Trailer Trash


Impromptu Wedesdailies (Read 22 times)


Go figure

    Badwater update: Harvey Lewis is approaching Lone Pine while bhearn has checked out of Lone Pine. It looks like Pete Kostelnick has dropped.


    qotd: It depends on what you consider as impromptu. I decided to enter my first marathon two weeks before the race. I've also shown up at a race intending to volunteer and been talked into running it instead. Generally those races have gone well, in one case exceedingly well as I rate it one of the top 5 races I've ever run.


    qotd2: No desire at all to run Badwater or Barkley. I occasionally think about wanting to run some of the iconic 100 mile races, but not enough to put in the training to run 100 miles, much less WS or Leadville or any of the other top 100 milers.


    I'm always curious to hear your stories - care to share anything about the race?

    Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


    Thread killer ..

      The race I was going to do , SOB in Ashland Oregon , has been canceled . Just too many fires and too much smoke . I feel bad for RD's having to make that decision . I'll go back next year , it's a fun really nice race . Sue- I was going to do the 50k , entered too late to get into the 50m .



      QOTD : Yes , a few times . Right now there are two near home in the next couple weeks I might enter one of them .


      QOTD2: I would love to do Badwater . I love the desert and the long views and it's not that far from home . One of our local runners has done it,  she was down crewing this year , her runner timed out . She posted some amazing pictures . I was down in Lone Pine 2 years ago dropping my husband off for a JMT hike and got see some runners .



        The race I was going to do , SOB in Ashland Oregon , has been canceled . Just too many fires and too much smoke . I feel bad for RD's having to make that decision . I'll go back next year , it's a fun really nice race . Sue- I was going to do the 50k , entered too late to get into the 50m .



        QOTD2: I would love to do Badwater . I love the desert and the long views and it's not that far from home . One of our local runners has done it,  she was down crewing this year , her runner timed out . She posted some amazing pictures . I was down in Lone Pine 2 years ago dropping my husband off for a JMT hike and got see some runners .


        That's too bad. Really hard on the RD when things happen out of their control.


        Not surprised. Loving the desert is probably a requirement for Badwater runners.  I just don't have much experience with desert running to know how my body would hold up, but I think I'd melt.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        I lost my rama


          Berto...The weather looks insanely perfect for my race. I can't even believe it. The high is like 76 and the low is 56. I've run the 50 there in 95 degree heat, so to get this forecast is a real blessing. As above...pace plan is roughly 10 hr from (12m/m), leaving me the possibility to keep that up on the back half or to slow to a 16m/m and still break 24. One thing I'm going to be aware of is just not running for too long. There's lots of stretches where you can run 9/10 minute pace for 5 miles or more at a time. I think instead of doing that, I'm going to make sure to incorporate little walk breaks.


          Well, you can't ask for better weather than that for this time of year!  Looking forward to your race.  Also, you executed well in the Highlands Sky 40, so I'm sure you'll have good patience.... at least more than I do. .  I wouldn't be surprised if others here ran Highlands Sky before.


          Valerie - Sorry to hear about SOB.  Well, you can join me in the impromptu department, and I hope you can salvage a nice weekend.  Sometimes, the unplanned and impromptu adventures bring some of the best memories.


          AT - Forgot to add.... Blazing Saddles is a classic!  Almost as old as I am. 

          3/17 - NYC Half

          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


            Got in about 6.5 miles with my running buddy. He's back from a month in Korea and I heard about his trip. We ran down into Rock Creek and slipped onto the creekside trail for a mile. Holy cow, I've never seen the water as high as it was. Deep into the floodplain and not draining anywhere quickly. Our county parks have closed all their natural surface trails until Friday. Of course, it's unenforceable, but I'll respect it all the same.  Did not go to the gym yesterday as I claimed I would. However, did get in a hard yoga class, which I've started up again and it's exhausting. 


            Q1: My distances are not ultra, so dropping into a race is mostly limited to a local fatass or club race.

            Q2: Nope, none whatsoever. It' sounds like torture to me. Hate hot weather running, then add pavement?!?!  I would like to do more desert running. Along trails and during the winter.

            Queen of Nothing


              Broke my running streak this morning...ran for the first time in 4 days    I ran with the was all about SOB race most likely being cancelled and them still having to pay for a house they rented online. I was planning on going but never committed so lucked out.  I am heading to the beach tomorrow for 4 days.  Will do our daily 4 miles.  Maybe I'll take one day and venture into the logging trails and go a bit longer.


              WOW busy day...took forever to read through!!


              QOTD:  No haven't done that.

              QOTD2:  Oh hell NO!!!


              Berto:  Have fun on you race. You will do fine.


              Runner (Ok SIaR):  Good luck at your hundy this weekend.  Have you done that distance before?


              AT:  May favorite part of that movie is when they refuse to take the Irish!!    enjoy


              Warden:  Jack's tongue gets huge on these hot days and all hanging out of his mouth.  It is probably the size of Tiny E.  By the way I never read Tiny "E"  I always read Tiny Elvis. 


              XT:   SIaR graduated in00!  He could be our adult son!!!


              Valerie:  Bummer about the race.  Our group here were quite bummed.  They may be putting on their own 50 miler now though.  Heard there is a 50K in Cool, CA.


              GC100K:  Love it when a good song comes on and pushes you over that hump!  Second Wind by Jimmy Buffett came on when I was doing a long run at my turn around...I started dancing in the road and than heard a car.  It was the cops...they probably just thought crazy Gringa!

               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







              running under the BigSky

                Tiny E = Tiny Elvis


                look up the Saturday Night Live skit Tiny Elvis- that was our inspiration for his name Smile


                2024 goal 2024 miles

                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                Gator eye

                  BlaBlaBla I went for a run and so on and so on

                  ...............although now that I think of it, the moon was the coolest shade of red this morning and with the light fog we had it was all a glow, really was kind of creepy in a cool way


                  QOTD: I jumped into a 50 last fall at the last minute. Wouldn't want to jump any farther than that


                  QOTD2: not Badwater but have give some serious thought to Arrowhead 135. Kind of the opposite of Badwater. I think I could (and have) handle ten below easier than I could at 110 above


                    Yesterday it was 95 deg when I ran after work. This morning it was 75 deg and like LB2 said not quite so humid, felt really great (relatively speaking).  Did 10 mi, legs felt pretty good.


                    SIAR - good luck this weekend !!!!


                    Headed for the airport and a quick trip to London in a few.


                    qotd1:  I jumped into a 100 mi with my DD a few weeks beforehand, but she had to skip it, I ran it anyway it was freezing cold for TX (temps in the 20s) so I really liked it, It went well. Not really the same but I got into Hardrock off the waitlist 5 days before the run, but since I was on the WL I had done Bighorn 3 weeks before, went ok I guess...  but DNFed at mile 85.


                    qotd2:  no desire, way too hot and the direct sun would kill me. Hmmm Barkley on the other hand...



                      Also, sorry about the SOB cancellation this weekend. Tough call by the RD, but probably the right one.



                      Are we there, yet?


                        I'm always curious to hear your stories - care to share anything about the race?


                        That race dates all the back to June, 1972. I was putting in some heavy mileage that summer, ended up with 3700 miles for the year, so wasn't really thinking about a major mid-summer race, just a few local park district races to keep sharp. Recently someone had come up with the idea of a 10-man, 24-hour relay. One could have teams of anywhere from 2 to 10 runners who would run one mile legs on the track for 24 hours. If a runner missed a turn, he was out and the team continued with one less runner. I heard about one being held at Fairfield University just up the road from where I lived at the time, so I thought I'd drive up to watch and volunteer to count laps and record times. As it turned out the club I belonged to had a team there with only 6 runners and they talked me into being the 7th runner. With 7 runners I figured I'd get about 45-50 minutes rest between miles. None of us had any idea how to run or pace ourselves so it was all hit or miss. I ran my first 7 miles in the 5:55-5:58 range, then slipped to 6:01 on mile 8. That kind of annoyed me, so I made it a point to get back under 6:00 and keep it there as long as possible. I'm not sure exactly when I started to pick up the pace but my times dropped into the 5:40s, then as we got closer to the end of I pushed them down to 5:30s and finally 5:20s. Overall I ran 32 miles averaging 5:41.9 with the last 8 averaging under 5:30.

                         2024 Races:

                              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.







                          That race dates all the back to June, 1972. I was putting in some heavy mileage that summer, ended up with 3700 miles for the year, so wasn't really thinking about a major mid-summer race, just a few local park district races to keep sharp. Recently someone had come up with the idea of a 10-man, 24-hour relay. One could have teams of anywhere from 2 to 10 runners who would run one mile legs on the track for 24 hours. If a runner missed a turn, he was out and the team continued with one less runner. I heard about one being held at Fairfield University just up the road from where I lived at the time, so I thought I'd drive up to watch and volunteer to count laps and record times. As it turned out the club I belonged to had a team there with only 6 runners and they talked me into being the 7th runner. With 7 runners I figured I'd get about 45-50 minutes rest between miles. None of us had any idea how to run or pace ourselves so it was all hit or miss. I ran my first 7 miles in the 5:55-5:58 range, then slipped to 6:01 on mile 8. That kind of annoyed me, so I made it a point to get back under 6:00 and keep it there as long as possible. I'm not sure exactly when I started to pick up the pace but my times dropped into the 5:40s, then as we got closer to the end of I pushed them down to 5:30s and finally 5:20s. Overall I ran 32 miles averaging 5:41.9 with the last 8 averaging under 5:30.


                          Those split times are really impressive when you consider the "Timing System" that they used way back in 1972. 

                          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                          Go figure

                            You guys are great for keeping me distracted at work today - I appreciate it.


                            Runtrail...what kind of yoga are you doing? I was doing a power vinyasa flow class for a while, and I really felt like it helped my running. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find time for it right now.


                            Queen...Thank you! I have one successful 100 under my belt so far, and a couple attempts. I feel like I'm in a good place for this one, so we'll see.


                            Sandy...Tough proposition going into Hardrock having just done another 100! I'm still trying to figure out if October will be too soon for me after this one. While I think I'd be fine, I'm going to wait to see how the race goes. A poor effort might be enough to spur a few months of marathon training again ha.

                            Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn


                            I lost my rama

                              You guys are great for keeping me distracted at work today - I appreciate it.



                              Then our job here is done. 


                              WC - Love your story!  Incredibly impressive, even with that timing system.


                              It appears Bob has finished.  Harvey should be close.  And perusing the finisher list, Pamela Chapman-Markle in at 19th OA at age 62???

                              3/17 - NYC Half

                              4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                              6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                              8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                              Go figure

                                WC...That's awesome - thanks for sharing! There's something about today's running that just lacks the kind of spirit that was obviously present at the race you did. I assume you still have all of your old logs and are able to sift through them? I regret that I don't keep mine on paper anymore. And you didn't say - did the team win??

                                Trying to find some more hay to restock the barn
