/adventures in the future


      2024 goal 2024 miles

      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √




        qotd: The 50k I did in June 2018.  I had heat exhaustion at a earlier 50k in May when the temps were higher and the course was open with no shade anywhere.  The one I did in June was hot too but I had learned to use ice every time I came across any.  It was the best time I've ever had at a little over 9 hours.  I know most of you are much faster but my first 50k was 12 hours so I was quite happy.


          Good morning. Chowder and I got in 5 miles last night, mostly on the dark pedestrian roads of Rock Creek. Good post-run beer and catching up with friends. Today is still TBD but lots of rain coming so I might row and do some yoga. Fell off the yoga routine lately.


          qotd: Nothing comes to mind.

            52 min of core/ST for me this a.m.


            Found out last night from the race director that Grasshopper Peak Redwoods Run is canceled this year.  The main road - Bull Creek Road - to the race site is severely damaged from all the rain we've had and they don't know when they'll be able to begin assessing for repairs.  Boo hoo!


            QOTD: I can't remember the year, but as a nod to WS's Memorial Weekend 3-day, 70 mile training, we did our own up in OR/WA.  The last day of our adventure was a 50k in Forest Park.  The first cutoff about half way through was ridiculously tight.  I missed it by 5 min, but the RDs (now the owners of Go Beyond Racing) decided to be flexible since way too many runners were missing it and I got to go on through.  I ended up with a 50k PR that day.  I think it's the only time I've run a 50k under 8 hrs.

            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

            Trail Runner Nation

            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

            Bare Performance



              Wow, we got some rain yesterday afternoon.  About 4 or 5 inches in 3 hours, I mentioned the tornado warning yesterday, the closest tornado touched down about 20 miles south of our house.


              I'm going to run 5 to 10 miles a little later this afternoon. Today it's nice, cool, and sunny so I'll hit the park - the trails will still be soggy I'm sure.


              qotd: I think some of my best breakthrough training runs involved logistical planning and exploring unknown places.  During a business trip I did a 35ish mile run north of Genoa, Italy along the Alta Via Dei Monti Liguri trail. It was so great I did it again on a subsequent business trip a few years later.  I've done similar logistics/runs in England, Japan, Vietnam and of course Korea.  Something about the planning, unknows, and then successful execution just builds and reinforces confidence.


              Queen of Nothing


                3.4 walk with Jack and then later a 4 mile run.  Geez I remember when I wouldn't bother running if I couldn't get at least 6 miles.  

                qotd: we ran a point to point 32 miles through the mountains in which we had backpacked it in 3 days the summer before.

                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                  First accumulating snow here for the season but at most 1-2". It's suppose to switch to rain and in fact felt like it was starting to do so when we walked the dogs a half hour ago. Did have time at lunch to get out for a few miles on the local trail at lunchtime. We just did 4 miles. The snow was just beginning when when we started our run and the dry trails were coated with snow by the time we finished up.


                  QOTD: Late summer, fall of 2007. Hard to pinpoint one run. I had so many good ones. The goal that year was JFK50, my first 50 miler. I started my training recovering from PF. I remember sitting on the beach in VA beach whining to my wife about my foot pain and how I was screwed for a a 50 mile race I had signed up for and she told me to pop an Advil, quit whining and go for a run. So I did as I was told (haha) and the next morning the foot felt pretty good and trudged down to First Landing state park from our hotel, ran some trails, and was so happy. A few weeks later I was off the "stuff" and running pretty normally again, started up my first ultra training cycle with B2B long runs, etc. I was on a roll. Ran my first 50k in the fall in 80+ degrees (in October), went sub5, passed so many people the second half. That was a week after running my first 30 miler in training. 3 weeks out from the 50, I ran Marine Corp Marathon, easy pace, felt great, ratcheted it up and negative split for a 3:15. That was my last hard run before taper for the 50 and I was like a wound up coiled spring for 3 weeks ready to go. Perfect weather JFK.. low 40's no wind. I ran 7:39, about 20 minutes under goal. That was some cycle and it was my first crack at ultras.

                  In dog beers, I've only had one.