Trailer Trash


Terrific Tuesday (Read 36 times)


    Sun is out and it will be warming to the mid-40s today.  Perfect day for a run.  Except I won't be running for a bit.  Did a number to my knee skiing this weekend.  Thankfully I got in some great snowshoeing sessions before that, including  breaking trail through 2 feet of snow under a full moon.   If the knee doesn't show signs of mending in a few days, off to the doctor I will go (I am motivated to get better as fast as I can and acknowledge the limits of my abilities to self-treat).  It helps that we have a great sports clinic nearby and the docs don't usually reply with 'stop running' (or biking, etc.)'.


    have a great day, runners!


    qotd:  pass.

    Occasional Runner

      Went to bed at 10. Woke up at 11:40 and started puking. I've been up ever since and feel like death. I'm gonna stay right here in bed all day.


        I had that all last week, Kelly. It reminded me of what you mentioned in your RR: Never trust a fart.


        I will actually run tonight when I get home, only about 3 miles. I really want to see how my foot is doing. I sort of tweaked my right foot Sunday, PROPPING IT UP!!! I haven't had an injury in over 3 years of virtual non stop running. I get sick and can't run for a week, and I pop something when I prop my foot up on the ottoman. It may be more mental than physical. But I can feel something. I think I will be okay. It sort of hurts on the top, toward the outside of my right foot. I propped it up and moved my toes a certain way, and my foot popped. I don't know... Anyway, the race this weekend is a long training run on the Pinhoti course. But I am hoping for a decent day where I can move the way I plan without too much of a struggle. Taking it easy, I am hoping to come through it around 7 to 7:30 and feel okay at the end, walking the ups and running the downs. So, I will approach it like it is a 100 mile race.


        QOTD: pass.



        Endless trails

          (I am motivated to get better as fast as I can and acknowledge the limits of my abilities to self-treat). 


          I envy your level of growth, I'm still a little stubborn in that area of my running.


          Damn, Kelly, that sucks. Hope it passes quickly.


          I did 5 road miles this morning in the bitter cold, it's geting hard to stay motivated to run with the

          single digits at 6:30. But I got it done.


          QOTD: yes



            Today is going to be odd work work wise, so I plan to sneak in a run at lunch.


            Sandy- Hope everything goes well for you dad (from yesterday's dailies)


            QOTD1: 11

            QOTD2: pistachio

            QOTD3: red


              Hello all. I've been in a bit of a winter/minor injury funk. THe trails around here have been pretty much unrunnable for the past 2-3 weeks and my right hip/lower back thing has been aggravated by the measly amount of road running I've been doing as of late.


              Not quite terrific today as there was 2" of light powder on the driveway this morning. Yay to more shoveling. My driveway though looks quite cool with it's 3-4 foot wall borders. Silver lining is warmer temps and rain this week that will hopefully melt most of this foul white stuff, oh and a trip to FL in less than 2 weeks for trail running on pine needly trails and golf.


              QOTD: 42

              In dog beers, I've only had one.


                Thanks everyone for the support.  My Dad had a mild heart attack last week, but at 88 I guess evan a mild attack is a big blow.  He was in the hospital already for a minor procedure when it happened, just dumb luck I guess, but I hear that it is also not uncommon.  Anyway he went from being on a ventilator to walking around his room with a walker over the course of 3 days.  As I said, he's a fighter and is already giving the hospital staff a hard time and wanting to go "home" (he's in an assisted living facility).  Fortunately my brother lives nearby.


                I'll do about 5 miles after work today.


                runtraildc: hope the knee gets better soon.


                lace_up: well that might explain things from this weekend.  Get well soon.


                LB2: rest up that foot, I'm rally looking forward to hearing about your fun times in the Talledega forest.


                jonferg67: nice run in the cold.


                Birdwell: enjoy the lunch run.


                XT: careful those roads will cause some damage.


                qotd: I'm gonna go with 18.



                Le professeur de trail

                  Got in 30 minutes on the spinner last night.  I feel lazy.  Need to do something.  I might just try and run here soon.


                  Sandy - pulling for your dad.  He sounds like a stubborn (in a good way) man.


                  QOTD: I am going to decline to answer that question...for now.


                  Have a great day!

                  My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                    Howdy all.  It's a Monday on a Tuesday for me since I had yesterday off of work.  I'll be heading out for 5 or so miles after work this evening.


                    QOTD:  Only if it's wet.

                      Hi all,


                      Been in a funk since my snowboarding trip. I skipped a whole week of running and I'm struggling to get back into the groove. Went to yoga yesterday and my hips are paying for it sore. I'll get in an easy run later tonight, hopefully will loosen up these hips.


                      QOTD: banana



                        The sun is out and it's 41 degrees.  Ran 10 miles on the road.  That's all I'm gonna say 'bout that.


                        Sandy - he sounds Irish.  We hate hospitals.  Glad he's up and around.


                        QOTD:  Yes, it's true, Queen and I share the same psychiatrist.

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                        Queen of Nothing


                          So I didn't do what I set out to do I did not run.  Just felt tired.  So muct run today...5 to 6 after work, with my dog.


                          QOTD:  This questions is almost as good as Saturdays but I really don't want to reveil to much about myself as it has back fired before.  Brown and 666 would sum it up.  .



                          AT: She was the only psychiatrist that treated Stendhal Syndrome. 

                           05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                           08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                            I seem to be the only one who didn't see the QOTD... I don't see it.



                              Been dealing with some off and on GI issues for the past two weeks. Sounds like I'm not the only one. Oh well, maybe it will help with some weight loss. Don't get off work until 8 tonight then need to be back into work at 7 am. Think I'll take a rest day.


                              QOTD: Normally I'd answer that but I think my wife is following my posts on here so I'd rather not reveal too much. She might find out the truth .


                                This is maybe our nicest day it seems since mid Oct. 42F, sunny, and little wind. Have the garage open and I'm hoping to dry things out in there. Did do a 6.2mi roadie today but I had to walk at times. Legs were just dead, I think the snowshoe race on Sunday and a good effort yesterday on snowy trails reminded me of my mortality.  Drinking a protein shake now, pizza and ale for supper and then a longish run tomorrow. Even if I again have to walk some I will get 'er done.


                                QOTD--Just lost track and stopped counting after awhile. But I'm old now, I cling to my memories. 
