Trailer Trash


What's Up Wednesday!?! (Read 19 times)


I lost my rama

    Thanks everyone!


    AT - That pic I sent to you on Monday was supposed to be special 


    NH - I was joking about Big Sur.  Once I checked into the ER on Sunday, I knew I wouldn't be able to run it.  And when they told me that I'd be in the hospital for "a few days", DW and I started making calls to cancel all our trip reservations, since I might not be out before Friday, when we were supposed to leave.  Not all the bookings are refundable, so there will be a lot of sunken costs for the non-trip. 

    3/17 - NYC Half

    4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

    6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

    8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


    Are we there, yet?

      Bert-o, are you sure you didn't get run over by a bus and just don't remember?  Seriously it's not just stressful when the doctors can't figure out what' wrong, it can be down right scary.  I think what would bother me the most is not being able to eat or drink.  I hope the meds at least help with the symptoms.


      Easy 5.8 miles today. Starting the taper for D3 and taper madness is lurking.  I'm getting a bit nervous because I have been able to train a lot better this year than in the last couple.


      qotd:  Most of my (running) accomplishments are more likely to be met with a sigh of relief than a smile of satisfaction.  The satisfaction usually comes later when I've had a chance to recover and reflect.

       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






        AT - That pic I sent to you on Monday was supposed to be special 



        Bert Loves Chunk.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


          Damn Bert-o, WTF??!!??  I really hope it gets straightened out quickly.


          I'm still suffering through this f'ing head cold, but I'll just sulk by myself after seeing what Bert-o's going through.  No run yesterday, but did 5 mi after work today.  I'm still hoping that these runs loosen up my clogged sinuses and eustachian tubes out, but it hasn't help yet.  There is all this crackling going on in my ears when I swallow so there's still hope.


          qotd: Not really.  But the other day when I was running there was a woman on the side of the walkway trying to get the chain back on the rear sprocket of her bicycle.  Although the rear wheel was locked in place I took one look and asked her... "did you have the wheel off?"  She said yeah she did. So I undid the wheel, pulled back the derailleur, bent the chain around the sprocket, and popped the wheel back on.  From the time I stopped to the time I was done was about 15 to 30 seconds. She thanked me and we both went our opposite ways. 

