Trailer Trash


Sandy can finally sleep Wednesdaily. (Read 21 times)



    Congrats to Devan on her 3rd place finish at the Mongol Derby. Time for some sleep now for her and her family.



    Lunch run to pick up car. It wasn't finished yesterday, so I'll run 5 miles to the station to get it. Look out road, here I come.


    Now I'll have to switch over the the Little league World Series to get my sports fix since the Mongol Derby is over.


    QOTD:  What is your go-to snack food during the day (if you snack)?  I'm on an almond kick right now.  Usually put a small portion in a baggie and take to work and have some as a snack.  My taste changes from time to time. Before almonds, it was a lemon or line yogurt.

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


      2.5 mile loopty loop this morning early.


      QOTD: I am not a snacker.



      Le professeur de trail

        A bit over 4 last night.  Lack of energy and legs felt dead.  But got it done.


        Yay for Devan!! Good for her to finish strong.


        AT: Road won't kill you! It might hurt, be boring, etc. but won't kill you.


        QOTD: I snack a lot.  No real go-to snack.  Depends on the week.  It's usually junk.  I admit it.  I am a junk food addict.  I really need to find a healthy snack that I like.


        Have a good day everyone!

        My favorite day of the week is RUNday




        Go figure

          How is everyone today?!


          Had a nice evening last night...subbed in a golf league after work, and shot a nice +1 round of 37 (1 double, 1 bogey, and 2 birdies, for the golf inclined). After that I headed out for a few late miles...did 4 + 4x10sec hill sprints. I haven't done them in a long time, so I'll build the number up gradually until I max at 10x10.


          Tonight is a group run night, so just an easy paced 7 or so.


          AT...Have you seen the little league world series kid (Big Al) who said "and I hit dingers?" I guess he is all the rage from this year's series. Enjoy the car run miles. I'm not sure why, but running to get the car seems like the thing to do around me...all my buddies do it for oil changes or whatever other repairs are happening.


          LB2...Good looping! I missed it from the other day - did you end the streak or no?


          DrJ...Well done getting out there. Hope the legs turn around for ya.


          Sandy...Congrats to your daughter! I was just reading the Wiki page about that race...3rd place there is a huge deal! (and holy crap is that an entry fee )


          QOTD...I don't know if I can call it snacking, since I kinda eat all day long. I guess if I had to pick, I'd say my go to is a half sleeve of fat free Ritz dunked in a single serve JIF To Go cup of peanut butter. I'm trying to find a way to get more protein in my snacks, but haven't really gotten there yet.

          Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


          running under the BigSky

            Congrats Devan- a 100 and now this- Wow!


            up at 4 to beat the heat 55>90- easy choice; 5-ish Miles Confucius say “exercise extreme caution when running technical single track with headlamp!” 


            qotd: don’t snack much during the day ( three large squares though), in the evening I’ll often eat some mixed nuts and wash them down with a couple of IPAs Smile


            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √





              LB2...Good looping! I missed it from the other day - did you end the streak or no?



              Yes. I was planning on 40 days, and I ended it at 41 days. So, that was good. Some said to keep going, but we'll go 50 days next time, with more mileage.




                Congrats to Devan...that's a fantastic placing.


                AT be careful on the there are no shoulders and speed limit is 65 and with distracted drivers there's no way.  I will go out on our gravel road but only Sunday mornings as there is no traffic then.


                Dr. J...I wanted to get 4 last night but felt like crap so only got 2.


                I think my thyroid issue is acting up...some of the same symptoms when I had the thyroid storm and got diagnosed with Graves Disease (autoimmune hyperthyroid) so had some blood taken this morning.  Will find out tomorrow.  Going to try and make up the miles at the gym at lunch.


                QOTD:  I snack all the metabolism runs so high I have to eat something at least every 2 hours....I've tried healthy snacks but lean heavily towards junk food too.  I do eat a lot of fruit though and love all kinds.


                  In a funk last night in terms of running due to all the storms and rain so went out for pizza and beer instead. I think I might run a few miles on the road at lunch today, and a short jog with the Lady after work. I should probably wait to post until I do these things, but I am being optimistic.


                  QOTD: Cut down on my midday snacking, but lately it's been nectarines or rice crispie treats.


                  Sandy - Congrats to Devan, and oh yeah, you worry too much!! She seems like a very strong young woman.


                  DHuffman - I remember running a few times on roads near my wife's house in OK. It was like you said, screaming traffic and if you hit the dirt back roads loose dogs that were territorial for a reason. I had a stare down once with a huge Rotweiler. I was glad he was trained well enough to not bother me if I stayed on the road, off his property.


                  SIar - Nice 9! Where did you golf? I grew up playing on LC Boles, College of Wooster course. I had to sneak on the country club, or hope for an invite. Mohican was popular too but hard for me to get to as a kid, and when I was older visiting my parents Hawks Nest.

                  In dog beers, I've only had one.


                  I lost my rama

                    Way to go Devan!!!  Hope Sandy and Mrs Sandy can get some rest (and a bit of relief) now.  Quite a race and incredible adventure!


                    AT - Hope things work out with the car.  It's always a lot of anxiety when mine is in the shop.


                    SIAR - Nice round of golf.  That's one sport I've given up a long time ago, but I still enjoy watching on TV and admire the athletic precision and concentration.  Try beef jerky for snacks.  Low in calories but loaded in protein and salt (assuming you're not a vegetarian).


                    warden - I'm pretty sure that's sage advice from Confucius... there's a lot of single-track mountain trails in his neck of the woods.  And I like your choice of snack... IPA's.   Also, I'm starting to watch the show Alone that I'm recording.  I really like the format of the challenge.  Any update on your submission?  I think you'd do well.... and the series I'm watching is in Mongolia.  Ironic!


                    LB2 - Nice job on the streak.  Now time to get started on the next one!


                    dhuffman - Sorry to hear about your symptoms.  Hope the tests come back with some conclusive and actionable results. Wishing for the best.


                    XT - Optimism is good. Just put that first foot forward!


                    QOTD:  I don't snack very much, but I do occasionally enjoy almonds, cheese, pistachios, and if potato chips, then sea salt and vinegar flavor.  Does beer count as a snack?  Asking for a friend.


                    I got caught in a nice thunderstorm and downpour yesterday evening, but finished the 8 on hard trails.  It was kinda surreal to actually hear the thunder travel over your head as it rumbles for several seconds.  Hot again today though.  Hope for a trail 7.

                    3/17 - NYC Half

                    4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                    6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                    8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                    I lost my rama


                      3/17 - NYC Half

                      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                      Go figure


                        SIar - Nice 9! Where did you golf? I grew up playing on LC Boles, College of Wooster course. I had to sneak on the country club, or hope for an invite. Mohican was popular too but hard for me to get to as a kid, and when I was older visiting my parents Hawks Nest.

                        The league is at The Pines...probably my least favorite of the area courses, but I didn't have any say in the matter. Mohican is my favorite of local courses, although I haven't even gotten out there yet this year. Hawks Nest is a nice option too. For being a smaller area, it's nice to have the variety that we do.


                        Sorry about your running funk! Pizza and beer seem like good options though Smile


                        Berto...Not a veggie here. I was on a jerky kick for a while, but I just haven't had a taste for it lately. I'm not a picky eater, but just in a food rut I guess. Sounds like you had an exciting trail run. I do love a good storm. Oh, and nice mulligan haha. I didn't take any of those! I'm a stickler for the rules when it comes to golf.


                        Dhuff...hope you can get the thyroid issue under control.


                        LB2...I like the plan for the next streak...good sign that you already have it in mind too.


                        Warden...did you take a tumble with the headlamp on, or just have to go cautiously?

                        Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn



                          XT I've run into a few loose dogs but they come out and I say Hi and they go back home.  I never run past a loose dog or any dog for that matter.  I did have one little cutie join me for a few miles before he wandered off somewhere else.  I always feel bad for loose dogs like that if they aren't careful they'll get hit.  Animals and kids seem to like me and I think it's cause I'm so small I'm not threatening.  I do bite

                          Queen of Nothing


                            Ran 6 this morning with the group...felt sluggish but my partner said the same thing so maybe were sluggish.  Watched died...come to think about it Jack keep up with us the whole time so we must of been sluggish.



                            QOTD:  A piece of fruit around 3 or 4...I bought those little wedges of brie cheese that I will spread on apple slices lately.








                            running under the BigSky

                              I came very (very) close to a tumble- toed a rock or root bad, was so sure I was going down that I was bracing for the impact!  Not sure exactly why I didn’t go down, clearly google luck though Smile  much more cautious the remainder of the loop- phew!


                              2024 goal 2024 miles

                              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                              2021 goal- 2021 miles √




                                QOTD:  A piece of fruit around 3 or 4...I bought those little wedges of brie cheese that I will spread on apple slices lately.


                                I thought you'd say Grapes - as in all crushed up, fermented and put in a bottle. 


                                I do like apples and cheese. South Central PA is Apple Country and they are starting to ripen now.

                                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 
