Trailer Trash


Tomato Tuesday (Read 12 times)


    A well-deserved SRD today. It is quite nasty out there this morning. It isn't raining, but it seems like the ground is completely saturated. I hope the sun comes out sometime in the next month...


    Follow up to yesterday's QOTD: I have decided that "Reacher" is so bad it is good. Like an idiot, I decided to keep watching thinking it might get better. It is entertaining, but some of it is so ridiculous that it is entertaining. Here is a little tidbit of information that I find funny. It is hard to do this part any justice without writing about a 5000 word essay on tomato sandwiches, but at one point, one of the characters, an elderly black man who is a barber, told another character that he normally uses Roma tomatoes for tomato sandwiches. The character he was telling that to had brought him some Heirloom tomatoes. This part was clearly written to add some texture and context to the relationships between these characters, but to make a tomato sandwich (apparently a Southern tradition), you use Heirloom tomatoes, not Roma tomatoes. And anyone who has ever laid eyes on a piece of bread should know that. They fit each other perfectly.


    QOTD: Do you ever over analyze books, movies, or television shows?


    Absolutely not!!! LOL.



      Since we are talking tomato, I like to add sliced tomatoes to my grilled cheese sandwiches. Not roma tomatoes though. I prefer those hot house vine ripened ones.


      Ran 3 miles out at the lake last night with the dogs. Had a late start but still plenty of daylight. Normally run this as a 4 mile loop but I played the slacker card again to avoid a super muddy section near the start finish. I could have added more but figured why bother? Plan to run solo today on the road or local trail at lunch and just walk/hike the dogs after work for a mile or two.


      QOTD: Not too often, but we watched an episode of Poker Face last night and the lead character was talking to a casino boss in one scene and and said "I've been rich, and it's easier than being poor but harder than being just fine".

      In dog beers, I've only had one.



        qotd: I can't eat tomatoes as they are high in potassium something my kidneys don't like too much of.  But yes I'm guilty of over critiquing shows especially if they are bad.  I'm sure my random comments annoy my husband so I try not to say them out loud.

          The cats woke me up at 1:00, it too me almost 2 hrs to get back to sleep, then they woke me up at 3:30, which put me in a really foul mood.  The Hub decided to get up and deal with the cats, but I grouched, "No," I had to get up anyway in an hour.  He stayed up, I used the bathroom, then threw my foul-mood self back into bed for another 2 hrs.  I didn't get much more sleep, but the thought of putting on all my running gear and heading out in the dark in 30 deg temps was too much.  Not as cold as Warden is dealing with, but cold for us, and I just couldn't do it.  So - instead, I get to run after work.  Which I also don't particularly like to do, but oh well. 


          DC - I looked up AJ Jones on Amazon.  He has a number of books out.  I'll have to slowly collect them.


          QOTD: Not really, except Hallmark Christmas movies.  Those, I get a perverse sense of enjoyment out of critiquing.

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            Waiting for the rain to pass... Even our morning dog walk was dreary. I'll get in 5 tonight with the brewery group, which a few of us have strayed from the routine routes and go down into Rock Creek (on the closed roads). For being in the middle of DC, the park is incredibly dark.


            And I grew up on tomato sandwiches in the summer, but the midwest version with miracle whip. I cannot stand that stuff now (the miracle whip).


            qotd: Not usually, unless it's really absurd but trying to be serious.

            Queen of Nothing


              Ran 2 with Jack....brought him hom and went back out for 4 more...6 total.  It's 15 degrees here so, so hard to step outside.  Once there  it's not bad at all and the sun made an appearance.  

              qotd:  not really...


              I eat tomato sandwiches....I started when I stopped eating bacon....realized the sandwich is still good.  Grew up on Miracle Whip and now mayo only.

               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






                Grilled Cheese, Tuna Salad, and Tomato sandwiches - Gut bomb, but good.

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance



                  Slept in, but I did run 5 mi in the late afternoon.


                  NH and runtrail:  as you both are our national park booking experts, I'm trying to decipher the site so I can book a campsite for a Friday/Saturday night.  The campsites are completely booked except the ones on a two-week sliding release schedule, and then they are gobbled up on the first day of availability.  Sheesh!! you have to be a lawyer to figure out the booking rules.  I think I'm going to book a 10-day reservation with the last 2 days being the actual days I want, and then "modify the reservation" to remove the first 8 nights as soon as the "change blackout period" ends .  My questions; (a) does this make sense, and, (b) have you had to resort to this booking method?


                  qotd: Yeah, I do sometimes especially horror movies when the people enter a dark room by backing into it.


                    Easy 6.7 after work.  Should have done 7 but it was dark, I didn't have a headlamp, and I was almost home at that point.


                    Not a fan of raw tomatoes.  A tomato ruins a good sandwich, and a tomato sandwich sounds downright nasty.


                    QOTD: I try not to.  More fun to just go with it.

                    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                      5 miles after work wit 4 x 30 sec strides.  I was working to get home before it got dark.  Elk River Road was pretty.  The pictures don't do it justice.


                      May be an image of tree, twilight, nature and sky

                      May be an image of road, sky, twilight and nature

                      May be an image of cloud and twilight

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance