Trailer Trash


Beautiful Mondaily (Read 21 times)



    I'll get the ball rolling early today.  What a gorgeous day. Wish I could play hookie and go for a run.  SRD for running today. I'll hit the bike trainer tonight after work.


    Zach Bitter's time is unbelievable. What an accomplishment.


    Killian missed the mark.  I had voted no, because Matt Carpenter is the King of Barr Trail. He knows that trail so well, and it's that local knowledge that makes his record almost out of reach.  A few more tries and Killian, or someone who trains there, will get it.


    Here's the Tiny House on Wheels update. 70% framed and some added bracing to keep things all square.

    Loft and rafter framing hopefully this week.




    QOTD:  Have you ever played hookie and called in sick on a beautiful day (or a day you wanted to get something done)?  Unfortunately, I have not, but like to dream about it. 

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



      Not beautiful here....heat index of 106 predicted - hot and humid and tonight severe thunderstorms.  It rained all weekend and the road is a mess of washout areas.


      qotd: no but I have called in when I wasn't "sick" just didn't want to go to work.


      Volunteering at the Lhotse 200 this weekend and I think I'll ask if between helping out I can do some loops on the course.  That way I can hopefully keep up the miles and be somewhat more prepared for the 50k.


        SRD.  I also didn't run yesterday, but I did take the MTB out for a 20 mile spin, nothing crazy, just an easy ride on the bike path. I'm babying my calf while it heals up.  It's just a typical strain, need to rest and wrap it for a few days and it should be ok.


        AT: looks great so far.  Keep those photos coming. By the way, are you worried about the total weight, are you keeping track?


        qotd: absolutely yes, isn't that what 'personal days' are for? (Edit: after reading some of the replies I reread the qotd a bit closer, I have never taken off and called it a "sick day".)



          The weather was great this weekend but just did some short runs with the Lady. Playing it safe and calling it a taper week just in case I decide to take a stab at Labor Pains this weekend. Will do gym stuff today and walk the dog. We did a loop around the hood this morning and it felt almost chilly. I wore a long sleeve.


          Finished up the deck this weekend. 10-12 hours to stain/seal all the spindles and rails. 4 hours to do the flooring.


          QOTD: Well, don't play hookie but if I see a good day in the forecast and I am not on-call or have any critical projects I am usually able to take a day or half day off.


          AT - Nice work. My construction skills suck so I am impressed.

          In dog beers, I've only had one.




            AT: looks great so far.  Keep those photos coming. By the way, are you worried about the total weight, are you keeping track?



            Keeping track.  Trailer is rated for 14,000 pounds, but we should be well under that (around 8-9,000 total) when done.  Building techniques are a bit different to save weight. A few less studs here and there but, more screws and more mechanical fasteners. It's been a fun learning curve.

            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            running under the BigSky

              Tiny house looking good  Smile


              had a productive day yesterday working out; a crossfit workout called “Cindy” in 20 minutes as many rounds as possible of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 air squats. After 10 rounds I thought I might hit 20, then everything started to slooooow- got 17. In the afternoon took Tiny Elvis out for a hill workout- 4 miles, the first two miles ~1400’ of gain


              qotd: no, but like XT- if I see some weather coming up I can’t pass- I can almost always get the day off (this happens a fair bit during elk season Smile)


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



              Refurbished Hip

                Good morning!  Exciting stuff happening over the weekend in the running world.  I'm pretty disconnected still, but it's fun to hear these things from time to time!


                I suppose when a house is tiny, it gets built quickly.  Looking good so far, AT!


                We had some really nice weather on Saturday here.  I went bouldering outside, which was super fun, although really hard.  Need to buy another crash pad for myself and not give it away to anyone this time.  Here's some photos.  Wearing a helmet while bouldering is considered kinda dorky, but I don't care.


                Sit starts are hard.  This boulder was well above my level.


                This one was easy to just cruise up.


                Trusting my hand jam.  Little scary, but it worked!


                QOTD:  I don't get sick days at my work (), but if I did, I would do it on a rare occasion.  Right now I have to burn vacation time if I want to call in and still get paid.

                Running is dumb.



                  Mandy - I fixed your first picture. Looks scarier now. Free Solo. 


                  “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                  Refurbished Hip

                    Mandy - I fixed your first picture. Looks scarier now. Free Solo. 



                    Heh.  You can still see the ground!! 

                    Running is dumb.


                    Le professeur de trail

                      I need to run tonight - DTBD.  Great weather weekend.  I was stuck putting together a swing set yesterday that took longer than I anticipated.  It's together but still sitting on the ground.  Need to stand it upright with some help.


                      Mandy - nice helmet!

                      AT: It's coming together.


                      QOTD: No, I feel too guilty.  I plan my mental health days usually.  But doing so as a call off, I do not.  Today would be great for it though.  


                      Have a great day!

                      My favorite day of the week is RUNday






                        Heh.  You can still see the ground!! 


                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                          I'll hit 5 after work today. It was raining this morning, and I had to get to a school very early to get some things situated with a new instructor.


                          QOTD: Hmmm. During the spring, there are times that I wake up and the sky breaks clear and I may call in sick and go to the woods. I pretty much only do that during the spring turkey season once or twice each year. However, I have over 9 months of leave built up; most of that is sick leave. I think I have about a month of annual leave that I reserve for vacation and days when we have to take off for floating chancellor holidays. For example, we don't get a holiday for Memorial Day. We close the schools, but we have to take a day of annual leave for that. I think there are two of those per year. So, I don't feel guilty about it, even though I wrote this long explanation to justify my actions. Luckily, March and April are fairly slow at my work.
