Trailer Trash


Wake up Wednesdaily (Read 23 times)


running under the BigSky

    got up at 4 to beat the heat, a pleasant 55 degrees- 3.5 miles with a 50 lb pack (no pack for Tiny E), hunting season is creeping up


    qotd: how much sleep do you get in a typical night?  is too little, just right or too much?  I usually get about 8 hours which seems to be pretty close


    do you guys remember a certain past member that said anything past 3-4 hours was almost sloth like?  


    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



      I'll run 5 mi after work today in the same conditions as mt, but add 40 deg.


      qotd: 7 to 8.  It's about right, but I could always sleep more.



      I lost my rama

        Got caught in a lightning storm yesterday evening.  Fun times.  Planning on a hot and muggy 6 tonight, and probably won't be as fun.


        QOTD:  5-7 during the week, a little more on weekends.

        3/17 - NYC Half

        4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

        6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

        8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



          QOTD: About 8 hours but I could always sleep more.


          Bert here when it rains 99% of the time there's also lightening and on the gravel road there's no shelter so if it looks like rain I stay inside.


          I have a question for you all...I know this is a running site but I run very little and walk my you all mind my being here?


            Six for me last night on the local trail. Grey and stiflingly humid. Ran somewhat slow for this route but it didn't feel like it. Barely had time for a short cooldown plunge in the pool post run before the dark clouds, lightning, and heavy rain rolled in. Not sure of plan today. Perhaps 5 or 6 out at the lake.


            QOTD: 7-8 hours usually.


            Runtrail - reading back your post from yesterday and NH reply, put me down for a nice run in Monterey. Went out on a bike path north of town, followed the coast, ran on the road for a bit, then spied some single track. Gorgeous run, with the bright blue sea and sea otters bobbing up and down.


            DHuffman - Nope. Nobody minds here. I think I speak for all of us. Welcome and please continue to post. You are in OK, right? My wife is from there and has family in Tulsa and Perry.

            In dog beers, I've only had one.


            running under the BigSky

              Sandy- if I waited until after work, you can 40 degrees to our temps too 


              dhuffman- fuck no we don’t mind; the races I’m in are at a minimum half walking, usually more


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



              Are we there, yet?

                A bit of a follow up on my fainting spell after D3. One result of all the testing, including the ekg, showed that I had atrial fibrillation. For some reason my primary physician didn't make much of that, possibly because my annual checkup with my cardiologist was soon after that. He considered it something that really should be looked at soon because a-fib can allow blood clots to form and possibly lead to a stroke. So he sent me to a special on heart arrhythmia. Monday I had a cardioversion which reset my heart rhythm back to normal, then today I had a stress echocardiogram. The a-fib is gone but I will still be following up with both my cardiologist and the specialist. Meanwhile they have me on a blood thinner to help prevent clot formation. Apparently there is also a possibility the a-fib can return, in which case we do another cardioversion or find an alternate treatment. One of the effects of a-fib is fatigue, so maybe not all the slow runs this summer are due to the heat and humidity.


                qotd: Since my time is my own, I rarely set the alarm and get up when I wake up. That may be after anywhere from 5 to 8 hours of sleep. I suppose it varies depending on how hard I ran and whether I took a nap that day.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                Le professeur de trail

                  I skipped my run last night due to not feeling so great.  Had a low grade fever but unsure why.  I intended to get up early and run this am but that did not happen.  I needed the extra sleep.  But I feel better today so it was a wise decision.


                  wc - wow, please watch that.  Sounds like it was caught in good time.  We have a guy around here (Don Halke for those PA folk) who has heart issues and even had a triple bi-pass (maybe??) a few years back.  Docs told him not to run.  He didn't listen.  He runs a healthy schedule of ultras and puts on a couple of FA 50k races here.  Very nice guy.  My point it, he is still running.  Obviously it is something you want to monitor and be smart about the running and everything else.  Keep us informed.


                  dhuffman - half the time we aren't talking about running or actually running.  We are laid back peeps and don't care much about pace.  While it's nice to push the pace and get that goal, it really doesn't matter here.  So please stay and post away.


                  QOTD: 7-8.  I can usually get away with 6-7 but eventually it catches up to me.


                  Have a great day!

                  My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                  Refurbished Hip

                    I have a question for you all...I know this is a running site but I run very little and walk my you all mind my being here?


                    Hi, dhuffman.  The folks around here call me their fearless leader and still haven't voted me out for not running much anymore.  You are very welcome here.


                    QOTD: I prefer 8-9 hours a night, but typically wind up in the 7-8 hour range.  Maybe one of my new goals should be to sleep more once I'm in my new place.


                    Warden, I don't remember that, but it sure sounds like him.    Maybe if he slept more he would have been faster and actually done things legitimately.


                    Yikes, George.  I'm glad things are...okay?  So far?

                    Running is dumb.



                      Think I'll skip my lunch run today. Not feeling like running in the humidity today.


                      dhuff - All the cool ultra runners walk in ultras.   Don't go anywhere.


                      George - WOW .  Have you been in AFib sine the race?  Someone screwed up if you were.  Cardioversion can be a one hit wonder, or unfortunately not lasting. Did they talk about a Beta Blocker, or are the just using an anticoagulant? A cardiologist who is an athlete is very important, otherwise they'll tell you to stop most activity. Easy to use at-home monitors are worth the price. and give peace of mind.  Good luck.


                      QOTD:  Sleep at midnight, up at 7:00.  I'm a night owl.

                      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                        Well, day 37 started early, 3:45. Yeah. I overslept. Hahaha. Anyway, I ran a shortened version of my short loop by not going back through the graveyard the second time. Nevertheless, it was a pretty decent run, and I didn't mind getting up early. The girls were back to school today, so this was a test run. I think I can work it out on some days to run later since they leave at 6AM now.


                        Duff: No issues with walking at all. My motto has always been to walk fast and run slow.


                        QOTD: I have been averaging between 6 and 7 hours. Last night, I got 5 hours and 45 minutes, and I got every second of that. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out. I think 6 hours is pretty good for me, but no matter what time I go to sleep, I normally wake up no later than 5 AM. I just like to be up before the sun; I feel like I am wasting time if the sun rises before me.






                          xtreme, yes I'm in NE OK, or what I call NE of nowhere.  I'm quite familiar with Tulsa as we lived in Glenpool and worked in Tulsa for a while.  Since I'm a military brat I'm from a little bit of everywhere but grew up mostly in FL when my dad retired from the AF.


                          wc, I have an autoimmune disease, Graves, and it can cause heart issues mostly as my metabolism is revved up.  If I go out of remission I have to see a cardiologist to monitor for a-Fib.  Be careful and keep exercising as you can.


                          Are we there, yet?

                            George - WOW .  Have you been in AFib sine the race?  Someone screwed up if you were.  Cardioversion can be a one hit wonder, or unfortunately not lasting. Did they talk about a Beta Blocker, or are the just using an anticoagulant? A cardiologist who is an athlete is very important, otherwise they'll tell you to stop most activity. Easy to use at-home monitors are worth the price. and give peace of mind.  Good luck.



                            The a-fib was first detected at the race, so it might have predated that. It wasn't there last fall because it doesn't show on the ekgs taken at NC24 where I was a volunteer for a study they were doing. I'm on Eloquis at the moment. The specialist is a cyclist and seems to be near my age, grey hair at least, so he should understand where I'm at with running. From what I understand, the main concern with a-fib is the possibility of clot formation and a stroke. I've had an abnormal ekg for 20 years or so, so I've been through loads of tests. This is the first time there was really any concern about the abnormalities. Just another thing to monitor. I'll be meeting with the specialist on the 16th and with my regular cardiologist next month before NC24. It wont surprise me if they want to see me more frequently than annually.

                             2024 Races:

                                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                                  05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                            Queen of Nothing


                              Ran 7 this morning with the group..


                              QOTD:  7 to 8 is perfect for me and I usually get it...hmmm do you think he was telling the truth?


                              Warden:  I think I will be doing my first 100 09/22.  I think that is in my deck of cards.  Seems you and Al are nice guys because everyone seems to want to run with you too..and I know Tim and Jess are awesome so I will definitely be attending next years get together!!


                              AT:  I sent the race director an email suggesting they send out a mass email to see who on the wait list was still interested just to get a better idea where people are at.  They did not do that but did put something on FB and now I have moved up 3 more spots, 39.  They did respond to me and say you are at 42 so pretty sure you will get in.


                              dhuffman:  Everyone is welcomed!  Hell even our administrator is barely a runner these days.. sorry Mandy I know that's not by choice.    For me this site is more about hooking up with others who love the same thing...being in the woods/mountains/outdoors.


                              George:  Hey hope the fib will set your heart straight and you won't have any need to do more.







                              Queen of Nothing


                                Whiskeytown CA today

                                Image may contain: tree, sky, mountain, outdoor and nature


                                and when I ran there 2017

                                Image may contain: tree, plant, outdoor, nature and water






