Trailer Trash


Pre-Hallucination Thursdaily (Read 17 times)



    Good luck to Gator and Gatsby on your race tomorrow. Hopefully Moon will be able to help you guys along the way.


    Meeting a friend in a few minutes for a 6-7 miler in the woods.  He doesn't run trails unless someone is with him.  Not sure if he's afraid of getting lost or afraid of creatures.


    QOTD:  Throw back Thursday.  Yesterday, Warden asked about current ride, how about your favorite vehicle that you've ever had?  I had a 71 Cutlass Supreme that I bought used, for my first car.  Loved that car.  It was parked on the street and someone ran a stop sign and plowed it into a telephone pole. When I go to car shows, there's always a 71 or 72 Cutlass there, and old memories come back.

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


    Le professeur de trail

      Got in a slow 4 miles this morning early.  Trying to just be more consistent in my running.  Temps were perfect.  Fall is in the air!!!


      GL G & G.  Hopefully you don't have the taper blues or the pre-race anxiety.


      QOTD: My best car was a 1993 Ford Probe.  If you know that car and you know I am 6'4", you would probably wonder how I ever fit in there.  But I did.  It was a beautiful car that I screwed up by having it painted a different color by Maaco.    I also must have been running it hard because I also needed to get the tranny rebuilt.    But I still loved that car.  I had to get rid of it shortly after we started having kids.  It was bad enough I barely fit in it, but baby seats really did not fit.


      Have a great day!

      My favorite day of the week is RUNday



      Queen of Nothing


        Ran 5 mikes this morning with 2 of of the folks I was regularly running with before moving.  So nice to run early and in the woods.  Was a little dark at first and had no lights but when it did become lighter I took a fall.  Guess I quit worrying about where my feet landed.  Later when I went to attach Jack back to his leash I realized I had let go of it during the fall but failed to pick it up  it was on a bootleg trail so going back later and hoping it’s still there.


        Qotd:  my favorite ride was a 1990 Jeep Wrangler.  The 90 jeep was more of a jeep, Unlike my current jeep which is an 07.  The 90 was all metal inside and had an actual roll bar...the top was easy to put off and on.  Should never have sold it. 



        Good luck to the Yooper and Margaret.

         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







          Thank God I ran this morning. If not, I would be a basket case in here today!! Anyway, it was the short loop again, but it felt great. I will hit that or a little longer in the morning. The weekend may not be great for running since I am shooting doves on Saturday morning, which means I will probably be drinking beer by noon, maybe sooner if I run out of shells.


          QOTD: I think my current ride is my favorite.




            I went up to the fitness center at lunch yesterday intending to ride the bike but walked around the indoor track for a mile and a half. Considering going up at lunch today but for some reason I'm just flat out tired.  I don't have any other symptoms so don't think it's my thyroid acting up but maybe I stressed too much this past weekend.


            Today I'm giving myself a headache trying to figure out how to do a correlation analysis.  I'm trying to help the training manager determine how training affects employee retention in the Casinos.  I may need that walk at lunch as sometimes that jars things


            Sue it looks like you've been having a great retirement.


            qotd: My current one is the best I think but I view cars as a means to get from point A to point B.


            Good luck to the racers this weekend.

            Gator eye

              Thanks all!

              Pre race jitters big time. Its been two years sense my last  100 and wondering how I talked myself into doing another.  I got the miles in just got to get my head in the right place.


              QOtD: 1973 ford truck. I don’t know who got beat worst, me or the truck. Fun times


                Good luck to Gator and Gatsby !!!!!!  Just keep going.


                I slept in this morning so I'll do a triple digit heat run after work today.


                qotd: I think my favorite car was a 65 Corvair.  Not for the car itself, but for the things that happened in that car. . . .  



                  Thanks all!

                  Pre race jitters big time. Its been two years sense my last  100 and wondering how I talked myself into doing another.  I got the miles in just got to get my head in the right place.



                  Good luck!!! I consider pre-race jitters to be a good sign. It means you are excited.



                    Went out for a solo run today at lunchtime up on the local trail. Need to get in a real run, not a dog jog. Felt pretty decent, 6 miles, did not break 50 for the loop which is my goal here most days (even though I have not done so lately) but was just off by a minute. Cooler weather compared to yesterday. I will get the dogs out later for a mile or two. Probably just loops around the block. Need to get the flags up for the invisible fence and start training Baker on that as well.


                    QOTD: Can't say I owned any "cool" cars when I was young. Now in our earlier years my wife favored fast sports cars. I could care less but I do like to drive them. The twin turbo Mitsubishi VR6 was the fastest but she has an audi TT convertible later that was more fun.

                    In dog beers, I've only had one.


                    Are we there, yet?

                      Easy 7.3 miles and no pain in the foot.


                      qotd: Don't have a lot in interest in cars other than as a mode of transportation, but my favorite of the cars I've owned was my first, a 1960 VW Beetle.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                        Gatsby - From yesterday, yes GSP is German Short Haired Pointer. Both the Lady and now Baker were rescues.


                        WCRunner - Glad the foot is good. You need to put on the bubble wrap and get into taper mode for your goal race. You have had such a great year, focus on that and not streaks or speed. Then again, you have a ton more experience than me. I did always embrace the taper though.


                        Queenie - Awesome pics yesterday. Good to see you around again.


                        Gator Eye - I'm like LB. I seemed to have good races when I have that nervous/edgy feeling.


                        Sandy - Triple digit run in the heat. Shocking!


                        Jamie - Ford Probe. Probably one of the worst names for a car ever!

                        In dog beers, I've only had one.

                          Thanks all!

                          Pre race jitters big time. Its been two years sense my last  100 and wondering how I talked myself into doing another.  I got the miles in just got to get my head in the right place.


                          QOtD: 1973 ford truck. I don’t know who got beat worst, me or the truck. Fun times


                          Jitters were last week. Anxiety dreams were two weeks ago. I think I’ve moved on to acceptance.  Just keep moving forward, right?  


                          Thanks for the good wishes, folks.  In DET, meeting friends, and then heading over to Chelsea, not too far from the race.


                          QOTD: see yesterday. 

                          6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                          7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                          9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                          running under the BigSky

                            11-ish miles with Tiny E this morning- started out at 8-ish @ 52 degrees, finished up 11-ish @ 72 degrees- pretty fast jump ; fortunately today's the last day of summer for us- we'll be back in the 60's and 70's for the foreseeable future (foreseeable future being September Smile)



                            qotd: we owned three WRX's that DW daily drove and I weekend raced, all were fun, but my favorite was our 2004 Wagon.  Something about a "station" wagon that could beat up on expensive sports cars 



                            2024 goal 2024 miles

                            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                            2021 goal- 2021 miles √