Trailer Trash


Friday Finally!! (Read 22 times)



    qotd2: I’m afraid of what I’d say to someone like that, actually they may be afraid Smile


    I'd say. "let's go to the Grand Canyon at sunrise, and then you can tell me if it's better on TV".

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



      Then push them off if they say Yes.

      Queen of Nothing


        %miles this morning in the Tim said last day of work today.    little weird...


        QOTD:  Suppose to rain so maybe a movie...want to go to REI sale tomorrow...and longish run Sunday.


        QOTD2:  I took a girlfriends camping at Sequoia National Park.  IAt one point I threw my arms up and said "isn't this wonderful?'  and she said "What?" and I said "This" spinning around with my arms in the air and she said, "You mean like the trees and stuff?'  and I said loudly " Yes the trees the mountains the views!"  and she said "Uh yea it's nice".    After that, when I told her I was going camping, she would ask to come and I had to remind her she did not enjoy it at all. 


        AT:  A 50K on a 1.55 loop are you freaking crazy!!! 


        FTYC:  My parents had no interest in meeting any of my boyfriends until I actually moved in with them.  Which of course she wasn't to pleased with.  Enjoy your boy.


        XT:  Hmmm mulch...that reminds me they are giving away mulch this weekend.  I may be mulching on Saturday.  Your swing may still be crappy but you probably look pretty sharp with those new expensive clubs.


        Jamie:  Yea 2 your gonna be sore.    WOW how can yoou be married to a non nature lover


        duffman:  Chuckie isn't the horse with the foot problem, right?  assuming your talking about a dog.


        NH:  Go....hanging out in a tent in the rain is so relaxing...bring a book enjoy.


        Berto:  Hi Berto...thanks for the pale wee little smile.


        Mandy:  I thought the same thing as know the saying...something about jumping back on the ummm horse.


        DD: Most staff will be at training this afternoon leaving me, a new person and one other person who is leaving at 3 pm.  I text my boss and let her know I would be closing the office at 3

         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








          LOL Sue, yes Chuckie is a dog, he's a rescue (as are they all) he's a pit/corgi mix with the coloring of a boxer.


          Are we there, yet?

            Sue - I can finally say congratulations and welcome to the ranks of the retired


            Mandy - I tried a climbing gym once, lots of fun but my anxiety with heights started to appear once I got about 20 ft up.  I don't think I have the upper body strength to try bouldering.


            qotd1: normal weekend for me, get in a couple runs, check on weekend races.  District and state HS Championships should be in full swing now. Have a friend whose son is hoping to qualify for Regionals in the 3200m in Ohio.


            qotd2: I've known people whose closest contact with nature was a visit to the zoo, but they at least gave lip service to saving the wildlife and environment

             2024 Races:

                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





            Le professeur de trail

              So let me see if I have this straight...


              AT is running around in circles here soon...

              Sue is finally calling it quits...

              Mandy is tying up some boys...

              Someone is pushing someone off the Grand Canyon...


              My favorite day of the week is RUNday






                AT:  A 50K on a 1.55 loop are you freaking crazy!!! 



                Yes and no. It's the same loop where 2 years ago I ran 126.5 miles.


                Yes - it's crazy, but not as crazy as George running 50K on a 400M track last weekend.

                No - it's actually easier on the mind then it seems. You get in a pattern and go into autopilot. Plus AS is always within sight.


                We have 6 people doing some sort of mileage that day. All of us used to do the Sole Challenge Race when it was at this park, so kind of a reunion of sorts.

                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                Are we there, yet?


                  Yes and no. It's the same loop where 2 years ago I ran 126.5 miles.


                  Yes - it's crazy, but not as crazy as George running 50K on a 400M track last weekend.

                  No - it's actually easier on the mind then it seems. You get in a pattern and go into autopilot. Plus AS is always within sight.


                  We have 6 people doing some sort of mileage that day. All of us used to do the Sole Challenge Race when it was at this park, so kind of a reunion of sorts.


                  Then there's the winner of the 24-hour last weekend who ran over 161 miles on that same track, a good portion of that in a heavy rain.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                  Queen of Nothing


                    I wasn't aware you 50K was on a track...pretty sure you passed out from shear boredom! 



                    Then there's the winner of the 24-hour last weekend who ran over 161 miles on that same track, a good portion of that in a heavy rain.

                     05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                     08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                    running under the BigSky

                      Sue- any bites on the house?  it’s a seller’s market here, not unusual for houses to go in day. DW says we should sell and make a killing (which we would), but I retort where do we go- all the homes are inflated if your plan is sticking to this area


                      2024 goal 2024 miles

                      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                      2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                      Faster Than Your Couch!

                        Happy Retirement, Queen!


                        7 miles through the woods, and wildlife galore! Warm (77 deg) and very humid, but no bugs!


                        I saw

                        - a hairy woodpecker (really cute)

                        - a red-tailed hawk, flying low above my head,

                        - a garter snake,

                        - and a copperhead snake.


                        The copperhead was lying in the middle of a wooden bridge near the trailhead parking lot. I tried to get it off the road, but it would not move away, just kept watching me, as I was circling it at about 8 feet distance. Eerie. 

                        When I tried scaring it away by scratching over the wood with a stick, it just curled up, getting ready to strike. 

                        At one point, it almost got run over by a car passing by. I made the driver slow down and told him to avoid the snake, he hadn't even seen it, right there smack in the middle of the bridge.

                        Then two mountain bikers passed by, and with their help, and another car approaching, we managed to get the snake off the road. It jumped right off the bridge into the little creek and swam away over the rocks.  Never seen anything like that.




                        Run for fun.


                          Busy day here! Got in 5.5 miles on the biker-joker trail this morning. Beautiful day here, but heat and humidity is on it's way.


                          jamie- congratulations on two miles! How long has it been since your lay tin?

                          queen- congratulations on your retirement. I bet Monday will be weird


                          qotd- garden swap tomorrow, picnic potluck with DH's liter friends on Sunday. Laundry. Running


                          Faster Than Your Couch!

                            dhuff: I didn't think you were quite that radical. But a good idea... 


                            AT: 126 miles on a 1.55 M loop? Sounds scary. 


                            wc: Now that's even crazier than our AT.


                            Queen: Right, better enjoy your trip alone than having to deal with someone who doesn't appreciate it anyway.

                            Run for fun.



                              Only when provoked Marie.  BTW that's some big copperhead.  Fingers crossed but so far no snakes but I'm a little concerned about Possum.


                              Oh and I won't mention that my 24 hour Lhotse is on a 1 mile asphalt loop in a park.  They do a spring one on a 400 meter track and I passed on that.


                              Faster Than Your Couch!

                                I think one day I’ll have to try the loopy 24- hour thing, too, just to experience the insanity myself!


                                Thinking of it, is scrambling over the mountains on slippery trails for 34 hours any more sane? Just saying...


                                Run for fun.
