Trailer Trash


3 Weeks 'til Christmas Wednesdaily (Read 21 times)



    MIA yesterday for me. Ran in some light snow in the morning and then DW and I went to Longwood Gardens to see their Christmas display for the year. Nice day. We walked 7 miles by covering the grounds 2 times, once in daylight and one with the Christmas lights on.


    Lunch run, but only time for 2-3 miles.


    Diane - like I told Jamie, see a neurosurgeon, not an orthopedist, and yes, second opinions. If there is no functional loss, you aren't a surgical candidate. Surgery is not helpful when pain is the main complaint, but some Ortho's will still recommend it (against known research).


    Sorry many of you aren't feeling the Holiday Spirit.  Hope this helps a bit.


    I need new snow boots for our Colorado trip in 2 weeks. Any lightweight boot recommendations?


    QOTD:  Decorated yet? Fake or Real tree (or Festivus Pole, or Hanukkah candle)?  Yes, and always cut down our tree. Family traditions die hard in my household.

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

    Queen of Nothing


      Felt a little tweak in my knee and it’s raining, so that’s enough for me to skip the run.  Maybe later if there’s a break in the weather.


      Qotd:  well trailer life means no decorations.  Back when I had a house I had a 50’s silver tree that I would put up.  Grew up cutting our tree down and loved that tradition.








        As expected I wasn't able to run after work yesterday, but this morning I got up and did 5 quick miles.  Nice and cool, although still over 90% humidity, such is east TX.


        AT - nice decorations.  Now I need to drag out our lights.


        QoN - I guess your old tree won't fit in the trailer?


        qotd: Haven't decorated yet, I just put up some lights and two little light-up deer (all have white lights). We always get a real tree from the local market. We also have some inside stuff, but it's pretty low key.  But we have to put it up for when our grown kinds come over, they'd complain if we didn't....... traditions indeed. 



          Nothing yet today. Might get some loops around the neighborhood, but counting on a hike during swim practice later. And continuing with the short strengthworkouts. Man, my upper body is weak!


          qotd: Nope. Not yet. Might string up a few outside, but no tree this year as we are leaving town before xmas.



            Felt a little tweak in my knee and it’s raining, so that’s enough for me to skip the run.  Maybe later if there’s a break in the weather.


            Qotd:  well trailer life means no decorations.  Back when I had a house I had a 50’s silver tree that I would put up.  Grew up cutting our tree down and loved that tradition.


            I remember that tree picture you posted before. We had 2 of those in our downstairs rumpus room with multicolor light wheel that cast light on them. Wish my Mom kept that, probably worth a fortune now, as a lot of vintage stuff is so collectible.


            Not my photo, but it was like this.

            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


              Wow...AT...RA Christmas Gathering in your great hall, I hope. Did you do that all by yourself or did the missus help? 


              20 minutes on the elliptical and some ab work this morning. Now, I am a hurtin' puppy. I need to find that magical balance...enough to heal and build but not too much that I damage something.


              Mandy: he went in and removed a piece of meniscus and cleaned up the tear. Not sure it will help much. I go back in 5 weeks at which time I hope he will inject my pes anserine. It has not responded to rest or therapy and is a major source of pain in addition to the knee itself. Going to beg to have my IT injected too. I look forward to a time when I dont hurt.


              Has anyone e heard lately how Berto is doing?

              January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k



                Wow...AT...RA Christmas Gathering in your great hall, I hope. Did you do that all by yourself or did the missus help? 



                That would Pierre duPont's Conservatory Ballroom. Pretty spectacular place that's now open to the public. A party there would have been something.

                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                  Almost didn't get out the door this morning; I had a lot to do at work. But, I persevered and got out there. I am glad I did. It was a good run, just the normal short loop with some sustained walking at work today that has equaled another mile with more to come because I am going to the grocery store after work.


                  QOTD: Yes. We are all decorated, and all the shopping is done except for some small stuff. Wife did it all online and has $450 left over!! We'll go to dinner on 12/21/19 and finish things up that day.



                  running under the BigSky

                    a nice 4 miles yesterday on the trails with Tiny Elvis, had to put on lamp about halfway


                    going out to the brewery tonight with the boys, so no workout today


                    AT what are you going to be using the boots for- hiking, beboping around town, other?  need them insulated?


                    qotd: DW has a miniature fake tree up, tiny ornaments, tiny lights- we usually get a real tree, but she thought this would be far easier (certainly cheaper!)


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √





                      AT what are you going to be using the boots for- hiking, beboping around town, other?  need them insulated?



                      Need a good hiking snow boot. I have boots for shovelling, etc, but want something warm and lightweight.

                      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                      Refurbished Hip


                        Need a good hiking snow boot. I have boots for shovelling, etc, but want something warm and lightweight.


                        I just bought these during REI's sale:



                        Running is dumb.


                        Refurbished Hip


                          Mandy: he went in and removed a piece of meniscus and cleaned up the tear. Not sure it will help much. I go back in 5 weeks at which time I hope he will inject my pes anserine. It has not responded to rest or therapy and is a major source of pain in addition to the knee itself. Going to beg to have my IT injected too. I look forward to a time when I dont hurt.



                          So what was the line of thinking here?  Why clean it up vs replacing it right away?

                          Running is dumb.

                            6 miles today with strides.  Overcast but no rain.  Next storm arrives on Friday.


                            Great pics, AT.  What a fun, festive spot.


                            QOTD: I'm not sure what you'd call our tree.


                            6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                            running under the BigSky

                              Oboz is a Bozeman outfit Smile


                              Tim shooting you an email


                              2024 goal 2024 miles

                              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                                The stupid streak goes on... 4 miles in total today, nothing special. It was sort of cold, damp, and rainy for my late afternoon dog loops. Being a hobby jogger now I bundled up in running pants and vest. Very comfy!


                                So went to the doctor today since this crud is not going away and had major pain last night on the left side of my face. Diagnosis of sinus infection. Not sure I've ever had that? Very pleasant, spitting out blood tainted phlegm and nasty headache that radiates behind my eyeballs, ears, and jaw. Only on the left side at least. Antibiotics and tylenol for me.

                                QOTD: Not decorating here. We used to get into it, or I should say my wife did. I just transported boxes of holiday knick-knacks from the basement and put up a few outdoor light. We are going south again this year so decided not to bother.

                                In dog beers, I've only had one.
