Trailer Trash


Thursday (Read 18 times)


Le professeur de trail

    I know I am getting used to working from home as the weeks are now flying by.  It's Thursday and my mind is saying it's Tuesday or Wednesday. Got out this morning for 11 running miles and a bonus walking mile as the dog was begging when I got home.


    Queen - from your past yesterday - why didn't you snap a picture??? It reminds me of a run last year I believe where I saw an older gentleman running - he pulled out just in front of me as I was passing a parking area.  He had on booty shorts. Not just booty shorts but booty shorts that were too small for him. I wanted so bad to take my phone out and take a picture but I didn't.


    QOTD: Speaking of taking pictures, do you stop and take pictures on your runs? If so, how often? What about during races?


    I do a lot more than I used to.  I like the visual reminders of my runs. While I don't profess to be a photographer, I do like to get some cool perspective shots.  Same with races. I plan on taking plenty during OC100.  


    Have a great day!

    My favorite day of the week is RUNday




    running under the BigSky

      got a nice 3-ish miles in yesterday w/ DW and Tiny E- the balsmroot is really popping; probably 4-5 miles sometime today


      qotd: never 



      2024 goal 2024 miles

      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √



        A nice, muggy, bug free run this morning of 3.5 miles. I got out a little earlier than normal but still didn't need a headlamp.


        QOTD: I only take pictures occasionally. I never take pictures during races. They are either short races where I am trying to run as fast as I can, or they are long races where I am just trying to stay focused on finishing.


        Gator eye

          Got out for 10 this am. Lowers leg still bothering. Might have to shitcan my long run this weekend. 

          qoTD: What? this contraption take pictures too?? Why  next thing u know they be addin color


            10 is the new 5.  Did 10 miles this morning.  We had storms last night, so it was extra moist this morning, so humid it was foggy.  No need to carry water when all you have to do is breathe it in (just kidding, yes I still carry water).


            qotd: I usually don't carry my phone unless I'm running somewhere with great views (so yes I'll take photos) or where I might need to look at a map to navigate.




              qotd: if it's just training I will take pics but during a race, I'm so slow that I have to keep my times at aid stations to a minimum let alone stop and take pics.


              Thought I'd be back in ths office for real starting next week only to be told no, as I have an office with my coworker and the execs don't like that idea, for now.  So I go in on Monday's and wfh the rest of the week.  I'm finding this to be stressful and exhausting.  Of course when I went in on Monday this week the only people wearing a mask outside of their offices were me and my boss.  WTF people, the virus is not gone.



                Thought I'd be back in ths office for real starting next week only to be told no, as I have an office with my coworker and the execs don't like that idea, for now.  So I go in on Monday's and wfh the rest of the week.  I'm finding this to be stressful and exhausting.  Of course when I went in on Monday this week the only people wearing a mask outside of their offices were me and my boss.  WTF people, the virus is not gone.


                I think this may be a typical thing as things move back to normal (whatever normal is). When we first came back, we had a very strict set of rules related to masks and social distancing. Those rules are still in effect, but it didn't take but a couple of days for people, myself included, have sort of drifted away from the mask. We are very cognizant of social distancing, but I see people way too close to one another on a regular basis in my comings and goings.




                  Had to do some office work early this morning which delayed my run.  By the time I got out, it was pretty warm and humid with no wind at all.  Managed over 11 miles but was really slowing down the last 2.  This yo-yo weather hasn't allowed us East Coasters to acclimate to the hot running days yet. Tuesday I was wearing a vest on a windy day with temps in the 40's. I'm sure by August a day like today would have felt just fine.


                  Queen - was he posing for you?


                  DJ - young Jamie is pulling away. What's your plan?


                  Warden - glad you don;t take pictures, Montana is so boring to see. 


                  LB - I'm sure your muggy day trumps my definition of a muggy day.


                  Gator - good luck shaking that leg issue.


                  Sandy - I agree 10 does seem like the new 5 for me as well. Today I would have cut it short if I wasn't trying to keep up with mileage. This GVRAT has been fun and surprisingly motivating.


                  dhuff - seeing more people around here without masks and restaurants open tomorrow for outdoor seating, so I'm sure many will be ditching them to go out. We plan on waiting and doing take out still until we see the #'s drop.


                  Don't know if FB videos can bee seen by all, but this is DS playing Voodoo Child for a Music Video Club. He dubbed it so he's paying quitar plus mandolin.


                  QOTD:  When I see something nice or a pretty vista, I'll snap a picture.  I always have my phone in my hydration vest since.  Many times while using the GAIA GPS app to check trail junctions, I'll see something worth a picture.  DW captures flowers quite often on her runs and usually takes close ups.

                  “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                  running under the BigSky

                    ^ Wow!  Very talented!


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √




                      In OK the numbers aren't high like some of the more populous states but every day the count goes up 1 to 2%.  Casinos are opening and people are just insane.  I won't go to a restaurant, DH does the grocery shopping, I absolutely refuse to go to a movie theatre.  If it's not to work and back I'm just skipping it.  Problem is the mask I wear only protects other people, them not wearing one does nothing for me.  With the autoimmune disease and the subsequent kidney damage I can't afford to get this.  And on the other hand I'm getting to I just don't care, if no one else is wearing a mask why should I bother.  Just so sick and tired of it.


                        Usual dog wog this morning. Nothing strange or unusual. Last night, ran out at the lake trails with Baker. Took the nice trail that runs next to the shore so Baker had a few water stops. Pretty warm and humid, but towards the end of the run we were on the fringes of another t-storm and had some light cooling rain for the last mile.


                        Storms midday here yesterday were pretty bad. I didn't notice much damage at the lake trails last night but I went up to the local trail for a lunch run today and my plan do to a "faster" run went out the window. Numerous big trees and large branches down. The park crew had started cleanup but there is one scary looking leaner just past the bank of Sprogel's run creek. Moved quickly under that. They had caution tape up all over the place, so I had to do some ducking, then decided to just head down to hollow instead of looping around the main section to stay away from the cleanup crew. A couple of big trees down there too. Lots of folks lost power. New word today... derecho winds.


                        Anyway, managed about 4 miles plus am dog wog. Might do a few more later.


                        QOTD: Sometimes, but typically I only run with my phone the weeks I am on-call. Never took a picture during a race. I always traveled light, even in ultras, no pack, so no real place to stow a phone and who wants to stop during a race?

                        In dog beers, I've only had one.

                        Ultra Cowboy

                          Yesterday was #MYBIGRUN a remote race/fun run jointly sponsored by Fleet feet and Brooks to benefit Girls on the run.  We met withthe LRS owner at a local microbrewery who did a soft opening on their patio for socially distanced beers.  8 of us ran the local bike/walk trail in 90 degree heat.  Easily my poorest performance along there.  The heat really zaps me...


                          3.2 miles with Bogey.


                          QOTD:  I repeat a lot of routes but when I'm by myself in a new area I will often snap a picture of wildlife or vistas to gloat online (#Sorrynotsorry)  Buck deer or elk always get photographed or filmed.  Turkeys are old news though .  Seen one seen 'em all.  My big photo subject is sunrises and sunsets.






                          Are we there, yet?

                            Brutal way to heat acclimate: 2 sets of 4 x 400m in the afternoon in 82F degree sun.


                            Nice photos everyone.


                            qotd:  If I'm on a slow recovery run, I may bring my camera and take photos.  I do bring it with me on the few trail races I run, but not generally on my fixed time races.

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                              Walked a couple miles today. Not running till next week per coach.


                              Rocky, nice pics!  Although you are sort of Andre the Giant next to ML, that’s a great pic of yous.


                              Warden always has nice pics.  Exhibit A of why it’s good to take pics while running.


                              Queen, a pic of half-naked rag man would have been worth a thousand words.


                              AT, cool clip of your DS band!


                              QOTD: I almost always have my phone with me when running and I’ll take pics at races and other runs.  Pics of scenery, dogs, beer, selfies, food, and other miscellania are always good.

                              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                              Queen of Nothing


                                Nothing  today...the husband is back messing up my routine.  We have 25 fire pits to install and he is all gon ho to get them done ASAP.   While the maintenance people  no interest in doing much ......anyhooo... n



                                qotd:  Yes all the tine and thinking about sharing them with you guys.  I really love photography....

                                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄





