Trailer Trash


Finally Friday (Read 17 times)


Le professeur de trail

    This week has felt particularly long.  Likely because we have been counting down to vacation.  But tomorrow it is!!! Will be running at the beach by Sunday am.  This morning I got in 5 miles.  I had thoughts of going longer but decided to stay in bed for a few more winks.


    QOTD: Weekend plans?


    See above! Not too excited though.  


    Have a great weekend!

    My favorite day of the week is RUNday





      Nothing yet, but will run over lunch and maybe walk tonight.  Knee is still a bit cranky from yesterdays road hills, but it has to wait. I have finish line fever now.


      Jamie - we're heading to Chincoteague July 8-12th.  Can't wait.  We usually ride bikes onto Assateague Island and got through the Nature loop to their beach access (take the right route of the loop). Then we walk north until we are mostly alone.  We plan on carry-out and packing our own food.  Sea Star Cafe for sandwiches is always on our list.


      Sue - what was that drink recipe?


      One of my friends was a big COVID denier (he watched a TV station the rhymes with Box Blues) and last night he texted me to say "looks like I was wrong about masks".  Yay, finally a new convert.  If my friend can become a believer, there is hope.


      QOTD:  long runs and some yard work.  Relax by the pool and have an IPA or 2, 3, 4, 5.

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        Not sure if I'll run today. Just feel like puttzing about and try to get some things done with no sense of urgency. Have I mentioned that being retired rocks? Drove back up here yesterday afternoon and the traffic was intense. All out of staters heading up here to spread their virus for their vacation. Ugh! Anyway, I will do some weights and rowing. And be reclusive.




        One of my friends was a big COVID denier (he watched a TV station the rhymes with Box Blues) and last night he texted me to say "looks like I was wrong about masks".  Yay, finally a new convert.  If my friend can become a believer, there is hope.



        Just think what a little adult leadership could mean.  Some of the new projections a few experts are talking about are just off the charts scary.



        QOTD-- No special plans. A couple longish runs in scenic spots (Sylvania, Porkies) of maybe 10-12 ea.


          Just the 2 mile wog so far today. I will do some road miles later since I am time pressed or go up to the local trail with Baker for an out/back. Last night, 6 miles with Baker out at the lake. We were busted towards the end of the run by a park ranger for running leashless. Of course Baker wanted to go say hi to the park ranger. No real big deal, leashed him up and we were on our way. Chatted with the ranger later.


          QOTD: Golf, golf, run/jog, run/jog, plunge in the pool/beer me, repeat.


          Dr Jamie - Have a good vacation. Not a big fan of beach running. I'll do a few miles but then it all seems the same. Will you run barefoot?

          In dog beers, I've only had one.


          Le professeur de trail

            That's exactly what we do.  Last year we rented a house on Piney Island and rode our bikes to that beach access everyday.  I have a cart that attaches on the back my bike to pull all our stuff.  Definitely adds to the fun and always fewer crowds out that way.  This year we are staying more in town so not sure if we will ride or drive.


            XT - barefoot yes.  Sunrise yes.  I usually don't run long - out 2-3 miles and then back.  It's more about getting out far enough to be alone on the beach than it is about the the running.



            Jamie - we're heading to Chincoteague July 8-12th.  Can't wait.  We usually ride bikes onto Assateague Island and got through the Nature loop to their beach access (take the right route of the loop). Then we walk north until we are mostly alone.  We plan on carry-out and packing our own food.  Sea Star Cafe for sandwiches is always on our list.



            My favorite day of the week is RUNday





              Sadly. I just realized that I was suppose to be off today and resting right now.  The Montour 24hr was supposed to start at 7:00 pm.  

              I sent DW a text that maybe we should do a long night run tonight in honor of our cancelled race.  No response yet.

              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



                qotd: staying at home...since the orange menace visited Tulsa's cases are skyrocketing and even up here in nowheresville out counts are going up.


                I know it's mean of me but I'm so tired of the stupid people....any one who thinks COVID is a joke and won't wear a mask or social distance I hope they get sick.  Let them see what it's really like.  I had something in Feb and I was coughing so bad I thought I was going to die.


                Tim have fun...that's on my list of things to do some day.  Misty of Chincoteague was always one of my favorite books.  I read all of her books repeatedly.



                  I know it's mean of me but I'm so tired of the stupid people....any one who thinks COVID is a joke and won't wear a mask or social distance I hope they get sick.  Let them see what it's really like.  I had something in Feb and I was coughing so bad I thought I was going to die.



                  I'm with you.  We have 4% of the worlds population and almost 25% of the.... well you know.




                  Mike--you asked a few days back if I was still going to the Winds and yes I am. Looking forward to it as it's about the only thing left I can do. I'll meet you at East Rosebud on Aug 20th or 21st and we can run the Beaten Path. 

                    Last night I ran at the Monthly Winery Run.  a PERFECT 5K.  80 degrees 50% shaded nice breeze.  Hit a 6:49 mile on the downhill briefly with 230 feet  of total elevation gain. Finished with a couple tastes of 2 types of Rose and Sauvingnon blanc, grown, blended and bottled on the Estate.




                    The weekend we will set up our new Casper Mattresson the Cal King bed frame ML brought from her home.  As well as prepping to go to Lassen County  (Volcano Country) over the 4th of July Weekend.




                      Got up and did 10 mi this morning.  The air was thick because it was so f'ing humid.  Plus we have some sort of Godzilla dust storm going on at the moment.  WTF?   I was dying out there.



                      Just think what a little adult leadership could mean.  Some of the new projections a few experts are talking about are just off the charts scary.


                      Don't get me started....   Our 30 YO county judge Ms Hildago just moved the county alert level from orange to red (the highest level). She issued a bunch of "advisories" (stay at home, smaller gatherings, etc.) because unlike before she can't issue "orders" because our wussy Tx Governor has retained all control at the state level. He doesn't even have the balls to relinquish authority back to the local levels if he doesn't want to make the tough calls.  And since she has more balls than he does she is calling him out for his "wishful thinking" approach and not making any decisions based on what experts are saying or the data.  She said she's fighting this with one hand tied behind her back.  As an example, with the spiking cases and hospitals starting to be overrun, he lowered the restaurant in-dining limits from 75% capacity to 50%, that's like trying to put out a house fire by pissing on it (although he did close the bars).  Also she can have business require that all customers wear masks (which she has done), but 2 miles down the road from me is the next county which doesn't have the same requirement, but the Gov won't put a mask order in place.  Let's just say that the Gov is playing to the Orange Guy's base.  Sorry, rant over...


                      qotd: just staying home and doing stuff around here.  Plus running and napping. (Probably do some work e-mail, but that doesn't really count right?)



                        Got in 4 miles while the kiddo was swimming. Tried another paved trail with hopes that it connected with a trail system, but it didn't. I know another way to access these trails (which might be part of the Stone Mill course), so that will be next week. Then went and picked blueberries as we have to stock up for the winter. . Coming back we ran into heavy traffic, which kind of surprised me, until I noticed they all exited on the route to the beach and remembered next week is the 4th.  I will get more walking in today.


                        So much to say about our current leadership and covid status. Sandy, I saw that Houston is near or at hospital capacity. I hope this turns around and quick. Though I'm less of an optimist these days.


                        qotd: Nothing big. I am getting sour cherries (for pies, this winter!). and I'll run. Maybe we'll go paddling. Tomorrow is going to be really hot.


                        Are we there, yet?

                          Word is out that Badwater has been cancelled.  Several of this year's runners posted that they've received notice via email.


                          Latest info from Endless Summer is that if the race can't be rescheduled by Labor Day, it will be cancelled.


                          This was supposed to be a year to chase all my AG PBs and maybe even challenge a few of my all time ultra bests.  I'm losing focus with no definite races on the horizon.  I'm reluctant to even hope that 3DATF will be held.

                           2024 Races:

                                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.