Trailer Trash


Thermal Thursday (Read 20 times)


    Super muggy. Normal. Quick 2.5 mile run this morning, back to my old tricks. Hopefully, we will be settled into the new school year sometime next week and be back on a normal 5 mile run schedule.


    QOTD: What part of life tends to disrupt your running schedule more than anything else?


    Without question, the start of the fall semester at the college and the beginning of the school year for my kids. These things happen simultaneously, so it is amazing that I am getting anything done this month. I pretty much have to run in the early morning because the evenings get a little hectic, and the heat is horrible.



      Good run last night. On the fast side for me. Ran my easier "red" trail loop out at the lake, about 7 miles. Had some good checkpoint times (16:59, 32:11, 49:27) and finished in 66:41. I know, meaningless times but since I don't know exact distances I use certain points along the trail as gauge to the sort of run I am having. Sort of struggled that last section (it's the same as the first but back to the trailhead) but I was pretty close to tempo I suspect. Strange weather. First it felt nice and pleasant by the lake, but once I was a mile in I could feel the humidity and the sweat (it doesn't bother me, but it didn't feel cool anymore!) and then just passed the halfway point a nice summer rain shower moved in that felt great. I ran into another hiker/runner on the way out and back and he was drenched too and told me the rain felt good.. "awesome" was my reply.


      I think I will do gym stuff today at lunch and get in short run and/or lawn mowing session tonight. So far today, just a 1+ mile walk with the Lady. Humid here. The top of the hill outside our neighborhood (very close) was obscured in a soupy mist this morning during my dog walk.


      QOTD: Light. I tend not to run in the dark around here (no sidewalks if I do the road and trail heads are typically marked dawn to dusk) so I have to get creative in the dark months. Thankfully working at home I can have a flexible schedule most days.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.


      Refurbished Hip

        Passed my belay test last night, so if anyone trusts me enough to put their life in my hands/rope, come climb with me anytime!    Climbed at the gym last night for over 2 hours.  It was a good night.


        QOTD: My stupid body.

        Running is dumb.


        Are we there, yet?

          A cool 54F in Custer this morning.


          Mandy, I'd love to climb with you if I ever get back to WI. Plan to hike Black Elk Mtn today.


          Qotd: travel or severe weather

           2024 Races:

                03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





            I did end up running 4 mi after work last night, it was 99 deg (I hear the heat index was about 110).  But halfway thru my run we had a 180 deg wind shift, dark clouds and blowing a gale.  I was watching the trees being blown around like crazy and making sure I didn't get clobbered by a falling branch. I mentioned recently that some of the trees are under stress due to the lack of rain lately so when the wind blasted thru the brown leaves were falling and blowing around, also like crazy.  It was like fall...  and the Wizard of Oz....  only it was still in the upper 90's.  It was cool to be running in it though.


            This morning I got up and did another 4 mi, it was a nice and cool (and boring) 79 deg at 5:15am.


            qotd: At this point I'd say work gets in the way more than anything else.  Maybe I should retire at some point.




              Ran in hot humid drizzle this morning.  Went to a local SP and did the trails in and around, with some AT thrown in.  Nice run.


              AT uses this bridge in Caledonia SP.  Water is very low, so I ran through the creek. 


              Bert is hanging in there. He had some throat swelling as a reaction to the radiation, so he's on some new meds, and they put in a PEG tube for feeding as a precaution (not needed yet).  He said chemo hasn't been too bad.  He's on the path, but it's a hilly one.


              QOTD:  probably the weather.  I have set times that I can run, and not a whole lot of flexibility, so if Mother Nature gets involved, I have to improvise.  Today, there was no lightning in the area forecast, so I ran in the light rain. 10 minutes after I was done, a huge downpour with lightning hit as I was driving home. If that was in the original forecast, I would have hit the TM.

              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



                qptd: like Mandy said, my body  then work and now the horse.


                Vet was out, not an abscess...she took xrays so I have to wait until they are read to know what to do.  She gave me some other meds to use instead of bute(horse asprin) so we'll see how they work.  I feel so bad for my horse, she's the one I've had for 15 years now....we've done horse camping, endurance, competitive trail and dressage.  Some people don't like mares cause they can be witchy but she's been solid gold.  I hope I can get her fixed up and feeling better soon.


                Hang in there Bert we're pulling for you.


                Hope you are having fun George.


                  qptd: like Mandy said, my body  then work and now the horse.


                  Vet was out, not an abscess...she took xrays so I have to wait until they are read to know what to do.  She gave me some other meds to use instead of bute(horse asprin) so we'll see how they work.  I feel so bad for my horse, she's the one I've had for 15 years now....we've done horse camping, endurance, competitive trail and dressage.  Some people don't like mares cause they can be witchy but she's been solid gold.  I hope I can get her fixed up and feeling better soon.


                  Hang in there Bert we're pulling for you.


                  Hope you are having fun George.


                  dhuff - Devan is riding Tevis this Saturday on a 20 year old mare, Sw Malaia (aka "The Mighty Mal")!!!!!
