Trailer Trash


StoneMill questions (was: ... Steamtown) (Read 28 times)


    We seem to have started a StoneMill thread. I have some questions. See the latest posts.



    I really thought I was in shape to run a blazing 4:40, perhaps even 4:30. But I pooped the bed and ran 5:01. Not sure what went wrong except I overestimated my fitness and the anticipated race day magic and speed from downhills didn’t show up.


    Training was good, no injuries and I ran lots of downhills. My quads held out just fine, I just didn’t have it. I had a great taper, carbing up, shoes, race day nutrition, etc.. If it was just about the peripherals, I’d be Kipchoge, it’s the actual running part that I’m no good at.


    I always pooh-pooh the idea of getting overheated and dehydrated when the temp is only in the 70s (it was 79 the last part of race), but I think I got overheated and dehydrated. I didn’t pee for 12 hours. That may have put me over 5 hours, but I ran the first 10 miles at 4:40 pace and it was already harder than it should have been before it got hot, so I wouldn’t have hit my goal anyway.


    Everybody crashed and everyone around me was walking, which didn’t help. I kept pushing hard and passed lots of people in the 2nd half, but I did walk quite a bit.



    I always award myself the top award in the “over 270 lb” category, but this race there were actual weight categories with a weigh in and although I didn’t win any real awards, I can confirm that I was first place over 250 lbs* and first place over 225 lbs over 50 yrs.


    *weighed in at 247 lbs, lowest I’ve been in years. I was lobbying for an over 250 category and could have gotten there with a big gulp had they had such a category.


    As I mentioned, I finished strong relative to others. The only checkpoint was at mile 18, which is about where I started fading hard. I was 1069th in the first 18, and 863rd in the last 8 even though my pace was much slower the last 8. I think I passed even more between 13 and 18. I did “run” it in at a sub 5 hr pace the last couple miles.


    I destroyed myself. I was barely ambulatory the first few days afterward even with lots of ibuprofen and am still too sore to run today.  I probably coulda shoulda maintained a better pace 20-24, but I gave pretty much my all. Wish I’d known what was going to happen and I could have started slower, hydrated better, and finished stronger with a better time, but I don’t really feel like I spit the bit or left anything out there.



    I’d planned on doing the Stonemill 50 miler on Nov 17, but as of today I’m about evenly divided between

    1. Run the 50 miler
    2. Take a shot at marathon redemption next month
    3. Never run again because running is dumb and stupid

    Queen of Nothing


      Sorry you didn’t meet your expectations and it was a suck fest!   I think the problem was that black shit under your feet!  Get off that pavement!  Do Stonemill 50 miler.  You look awesome at 247! 

       05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

       08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








        Don't underestimate how humid it was that day.  The carnage at Blues Cruise and Oil Creek (42% finish rate) show that.  Steamtown numbers were higher that their usual average as well.  My running friend did his slowest BC's by 1 hour and 45 minutes. I think Jamie was close to that range as well.


        You were basically a bit over 1 minute per mile from your "A" goal and slightly less than 1 minute per mile from your "B" goal, so all things considered, not too bad, and as they say "run what the day gives you".


        How many pounds did you drop when weighed after the race?   DW was 6 pounds down when we got home from BC's and that's after eating and drinking, so she was probably down 8 pounds which means she needed to drink 1 gallon of water more during the race.


        Agree with Sue, that black stuff is hard on you.  Stone Mill is a great course and weather should be nice, so I pick Option #1.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        Are we there, yet?

          That you were still passing people over the last 8 miles is a positive. It's also a commentary on how adverse the conditions were. I take anything over 70 as a warning to be cautious and pay attention to heat symptoms, doubly so if the Sun is out. I've also heard the Steamtown is deceptive and throws in some uphill toward the end that often catches runners by surprise.

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





            How many pounds did you drop when weighed after the race?   

            Didn't think to do that. That would have been interesting. I drank two cups of water at every official aid station and some of the unofficial ones, and drank a lot afterwards, but still didn't pee until that evening. Some of the cups at the stations were only 1/4 full so it wasn't that much water, Should have drank more beforehand. I was more concerned with not being overhydrated and having to stop.


              I've also heard the Steamtown is deceptive and throws in some uphill toward the end that often catches runners by surprise.


              Ya, those sucked. They look like tiny bumps on the elevation profile, but seem a lot bigger when you're struggling at mile 23.


                From my perspective, finishing upright in those conditions sounds like a win! Congratulations on finishing a tough race and day.


                And no contest-- #1 Run Stone Mill. It'll be much better than the other options and it's a great race with wonderful volunteers. Especially at the Quince Orchard AS  .  Seriously, everyone who comes thru is having the time of their lives. Can't speak for later, but miles 0 to 17-ish are awesome.


                Le professeur de trail

                  We were thinking about you when we were at BluesCruise.  It was a terrible day.  I attribute it to the heat/humidity.  It was bad.  Now a week later and it's 40's and dry!!! 

                  I have run BC 2x before in 5:50.  I ran slogged it at 7:26.  The one thing I have learned through the years is that once the heat/humidity has done it's damage it's impossible (or nearly impossible) to get yourself right.  I'm not sure it's possible to maintain enough hydration to keep up with the lost sweat - for some of us anyways.  So don't beat yourself up.  No one would have predicted that weather.

                  My vote is Stone Mill of course.  I will be there!  It's a fun course.  Reminds me of a cross country course …only a little longer.  The trails are a lot like the Cumberland Valley section of the AT which you know well.  I wouldn't call it a fast course though.  It's deceptive.  But oh so much fun.

                  My favorite day of the week is RUNday





                    My vote is Stone Mill of course.  I will be there!  It's a fun course.  Reminds me of a cross country course …only a little longer.  The trails are a lot like the Cumberland Valley section of the AT which you know well.  I wouldn't call it a fast course though.  It's deceptive.  But oh so much fun.


                    After being back out on the trails the past couple days, Stone Mill seems a lot more appealing than hitting the roads. I think the 13 hour cutoff would be tough for me, but that would give me a challenging goal.

                      Your comments about finishing strong relative to others and passing people suggest to me that it was a tough day out there for everyone and you had a decent run, given the conditions.  You certainly don't look like you're about to keel over in the pic -- you look fit and strong.  Or was that the 1st mile? 


                      Yes, running is dumb and stupid.  But the promise of a nice trail, a beautiful day, a fun time with others, or achieving something awesome keeps us coming back for more.  So, I guess we're all dumb and stupid here.  

                      6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                          You certainly don't look like you're about to keel over in the pic -- you look fit and strong.  Or was that the 1st mile? 

                        That was pretty early. You can tell by the cute little sweat mark on my shirt. Compared to being soaked later in the race:


                          I'll second or third what others have said, the humidity is what really sneaks up on you (that and direct sun).  Sounds like a very tough day, but if you were passing folks at the end that means that you were holding up better than most. Some good takeaways you list, so you should just concentrate on them.


                          Aaaaaaah yes, those marathon cups. It's really hard to gauge how much you're actually drinking and they are spaced out so you don't really maintain what you are sweating out.  Years ago I started carrying a handheld bottle during road marathons, and feel that I can monitor/control the water intake much better.  Fore instance a bottle lasts about 8 to 10 miles and I can drink it when I want, skip lots of water stops, and then refill when needed.  I've also noticed more people carrying handhelds over the years too.


                          I have also heard that Steamtown although "all downhill" can be deceiving.


                          Anyway, I also vote for the 50 miler, but I guess that's no surprise. Thanks for the RR.



                            I don't think they are very strict about it. My understanding is they use this as a 'guideline' so they don't have folks finishing at midnight.


                            After being back out on the trails the past couple days, Stone Mill seems a lot more appealing than hitting the roads. I think the 13 hour cutoff would be tough for me, but that would give me a challenging goal.


                            Le professeur de trail

                              I was going to say the same thing.  It's not a hard cutoff (or hasn't been in previous years).  Having said that, one you hit 5pm (11 hours into the race), it's dark so it slows down of course.  Weather has always been great - hopefully I did not just jinx it.


                              I don't think they are very strict about it. My understanding is they use this as a 'guideline' so they don't have folks finishing at midnight.

                              My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                              I lost my rama

                                Nice job in those tough conditions!  Nothing I can add that the others have already said.  Redemption races are tough.  Sounds like Stonemill might be more fun.  Rest and recover well.

                                3/17 - NYC Half

                                4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                                6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                                8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours
