Trailer Trash


The Chinese Wall- take two (Read 24 times)


running under the BigSky


    No condensation issues?  Although you're out West, so you can get away with a single walled tent.  I still haven't gotten to test my Notch Li in any bad weather yet!  Just some light rain is the worst I've put it through.


    very little in the way of condensation; not sure how your Notch is constructed, but the Aeon has mesh completely around the bathtub floor, the two rear corners have flaps that you can open with more mesh and of course the front is full mesh- that all definitely helps in the way of condensation- it is still a single wall shelter, so some condensation is expected.  I carry a very thin/light microfiber cloth (can use if for a host of things) and just wipe off any that does form- which thus far has been little to none Smile


    Thanks for the report and the photos. Awesome stuff. I was going to ask about the "cliffed out" stuff, but Sandy beat me to it. It almost sounds like at the end of the wall you were nearly cliffed out as well, but made it down. Did you have any idea that was possible when you started? I think I would have taken the longer way down!

    to be honest, my thought was that we would have some difficulty getting on at the north end and getting off at the south end, but wasn't prepared for all the detours in the middle- when you look at a top map the Wall is so steep and the contour lines so close, you lose sight of what's going on at the very top


    believe me I thought about going the long way around, but would have been doing it by myself and thought of saving a couple of hours pushed me into getting out of my comfort zone


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      mt, thanks for the explanation on cliffed out.  I kinda figured.


      So I guess when you were going along the top of the wall, you'd hit some breaks (with cliffs)  where you had to go down the sloping part enough so you could get past the breaks.  I'd be cool to see a topo plot of one of your detours.



      running under the BigSky

        mt, thanks for the explanation on cliffed out.  I kinda figured.


        So I guess when you were going along the top of the wall, you'd hit some breaks (with cliffs)  where you had to go down the sloping part enough so you could get past the breaks.  I'd be cool to see a topo plot of one of your detours.


        I'm going to try and recreate our actual route (simply takes too much battery to put it into tracking mode for a couple of days)- I know it added close to 10 miles, but I'd be curious how much elevation gain- if I had to guess it probably close to doubled it from our initial route (which was in the 9000'-ish range)


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