Trailer Trash


Mexican Lager Fridaily (Read 20 times)



    Planning on an evening run tonight with another running couple. Then we are hitting a local brewery that just tapped a Mexican Lager.  I had 2 different Mexican Lagers when we were in Oregon, and loved them both. I gave the brewer the suggestion to brew one, so this is his first attempt. He said if it's bad, he's blaming me, if it's good, he gets all the credit.


    Tiny House wall go up this weekend.Weather looks great.

    This is from last weekend. Rigid insulation installed. DS with his fans.

    Can never have enough drills. 



    QOTD:  weekend plan?  See above.

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



      I did 3 miles on the TM last night then fed Codee her meds and threw hay for everyone before the rain came again.  It's raining again today and supposed to all weekend.


      qotd: Massage Sat then plan on 10 miles; going to Joplin on Sunday to get a new chair for my work office as the one I have is not helping my back any and again another 10.  That's the plan anyway, we'll see how things go mileage wise.

        AT, hope the Mexican Lager is a success. Cheers!


        DHuff, good luck with the miles and chair this weekend.


        My left Achilles felt sore earlier this week after taking a rest day (go figure) so I’m taking it easy. 3.6 yesterday, no run today. Going to Monterey this afternoon with my Dad to visit a family friend and I’m doing a 10k there on Sat.  Dinner with aunt and cousins on Sat. night.


        QOTD: see above.

        6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


          Today's a SRD for me. Funny, after 4 days off and now two days running my hip is bugging me.


          dhuff: stay dry.


          Gatsby, the above sound familiar ??


          AT, I hear that they are also making a Mexican IPA, you should have them try that next.


          qotd: We are also supposed to have rain all weekend.  We have dinner plans both Sat and Sun evenings.  Sat is with our next door neighbors and Sun is with a bunch of Devan's Mondol Derby alumni (one of the organizers and some visiting riders).



          Le professeur de trail

            I got in a nice 6 miler last night.  Felt great but when I looked at my pace (been running with my phone), I am super slow.  I guess I shouldn't worry about it.


            QOTD: DW and I are running long tomorrow - at least 15 but maybe closer to 20.  We'll see .  Then putting together a swing set.  Need to work more on our patio that is going in (digging phase which is taking forever).  Sunday may need to be pure rest after all of that on Saturday! Maybe I should get a massage like dhuff.  


            Have a great one!

            My favorite day of the week is RUNday




              Last night I ran 6 miles out at Warwick Park. Started out ok but ended up falling into Thursday slog mode. Forgot one of the local HS uses parts of my trail route as their cross country course. They were out last night, but thankfully done running and just doing cool down stretches. I would have been eating a lot of trail dust had they been out running. Took a cooling soak in the French Creek when I crossed with 1.5 miles left to go. Plopped down under the old rock dam where the water flows through in tiny rapids. Ahh. Felt great on a warm sweaty night.


              Huh. A cool light rain here this morning. Made for a lovely loop (walk) around the neighborhood with the Lady. The rain is starting to taper off and cooler lower humidity weather is coming. I did some gym stuff earlier, will take the day off from running today. I was going to work on the deck later today but it is too wet and needs to dry. I might go hit the links this afternoon since I took a few hours off from work.

              QOTD: A young GSP came up for adoption on the PA GSP rescue group. We are going to see him tomorrow, but there are others interested in him as well. Hopefully he likes us and the Lady the best. Other than that, plan to wrap up sealing the deck tomorrow, or at least get close to finished, and Sunday we (me, the missus and the Lady) are meeting my friend and his dog Rebel for a walk and then early dinner on the deck at 4 Dogs Tavern. Dogs are welcome on the deck!

              In dog beers, I've only had one.


                I had a dust up at a site yesterday and had to get down there early to deal with it. It has sort of been brewing all week with the first "robust" conversation occurring Tuesday afternoon on a conference call. This is a big deal for me because our college's relationship with this school was a total mess when I got here. We have managed to rebuild it on a solid foundation. You really test that when things get uncomfortable. It actually turned out to be one of the most productive meetings I have had in a long time. Anyway, I ended up cutting it a little short this morning with a 2.5 mile loop, but I got a 5'er in yesterday morning.


                QOTD: It is our 17th wedding anniversary tomorrow, but we won't do anything special until next weekend. We just have too much going on tonight and tomorrow, school dance tonight and birthday party tomorrow. I'll get in a long run Sunday and probably just a 5'er on Saturday morning.



                  No run today. Feeling pretty healthy, no extended coughing fit this morning. First time in over a month. Just walking today for me. Chowder and I already walked to the hardware store.  We'll get in another long walk tonight, after the rains. It's 72 degrees here. I should turn off the AC, but the humidity is pretty high.


                  XT- fingers crossed that this is a good match for you, Lady and the new GSP. How young? New running dog?


                  qotd: Hmm, I came home from NH with about 30 lbs of blueberries. I'm making jam tonight. And also working to put up all the tomatoes (tomato sauce, pizza sauce and ro-tel/spicy tomatoes for chili). I have to pcik up a box of tomatoes at the farmers market to make sure I have enough.  I have a long run with the group on Sunday morning. They are running 20. I'm aiming for 15. fingers crossed.


                  Are we there, yet?

                    A light rain and cooler temperatures this morning made for a very nice 8 mile run and faster than recnt paces in the heat.


                    qotd: Still working on race previews for the Six Days in the Dome races.  Got two done for the 24 and 48 hour races that began this morning. Still have tomorrow's 24 hour race and the main 6 day race that begins Sunday to do. Then I get to stalk all the runners. Lots of friends in the various races.

                     2024 Races:

                          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                      XT- fingers crossed that this is a good match for you, Lady and the new GSP. How young? New running dog?


                      Runtrail, male 3.5 years old. A whitey like the Lady which is my preference. Easier to see in the woods. I've had a running dog forever it seems. The Lady is closing in on retirement from running (not hiking/walking) but I think she has at least another fall/winter/cool weather season in here. Hopefully more. :sad to think about:

                      In dog beers, I've only had one.


                      running under the BigSky

                        3 miles yesterday at the lake with the grand kiddos; we hit a sapphire mine on the way home- pay for a large bucket of gravel and then wash/sift/pick looking for sapphires- kids loved it (DW too Smile)


                        4 miles with DW and Tiny E this morning (cool and cloudy!)


                        qotd: will get something in longish this weekend, other than that chillaxing Smile


                        AT- my buddy brews beer, he does a Mexican lager that is really good- super smooth; lagers are more of a pain than most beers as they take longer (according to my buddy, I just drink beer )


                        2024 goal 2024 miles

                        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                        2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                        Faster Than Your Couch!

                          7 miles on the rail to trail with DS mountainbiking along.


                          I entered the trail just when a group of 4 young runners also came along. 3 guys, 1 lady in a swift, fashionable outfit, with long blonde hair in a ponytail which was swinging around a lot. As they looked quite athletic and were young (read: college kids), I expected to be left in the dust by them. They rushed by me before the first downhill already, so I settled in and took in with grace, just slogging along. Then, surprisingly, I easily managed to stay locked in about 100 feet behind them, and I caught them after the first mile, right at the start of the first slight uphill. They were all totally exhausted, doubling over and sitting down on the side of the trail. After a mile.

                          I passed them and continued my run as planned, chuckling inside that me, being an old, somewhat out-of-shape lady, left them in the dust.

                          On that same not, who cares, I do not know who they are, or what they did before, or after, or why they run, so I know I don't have a right to judge them. I was just a bit amused.


                          Run was nice and easy, tempo pace, and DS and I even discovered a new MTB trail next to the Rail-to-Trail, which we are planning on using more frequently now.


                          QOTD: Work. I practically live at my workplace, it seems. Next weekend, it's Labor Day weekend, students will have just settled in and be ready to explore, it's the first football weekend, and they want me to work a closing shift (ending theoretically at 10 pm, but in reality not before 11pm), and then work and opening shift (starting at 5 am) the next day. I don't think I'm going to do that. I have done that a few times, but such "extreme clopens" are getting to me more and more, I am really dead after that, and I don't want to do it any more. Too old for that one.

                          Run for fun.


                          running under the BigSky

                            FYTC- good deal Smile


                            kind of goes along with the qotd of the day earlier in the week- how would we compare to our 18 year old selves   we may be old, but just don't fu^k with us! 


                            2024 goal 2024 miles

                            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                            2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                            Are we there, yet?


                              kind of goes along with the qotd of the day earlier in the week- how would we compare to our 18 year old selves   we may be old, but just don't fu^k with us! 


                              I forgot all about the qotd. Here it is a day late.

                              With 54 years separating me now from the 18 year old me, the 18 year old would crush me at 5K and under, possibly even at 10K though he wasn't running at the time.  At 19 he ran a 5:25 mile on no training for over a year.

                               2024 Races:

                                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                              running under the BigSky


                                I forgot all about the qotd. Here it is a day late.

                                With 54 years separating me now from the 18 year old me, the 18 year old would crush me at 5K and under, possibly even at 10K though he wasn't running at the time.  At 19 he ran a 5:25 mile on no training for over a year.


                                yeah but what about 30 miles Smile


                                2024 goal 2024 miles

                                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                                2021 goal- 2021 miles √

