Trailer Trash


where’s the daily? here :) (Read 21 times)


running under the BigSky

    must be folks sleeping in on the right shore Smile


    good hill workout yesterday, strength train this evening


    qotd: any recent changes in diet?  I’ve changed my breakfast juice from oj to dark cherry (supposedly a good anti inflammatory); DW has been cooking a lot of Vietnamese food- haven’t had a dish I didn’t like- appears to be pretty healthy too


    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



      Ran this morning. Things are not as oppressively hot as they were. But it is still warm.


      QOTD: Nothing new.



        Ugh- I'm in a spell of insomnia, which sucks all motivation to do anything remotely difficult, especially running. Did not run Sunday, not sure about today. But I will at least get in a hike in the woods during swim practice with the dog, who seems to have mild separation anxiety (working on it, but it makes it harder to leave the house for a long run). It's also hot again. Oh, when will this end?


        Mt- My household is half vietnamese. Very tasty food, but surprisingly not as healthy as it seems sometimes. It can be very high in sodium (fish sauce, soy sauce and other condiments) and while there may be vegetables (i.e. a lot of cucumbers, sprouts) they can be low in nutrients and fiber.  But other than rice noodles and white rice, there is not a lot of processed food in the diet.


        qotd: I've been eating a lot less meat lately, and more almost-vegan meals. I have no intention of becoming a full time vegan/vegetarian but would like for that to be my predominant diet. Next step is to reduce sugar, which will be really hard for me. I have a killer sweet tooth.

        Gator eye

          8 this am. Weather’s been grand.


          QotD: i switch from busch light to bud light.



            I'm in KC for the week so no mid day miles but since Sept 1 I've been making sure to get at least 1 mile of walking in and on the days of scheduled miles I get a lot more.  The elevator here is broke so walking up and down 5 flights has given me my miles and then some 


            qotd: I've been cutting out fried foods and trying to cut back processed foods like chips and cookies but it's hard sometimes, especially when traveling.  My boss does not eat healthy anything and I'm stuck going to lunch and breakfast when he comes along.


              I have now had 5 good runs in a row...I am not cured...I still hurt when I am not running....sooooo... I think I will sign up for a 50k this weekend. It will be an adventure training run for the cost of $79. Supposed to be hot and humid too...BONUS!

              Qotd: no big changes...except that the grilling season makes me want to cook everything on the grill. Lots of fire roasted peppers!


              Oh! I have a new pair of sandals...different kind...and I think they are magical...I ran a very fast mile (fast for me) and it gives me hope!

              January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


                Weekend ketchup. Spent a lot of time with the dogs of course. Walks, runs, dog jogs. Baker went to his first family get party. My nephew's daughters birthday party, sort of an outdoor picnic. He was very nervous most of the day down there, I think worried he was being moved again, or perhaps just all the new stuff (chickens, rooster, outdoor cats, new people and young kids). He did not calm down until it was about time to leave but he did manage to snag some birthday cake that fell on the ground. 

                Yesterday, we went out for about 5 miles at Birdsboro watershed trails. He saw his first set of horses on the trail and was very good. He seemed more interested in the dog the horsey back people had tagging along. Then my friend came over with his dog Rebel and they had some play time. He was so tired last night. Curled up on my lap and slept during the football game.

                Today is usual stuff. Dog walk/jog this morning and 2 more regular paced miles with Baker around the block at lunch. Another lady in the hood has a gsp and we met her during our run. She pedals hers around the neighborhood with some type of contraption that connects the dog to her bike. Probably just a walk later with the dogs. Sleepy this afternoon.


                QOTD: No. Not yet. The chiro I see monthly recommended bone broth for my whonky knees as opposed to a liquid or pill form of glucosomine. I have not searched that out yet.

                In dog beers, I've only had one.



                  No run. Long work day.


                  QOTD:  Like Gator, I made a beer change; from New England IPA's to Hazy IPA's.  Also my food intake is the same but my mileage is much lower, so I'm fat and slow...but with a Hazy IPA, I'm happy.

                  “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                  running under the BigSky

                    No run. Long work day.


                    QOTD:  Like Gator, I made a beer change; from New England IPA's to Hazy IPA's.  Also my food intake is the same but my mileage is much lower, so I'm fat and slow...but with a Hazy IPA, I'm happy.


                    funny, in the West, New England IPA = hazy IPA


                    wonder what’s up with that?


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                      No run yesterday or today.


                      You won't believe this....  my calf is 100% better, but now my knee on the other leg is messed up.  I guess I basically have what is commonly called "runner's knee", it feels like my knee cap is out of place. It isn't, but it just feels that way. I had a nice run on Saturday morning, spent Saturday doing errands and stuff, had a late lunch/early dinner (had shawarma at a mid-eastern place, which was great by the way), watched a little collage football, etc.  Layed out my running stuff, and put my bottle in the freezer for my Sunday morning run and went to bed.  I woke up Sunday morning and could barely walk because of my knee.


                      WTF ?!?!?!? My DW swears that she didn't kick me or stab me with an ice pick or anything.  So yesterday and today I've been limping around icing and wrapping it.  I'm at a loss.  Although I have to admit after sitting around at work all day today it's feeling slightly better.


                      Any clues on what this is? (Besides getting way too old... )


                      qotd: We've been cutting back on meat for a while now.  We eat it less times per week and when we do have it, we have smaller portions.  Just seems more healthy and we've been loosing a little weight.


                      Queen of Nothing


                        NO run today...but a walk down the beach and maybe a bike ride later.


                        Qotd: my diet has fallen apart...I am eating more meat than ever and also red me.  Today I had a huge breakfast that came with ham and I just said yuck it and didn’t ask fir without gsm 🤷‍♀️...


                        gator:  that was a good one.


                        Sandy: that sucks but you runnsooo consistently that maybe a month off is in order?


                        Xt: We took our friends 6 month old pup on our run is very tired today.  Love my friends but between the two of them they equal at least 600 pounds...poordog never gets walked!

                         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                          funny, in the West, New England IPA = hazy IPA


                          wonder what’s up with that?


                          Yes, what Warden said!


                          Sandy, bummer on the knee.  Maybe it’s from overcompensating while your calf was injured?  (And maybe it will go away now that your calf is better?).  Have you talked to a doctor about it?


                          I’m still in walking mode — 3.3 miles yesterday. Waiting for lumps and bumps to subside before running again. Nothing on my race calendar to no need to rush back.


                          QOTD: I’ve eliminated processed sandwich meat. Will have bacon every once and in a while and pepperoni on my pizza but I’m trying to eliminate processed meat otherwise.  I also don’t eat much red meat but that’s mostly due to laziness.

                          6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR